Tuesday 8 October 2019

Day 2225

Day 2225;

My BMI today was 18.85, I had taken 18,862 steps (or 12.21km) and I have burned 1071kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and chocolate cake.
Dinner: fish, broccoli, peas, carrots, cauliflower, crochet potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.
Snack: rice cake coated in chocolate.

I have got the house to myself again tomorrow so that should mean an actual two hour or thirty mile, whichever is longer cycle round New York. Now that  should take me about up until lunchtime then I’ll eat my lunch which will probably be similar to my lunch from today (that being a sandwich and cake left in a couple of boxes with a few drinks left beside. Then in the afternoon I will probably be having another little jog on the spot/inside jog.

Now today I have disappointed myself on the bike ride as I only got in just over one hour, it was around New York but it was a slow ride. So slow in fact I believe that we, Mich and I, could most probably do better on a tandem, probably on our new tandem which we are supposed to be collecting Friday. When we are traveling up north to the wall of old Hadrian for a group tandem ride raising money for charity, Retina UK, which we are going to get to meet an actual Paralympic champion, Steven Bate, and we can ask him questions; well not me obviously as I cannot talk but I have lined Mich up with the questions that I’d like to ask him mainly how am I supposed to get a foothold in competing against other cripples and even then how am I supposed to find someone to compete with, as a pilot?

Monday 7 October 2019

Day 2224

Day 2224;

My BMI is 18.55 for today, as I had only only managed 13,683 which was 8.86km and I had burned 1094kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and cake.
Dinner: spaghetti Bolognese (tomato, mushroom and cheese) and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and water.
Snacks: rice cake and porkpie.

So tomorrow is yet another day like today which I am going to have the morning to myself, then after that morning I should be having the afternoon to myself as I don’t think that I have anyone for company. Or at least shouldn’t so I should be able to fit in a decent two hour cycle around New York, well by decent I mean a better cycle than my one about Innsbruck today, which I think I managed to get about ten miles in one hour,  which Mich says is good, as Innsbruck is in Austria and apparently Austria is a bit steep, as I know from going skiing over there (many many years ago), but that’s what happened today. I should really get onto something that’s still to come. Probably like my two hour cycle ride in New York, as I have planned, then I will probably have myself a jog on the treadmill in the afternoon, before I give myself a row and a bounce, which should probably be enough exercise for tomorrow.

Today I have had an hour on the Zwift bike (Innsbruck) which was followed by a little jog inside, when the window cleaners showed up I know I should have told Mich that they came by to clean the windows, not the PC’s the glass things that we look through. Then I forgot about the window cleaners. Which was good that they put a note through the door, then there was another little activity that I did in the afternoon, which I have forgotten about. I have been thinking that I could have done a tiny bounce, but then again no it’d probably have been some exercises.

Sunday 6 October 2019

Day 2223

Day 2223;

My BMI was at 18.68, my steps were at 11,254 (which gave me a little distance of 7.29km) and today I have managed to burn 1015kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, peach and grapes.
Lunch: fish en crute, peas, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, potatoes and cream cakes.
Dinner: omelette (cheese) and a pastry (strawberry and raspberry).
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, water and fruit tea.
Snacks: apple cake, pink wafer and Tunocks wafer.

Tomorrow will probably begin with a little cycle, around the place which is on Zwift tomorrow, which could be London, NYC, Richmond, Innsbruck or Yorkshire, I do believe. Now I’m relatively confident that it won’t be Yorkshire, as I thought that it was on someday like Wednesday or Thursday, but then it was NYC today, as it was three days ago,  before that it was London, wasn’t it? No it was Richmond? So then at a guess it will probably be Innsbruck (or either London or Richmond whichever I didn’t have before I did NYC) then I’ve got that to look forward to tomorrow. After that I should be going to the gym later on in the day, whenever Tini gets back from work. Then nothing planned.

I totally mucked up my day. With only watching Mich have an excellent little ride on the Zwift bike and then in the afternoon I managed to get a little jog. So that was my day little lazy if I was one to critique. I should have got in a bit on either of the bikes.

Saturday 5 October 2019

Day 2222

Day 2222;

My BMI was 18.71, and I had only made 4941 steps (which was 3.13km) and I had burned

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: pasta bolognaise, cheese and cream cakes.
Dinner: fish en crute, runner beans, peas, broccoli, carrots and something.
Drinks: milk, fruit tea and water.
Snacks: strawberries, banana, orange, apple and peach.

Tomorrow I have got nothing planned for the day, so far that I believe that I could get in a cycle on Zwift, I may get in some time on the rowing machine, treadmill and another bounce on a trampoline. I should be able to get fitter tomorrow.

I have had a boring little Boccia practice for the day first, then I went to watch a football match in the afternoon. The football match was a very good game today even though the opposition team scored first and they left the pitch for half time leading. So the game was a very good game, as I have typed earlier on, because it was some very good play from the team that I support but then they (the opposition) had an excellent little break in play and they managed to score from it, then the team that I support were just banging on the door to no avail, and that’s how the half ended, so I was excited about the prospects of the team that I support when going back on to the pitch after half time. They came back out after half time, and they continued to press on the opposition, which actually led to a goal, which amazed me then it was a second goal scored by the team that I support, and their was a third to make it a three goals to one victory by the team that we were there to support.

