Tuesday 28 May 2013

How it is possible to know that if there is a god it's not great

Anyway you may have already understood where I got the inspiration from for this post from, as it was in my last post when I explained what Allahu Akbar meant in sufferance to the Islamic faith; but if you understand that Allah meant God in Arabic you may be able to understand how I thought it meant "God you are incompetent" As I thought that Allahu= god you are Akbar= incompetent, as it must be if it was getting those two morons to do his dirty work for it. But alas it means the opposite and therefore proves that god isn't great in the slightest. So if your god was great his greatness should e apparent to everyone not just the individuals within your cult/religion and by shouting "God is the greatest" just after you have killed someone doesn't make it so it just means that you have taken the life of another person it doesn't make you a martyr if you then get killed it makes you an idiot with your head in the clouds, the previous figure of speech (even though unspoken) just used basically means that you should get a better grip on reality.

If anyone doesn't like what I have to say I don't know why don't you pray that I get struck down by lightning ir something else equally as improbable circumstances of death for me, and I shall prove to all that I am still alive i don't know when maybe on the first of next month I know it is only giving your heavenly? father 3 days to prepare and then on the 4th to execute both me and the plan. which it should have known for the billions of years before my birth if it truly was all-knowing but it would be least it could do would be to end only my life and not allow anyone else to die on that day like the Touchwood episode Miracle Day, but everyone lives except for me lets have my death happening as soon as the clocks hit 0:01. be minute past midnight on the first of June GMT and that is the last death that humanity may suffer for at least the following 23 hours and 59 second., Come on God I challenge you, why don't you do it to prove yourself to everyone including me.

Monday 27 May 2013

Islamic terrorist attack, or just 2 crazy people decapitating another person?

I'm unsure of what constitutes a Terrorist attack but I know that 2 Islamic people (followers of the religion of Islam/peace, to hell as like), the reason why I have put that is one because they were Islamic and two they were shouting Allahu Akbar (or in Arabic: الله أكبر).

which is an Islamic phrase called a Takbir in Arabic, which means "God is greater" or "God is [the] greatest" but I can honestly say that your God is not great if it got you to decapitate that man, it actually shows me how powerless it must be if your God couldn't do it it's self and just prove it's own existence to all of us instead of getting these two obviously mentally deranged people to act out doing crazy stuff, but then that's the problem with these god concepts they all are just ideas written many thousands of years ago and they have had all of that time to get themselves entrenched within human culture just so now if someone picks up a bible or a Quran they can read into it what they personally want to do and just cherry pick out the stuff that they want and they could leave the rest on the shelf.

So how powerless would a god get if he had to get two practically insane to kill one man? Surely if it was an all-powerful entity as your "holy" books indicate why doesn't bit just evacuate the O2 content from within his blood instead of getting some crazed lunatics to do such an act? How weak must your god be if he's only picking the insane to do acts off such barbarity if it was 
the same god that you worship?

All I could say is that for all of my faults I am more worthy of your allegiance than any of the so called Gods, and I most probably won't request it.

As if by magic i have got the definition of what a terrorist attack is for you at the bottom of this page...

Noun1.terrorist attack - a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims
act of terrorismterrorismterrorist act - the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

Friday 24 May 2013

Should we bring the death penalty back?

What are the peoples of this country so scared of bringing the death penalty back? Is it just for the classic Amelia Pond answer, which is that we have to be better than the murderer? Because that is the only slight knot in my little piece of string, to remind me you could put a knot in a piece of string to remind you, but it doesn't make any sense why do you have to be better than the mass murdering psychopath from outer space? Who killed himself anyway at the end of the episode, as you'd still be better than him by getting him killed as that would only mean that he's dead not all of the hundreds of people that he had killed on his home planet, as he had killed a whole species of Time Lords back on Gallifrey and then all of the native species to it also.

