Wednesday 25 March 2020

Day 2235

Day 2235;

My BMI was 19.89, steps I had taken 11,632 steps, which was only 7.53km and I had burned off 1412kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), banana, orange, raspberries, apple and yogurt.
Lunch: omelette (cheese) and lemon cake.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, broccoli, green beans, potatoes, profiteroles and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, cordial and fruit tea.
Snacks: chocolate brownie bites, millionaire shortbread bites and some chocolate coins.

Now today I have had a brain wave of how I can live my life, for the foreseeable future at least. It is as I have got twenty four hours to use, so if I designate certain things to happen at certain times then I can get myself more fit. As in during the week (Monday - Friday) there’s this funny dude that goes on YouTube doing P.E., I think he’s called Joe Wicks, so I have decided to join him in doing some of the exercises in the morning but after I have had a Row on my rowing machine and a jog on the treadmill (which was a walk this morning) so then it’s a kind of cool down for me. Then I spent the rest of the morning on the Switch playing more Links Awakening, and that’s was my morning.

Now then that I did, this morning I had myself running a bit out of time  because I was wasting time which is why I have decided that I shan’t do a fifteen minute row followed by a half hour walk on the treadmill. Fifteen minute row should still be do able but the half hour no... let’s just give me a twenty minute jog on the treadmill. Then I should have enough time to get myself washed and sorted before the YouTube fitness dude comes to life. 

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