Monday 2 March 2020

Day 2231

Day 2231;

Today I had a BMI of 20.80, Wii Fit results are as follows; steps 10,184, distance walked 6.59, 1059kcal burned off.

Breakfast: weetabix, banana, orange, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: fried egg, baked beans, rice cake and two little cakes.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: fruit squash and fruit tea.
Snacks: well there was two cake little foodstuffs that I had and Jaffa cakes.

So I know a man that has walked 25 miles the other night, how long should it take how far can this man walk in an hour? As I had done a little treadmill walk today, I managed to walk 6.5km in the hour, according to the treadmill. So let’s just agree that 1.6km equals a mile, now have we agreed? I’ll just go along with it anyway. 3*1.6=4.8 and 5*1.6=8 so then 4*1.6=6.4. Now with that being that I walked at slightly quicker than 4mph so it I was to walk at that speed for six hours I would probably be somewhere within sight of the finish line. But then that’s on the flat, it was done inside and it’s me (freak) but my watch only says that I have done 3miles of walking in that hour so that means that I may have walked about 3mph which has me at 24miles in 8hours, so that should mean that I would probably have done his walk in 9hours. But then again I’m saying that it’d probably take me about 10hours to walk 25miles as I’d probably get lost along time way and stuff, and the time that he started his walk should mean that it took him longer still as it was late at night so he’d probably have to get in some shut eye. So anyway what I’m attempting to state is that he has my respect. I’m wondering how quick we could go on a tandem together, with me as the stoker, with his impressive sense of direction also it could be something else; if I don’t slow him down too much- which in fairness I shouldn’t as when we did the ride 100miles in an hour ride around a track Mich and I beat him (as he was on his own).

As I was the other day wondering how to get myself swimming again, I thought that I should probably go into some more detail on some of what I had typed the other day. As I typed that I had no memory of the incident with the cars actually happening, as my last memory was one of me having a fight with my parents on a night and storming upstairs to my room I believe that my father had even hit me on this occasion, so I believe that this time I must have done something really bad. But then again it didn’t hurt, I could have never high on some naturally occurring drug (like adrenaline) at the time. It was the first time that I had been hit by him sure I had been hit by my mother on numerous occasions before but as it was my father, my first (from him) and it didn’t feel like I had been hit at all. I was getting disillusioned. So much so that when I had been sent to bed I couldn’t sleep. So I did the old trick of strangulation to get myself to sleep, I know it may be one of my suicidal tendencies but don’t try this one out for yourselves kids or adults, but the principle goes like this if you strangle yourself with your hands then you should only be strangling yourself when you’re conscious so then after a while when you knock yourself out your hands should release then you should be asleep. So that was the principle it rarely if ever worked with me. But then again I was like even if it doesn’t work what’s the best that could happen? I could die. What’s the worst that could happen? I could live, which is the default anyway so I might as well go through with it. Anyway I fell asleep and the next morning it wasn’t the next morning, I woke up in a strange place which I ended up calling Jailey. 

Now recently, I don’t know how recently in reality but fast forward quite a bit from what I was stating happened something like 13 years back I have learned that the girl that I apparently loved was from Sri Lanka but who’s mother was Russian, so it’s not only these foreign women that I have a thing for, but more especially Russian women or the descents of them that I have a thing for, never minding that my only “official” girlfriend has been from a small town which is next to the town that I live in. Such a shame that I never understood what I was supposed to do as her boyfriend. Why do I consist on wallowing in the pity of my failures? I’ve got to have done something within this life.

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