But then we have to also conclude that the Doctor is was already many times worse than the other alien doctor as he had destroyed many more worlds than i could count and then he has destroyed many more species but just because he's the hero and he some how almost manages to revert the universe back to it's default settings before the ending somehow absolves him of all destruction and  loss of life that he has caused but we mustn't forget all of the companions that he has lost/got killed throughout his long and blood soaked life, and we mustn't forget the one that is refusing to die but she should be dead, and this time I'm talking about rose Tyler not Captain Jack as we all should know what happened to him as the face of Boe to save New New York

And what's the point of death if you've got to live it over again?  Now a Christian may say the point of this life is to prepare you for the next as the next life is going to be eternal, which means without end (and without begging I thought, but I guess if it did it'd be a self defeating economy that they've got to face), but how could it possibly be, wouldn't an eternity of anything be a boring as hell even if it was heaven that you were in? I know it may seem all brand new to at the start but how long until that wears off, a day maybe two heck I don't know maybe you've got enough stuff to do that will last you a year, but then what's the point?

But the story that inspired me to write this Was the story about Tia Sharp's father calling for his daughter's murderer to be hung; which I have no problem wit, lets  make an example of him. A statement to the world everyone inside and out side of this country that we, the British public, have no longer got he patience or the money to lock someone up in prison for however long, on the grounds of that being an immoral way of execution but didn't he give up on morality when he decided to murder Tia?

Tia was 12 year old school girl with practically the whole of her life still ahead of her (literally it all minus the first 12) think of all of the now missed chances that she could have had, you could never have known what/who she  could have become she could have been, in the future a Nobel peace prize winning scientist, an emissary for world peace. or maybe she'd have taken on wither her mothers or fathers profession? But you can't know now as Mr Hazel has murdered her.

Click on this link to see the article about Tia.

Saturday 18 May 2013

The name of the Doctor shall finally be revealed

The actual name of the Doctor shall finally be revealed in just under 3 hours from me posting this. The curious part of me wants to find out but their is another part of me that doesn't see how something as simple as a name could be worth so much to the Doctor, why has he hidden it from everyone, within plain sight for so long. and what did they mean by the fall of the eleventh, in the prophecy?

What I meant to say was how could a name mean so much accept to the Carrier Nights, the power of a name. But how can the name make up for all of the mystery that surrounds it? 

Thursday 16 May 2013


Now this news is shocking so please be seated while you reading the following.

I'm thinking that I might be becoming more, now this is the difficult word, mat... mat... mature. I present you this startling development in the game of ,my life as I have just honestly enjoyed drinking a cup of tea, with milk and only one sugar, It may have been slightly cold but I actually enjoyed it. But that isn't all as I watched a documentary on the 150 years that the London underground had been operational, and I just want to state if I live to 150 please kill me.

Ani Mia and the bad picture explained to all that didn;t understand it which should be all 0 of you

If you whant to know who Ani Mia is, she's a cosplayer and you could get to her FaceBook page by clicking on this link and it was posted on April the 12th 2012, so just over a year ago. I found it yesterday.
Disclaimer: Be warned DO NOT read the following if you are on the living side of dead at risk of being scared and tormented for the reminder of your days.

This may be a little Farfetch'd but I was thinking of a film that will Starmie and Staryu.

It starts off innocently enough saying that you’re thinking about a film to star you and I in.

It begins as I peek at you under the covers while you Snorlax then I wake you with my wigglytuff between your jigglypuff, jigglypuff.
it begins as you peak under the covers whilst you are snoring/fast asleep like a Snorlax and then I awake you with your Wigglytuff, which is a long pink thing, between my two Jigglypuff’s, which are smaller pink things, I’m not sure but the wigglytuff could be a penis and the two Jigglypuff’s could be lips?

You're a little Krabby at first because u you feel Drowzee but you start to Lickatongue my Ho-oh until I Squirtle into your Meowth.
You are a little crabby (grumpy) because you feel a little drowse (sleepy/groggy), but when you start to lick with your tongue (how else would you lick anything)  my penis reference this time by the noise that a man might make while he  is is the receiving end of the act of oral intercourse, until I squirt (ejaculate) into your mouth.

