Thursday 19 March 2020

Day 2233

Day 2233;

Now today I had a BMI of 20.24, I have taken 11,687 steps, which was apparently 7.57km and I have burned off 1203kcal.

Breakfast: weetabix (chocolate), strawberries, banana, orange, apple, grapes and yogurt.
Lunch: macaroni cheese (with bacon), coffee cake and chocolate rice cake.
Dinner: noodles (prawns, carrots and green beans), tiramisu and cheesecake.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash, fruit cordial and 
Snacks: rice cake (chocolate).

Two days ago I had been on the Zwift bike and I went been on the tandem. But then before all before that I had myself a little jog on the treadmill. The ride on the Zwift bike was another one of the tour of Watopia rides but today it was the hilly course which took me a long time to do, but I had enough charge on the iPad to get the course completed which was an issue I had with it last year, but then I thought that it wasn’t until later on in the year.

Then yesterday I had been out to the local shops for reasons of “panic” buying apparently. Which is where Mich purchases twice the number of tins of beans than is necessary. Then again I noticed that this Coronavirus thingamajig has done wonders for the local industry, by that I mean the town centres which were dying in the run up to the pandemic, such a shame that it’ll never last. Also yesterday I did a little race on Zwift, it was in the Tour of Watopia stage 3. So I’ve still got two more stages to complete  I also did a little row and jog, but then again I only managed to fit in little amounts of both of the activities.

Now today I have been having a lazy morning, but I have actually put my wrist weights on for my having lazy morning. I had my breakfast and I put them on after I had my breakfast before I was set to play a bit on my Switch, as it was only on some of Link’s Awakening I don’t think that I have exercised myself enough especially as my step count for the morning was just above two hundred, before I decided to get serious and I decided to walk up the stairs a few times (my watch tells me that I had walked up fourteen flights of stairs before lunch, which was an increase of fourteen than when I had checked just after playing Link’s Awakening). I have had my lunch then I have gone for an indoor walk on the treadmill before taking the weights off (as they had got pretty sodden), so I decided to take them upstairs to the airing cupboard before I next had a ride on the Zwift bike. The ride was around NYC’s Central Park I do believe.

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