Friday 4 October 2019

Day 2221

Day 2221;

My BMI was 18.58 today, when I had done 13,856 steps which was 8.97km and today I had burned 987kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: vegan pasty (runner beans, peas, carrots and others), spaghetti with mini sausages and Banbury cake.
Dinner: omelette (mushrooms and cheese, chocolate cheesecake and strawberries.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and fruit tea.
Snacks: biscuits.

What I have got planned for tomorrow morning is for me to go to boccia practice in the morning then in the afternoon I believe that I’m going a football match of the football team that I support. I don’t know how they are going to get on in the match, but I hope that they win the match.

Today I had walked into town to get Mich and my lunch, then when we’d gotten back to home I don’t really know what we did apart from eat our lunches. But then in the afternoon I went on the Zwift bike for a small ride around New York City, Central Park, I really disappointed myself on Zwift today as I only managed to get myself up to a speed of fourteen miles per hour. When we should be able to get to average speeds of higher than that on the tandem.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Day 2220

Day 2220;

A BMI of today was 18.51, my total number of steps were 13,006 (which was 8.42km) and I had burned 1045kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple and peach.
Lunch: pasta bolognaise (tomato, mushrooms and onion), cheese and something.
Dinner: fish, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, runner beans, peas and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: milk and fruit squash.

Tomorrow I have got another little walk, to town, to purchase some stuff for lunch. Then I am unsure about whether we are going to have a go on the Zwift tandem tomorrow, or whether I should probably still have to go again solo for another Zwift ride.

Well today was a lazy day, I had a dentist appointment today. But I got in a tandem ride also, but we couldn’t manage to reach up to speeds of plus seventeen miles per hour, as we should be, there about as individually Mich has got an average speed of 18.7mph and my was only 16.6mph which when you split the difference the speed is 17.65mph. But then we only managed to get an average speed of 16.2mph which was a bit of a disappointment but then again we hadn’t managed to get up to a speed of anything like that on our own before apparently. But then again I had been thinking that we had done a sixteen point eight miles per hour on a return trip when we were on the tandem the other week.

The dentist appointment today was apparently a bad one for me, as I’m thinking that I have been drinking too much hot Ribena in the past. Then after today I hadn’t had another hot Ribena as the hygienist had told me that I shouldn’t be having as much high sugar squash, which I think is Ribena.

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Day 2219

Day 2219;

BMI was 18,.02, steps I have taken were 26,648 which gave me a distance of 17.25km and I burned off 1674kcal.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese in brown bread) and something.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise (tomato, mushrooms and onion), cheese , tomato bread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snack: chocolate coated rice cake.

What is happening tomorrow, to me. As I know that Katherine Johnson Thomson will be going for gold in the heptathlon tomorrow as it’s the final three events of the heptathlon tomorrow and KJT is already in first place after four events  which was thanks to her speedy little dash over the two hundred meters, but anyway it was the first British success over two hundred meters of the day as there was another one also today, it was Asher-Smith that did it for GB’s first gold of these Athletics World Championships.

Then again that’s what has happened today and a bit about what can happen tomorrow what else is happening tomorrow will be myself going to the dentist in the morning, which should be a lazy morning, just as well that I had made my a thousand minutes of intensity for this week just after lunch today. But then again as I’m attempting to get myself ready for competing at the Paralympics next year, I have a long way to go. I still ain’t even found a discipline let alone a method of being spotted by the scouts, is that how you are supposed to compete? But I’m guessing that I’ll have to ask Steve Bate, in the Q and A one of the Saturdays coming.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Day 2218

Day 2218;

Now today my BMI was 18.09, I have made 23,495 steps, which was 15.21km and within doing the number of steps I had burned 1808kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange, apple, nectarine and peach.
Lunch: sandwich (cheese and pickle in brown bread) and
Dinner: fish en croute, cauliflower,runner beans, carrots, broccoli, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit squash and hot Ribena.
Snacks: chocolate coated rice cake and something.

Now tomorrow I have the house to myself again, at least for a most part of the day light hours. So I’m going to have another attempt at another two hour cycle in the morning, before in the afternoon I will get myself on another hour long treadmill jog before I finish off with another row. But then again I don’t really

Today I have had the house to myself so I have first gone for a cycle ride it was a nice two hour long ride around Richmond, but it was a bit of a disappointment as I had managed to get to sixteen point eight miles in the first hour but then I only managed to get thirteen point four miles in the second hour, which is a discrepancy of four point four miles of which I should probably have to get quicker in order to negate. But then anyway Mich took his turn on the Zwift bike yesterday around Richmond, he got eighteen miles in one hour which was almost two miles per hour quicker than I, so I think that he needs a new stoker which could get him up to eighteen miles per hour on the tandem that we have already got. Then he is always saying that the reason that he likes the tandem is the fact that he doesn’t have to try, the peddles just go around by themselves, he keeps bringing up box hill, leith hill and the third one which is just after them on ride London saying that he was just about to give up and walk up the hills when I just kept on peddling and we were up them soon enough, me, myself and I cannot really remember anything about the ride London only that it was a nice little ride around London, well you could say that it wasn’t a little ride, it was a hundred miles in one day, which I am going up north again sometime next Friday which is one to collect our new tandem and two to go up to Hadrian’s Wall for another one hundred miles cycle, but this time it will be over the course of two days.