It's your first time so you can't help but Koffing out the Muk. You're already Weezing, but we're not done yet because my Cubone is still hard as Onyx.
But as it’s your first time , you can’t stop yourself coughing out the mess, that is my semen but you should try swallowing it as I may have stated previously on this blog that some of the chemicals within semen may actually be beneficial to women. You are already panting which is unsurprising as my penis is blocking your main method of breathing (your mouth), But I’m telling you that we aren’t done yet as my boner (youthmism for erection) is still as hard as an Onyx, which I think was Brock’s who was the pervert of the Pokemon team along side ash and Misty back in the days, when Pokemon was new and mu voice was squeaky,

Then you proceed to Rhydon my Lapras like a Horsie until Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! I pull out my Weedle just in time to Blastoise all over your Tagela
Then you continue to ride on my penis, like a Horsie AKA. a lot of sucking action, and then as if by magic, hence why the three Pokemon that are also magically named Pokemon as each one of the names suggest by using one of the magic words as names. out comes my penis of it’s now shrunken size and it blasts semen out, onto a tanglea which I am guessing is a towel or some kind of apparatus for clearing the  ejaculated fluid up like a screwed up piece of tissue paper.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Believe in me by Bonnie Tyler lyrics reviewed

Now I want to state that the tune is infectious as I was kept thinking to myself throughout the day that I first heard the ridiculous song, but I shall visualise the lyrics and just criticise them where I think (believe) that they are a bit stupid, which is actually in quite a considerable proportion of the song (basically the whole thing).

You say you don’t believe in signs from up above
What signs are you talking about within this song, and from above what? As there are aircraft that can draw thins out in the sky which can be classed as signs and they are up above us down here on earth.
And you laugh at the thought of putting your faith in stuff like love
No I do not laugh at the thought of putting my faith in stuff like love, I just question people of faith and by the way did you mean god when you stated love as that is a common ploy which is used by Christians as god is love, apparently.
You never see the rainbow, you just curse the rain, you say
No I don’t curse the rain and it’s just there is rarely a rainbow after it has rained, from my personal perspective. And that is before this preposterous statement that I speak.
You wanna believe but it’s just not worth the pain today
What does wanna mean? Ok I remember now its slang talk for want to, you want to believe but why would anyone want to believe in the Christian god unless they haven’t read the Bible. As the god of the bible is unpleasant, jealous, unjust, capricious, cruel should I continue?
 But that’s all fine if that’s how you want it to be
it’s all fine that I don’t want to believe if that is how I want it to be? Personal desires should have no place in the truth of this universe’s creation.
But if you’re feeling alone and afraid and you can’t breathe
What is this feeling of loneliness that you sing of, as I cannot remember the last time that I felt that emotion and the same goes for fear, but I can imagine not being able to breath, it’s a pleasant thought really; me not wasting the O2 that other creatures could use to live.
Believe in me, yeah
Why? do you even want me to believe in you, to do what? Win Eurovision, yeah?

Believe in me, yeah
Believe in you, No...
Believe in the way I look at you and stand beside you
How you have never looked at me and you have never stood beside me.
The way I speak the truth, I’d never lie to you
By what standard do you base those two assumptions that you did just state I’d class them as lies therefore you singing you’d never lie to me is fiction almost as much as the bible.
If you’d just believe in the things that your eyes can’t see
What like the majority of colours that are invisible to the eye of a human? but some other animals have eyes that can detect different frequency’s of light?
Believe in me
No, thank you,

You come and you go and there’s never no compromise, that’s why
There is never no compromise, which is a double negative which logically means that there is always some comprise.
The seconds and the minutes of your life go crawling by
I know is it not strange how as a child I experienced the feeling that time was almost standing still and at others time just seemed to zoom directly up on me and over take me; It was extra frustrating when the latter of the two happened to me in examinations.
But that’s all fine if that’s how you want it to be
But here was me obliviously naively thing that we had already gone through this once already.
But if you’re feeling alone and afraid and you can’t breathe
And this.
What ya gonna do when your ship is sinking?
Should I take this to mean “what are you going to do”? Well I am guessing that I would most probably drown if I was on a ship and the ship that I was on sunk.
And you’re crying out for help and just the seagulls listening
Do you not listen I can’t cry out to any seagull as I’m mute and my only methods of communicating have probably already gone down with the ship.
In the dark of the night, in the middle of the fight
Wasn’t I just typing and you were just singing abort a ship not a aircraft?
When you’re reaching out for something and there’s nothing
But there’s always something, but you may not be able to comprehend it but it is still there

Blowjobs are good apparently...

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Sunday 12 May 2013

Wigan V Man City

Wigan athletic V Manchester City in the English FA cup final on the 11th of May 2013, the first that I heard about it was on the morning after, soon after I thought of David beating Goliath as an accurate analogy. Then after that thought my mind turned to the last time that this happened 5 years ago/2008 those 5 years have been a catastrophic 5 years for our previous David’s as they, Portsmouth, haven’t just been relegated to the league  below them once, which should mean to the championship, nor twice, which should mean to league one, but 3 times all the way down to league 2 now if they keep this up they will be in non league territory But that was won against Cardiff City and Cardiff City hasn't exactly won the premier league as Manchester City has so that could be positive news for Wigan athletic, only time can tell.

Friday 10 May 2013

Skiing Fails Recorded and put on YouTube

I have put the YouTube Video bellow on this website today as it brings back some memories, mainly of me stacking  it in Austria when I was skiing something like between 6 and 9 years ago.

The next video that I am about to put on this page was my first and so far only video contribution that I have made and published on YouTube to this date, it's an old video from 2007, it's only had 2,152 views on it and that has been on YouTube for slightly more than 6 years, I think it's 6 years and 24 days, I think you'll notice the size of the two videos.

But how did the top video remind me of the bottom video simply as the bottom video was filmed on the last time  that I went to Austria to skiing, and I think that I stacked it quite a lot on my last time that I went skiing,

Stacking it was the term that people used for fails, at least when I went skiing.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Most hated American family?

I am talking about the patriarch of the Westboro Baptist Church, Mr, Fred Phelps, and his rabble I get the title from Louis Theroux's TV program The Most Hated Family in America, which I found quite disturbing because the children don't even know what a Fag is?

fags  3rd person singular present, plural of fag(Noun)

  1. offensive. A male homosexual.
  2. A cigarette.

Anyway in that description it doesn't say anything about a female being a fag and the number 2 description of Fag is what I thought they meant when I first saw their signs, saying god hates fags, and if it did mean god hates cigarettes I may have to state that's the first thing that I have in common with it, as I hate the smell of cigarettes and you could watch "The Most Hated Family in America" documentary by clicking on the below YouTube videos/

I know that there isn't an 8 of 8 well at least none that I could find and as Louis says at the end of 7 of 8 "my time among the hate mongers of the Westboro Baptist Church was done" with that being said i'm guessing it's over. And the dangers of indoctrination rear their heads once more.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Parkour or free running

First off where did first hear/see about this topic?

Well the first time that I first heard about this topic, this topic being Parkour was many years ago, back when I was 11; I think.

What is Parkour?

Parkour is basically the best fun ever to come out of France and it is a sport that was covered in the bellow you tube videoand i wanted a go, as I saw the below video.

But I do not believe that I could do any of the tricks at least not any more, especially because of what happened to me back on the 3rd of July 2007, and was in a coma for the rest of July and I came out of the coma September time apparently and then I went to rehab which i was at for 6 months and that is when I actually woke up/my memories begin again, with Lucy, John, Kate, Chris and Penny and then a little later Tony, Sheila and the  other personally unnameable folks came into my memory

Why am I thinking this topic now?

It is for the very simple idea it is why doesn't the BBC to celebrate 50 years of running/Doctor Who with a great run of London? as if instead of doing a Jump London they could do a Run London and the BBC could potentially run a run around the areas in London that have been used to set Doctor Who at, like run from the BBC's main offices to Canary Wolf, the Powell estate, to the London Eye, the royal hope hospital, the globe and all of the other places in London that the Doctor has visited. It could be like a Journey through the footsteps of the Time-lord. So you could do it as a tourist attraction to get more capital going into the shops of Britain, well London and the BBC could rent out some of it's old London offices as sort of places to stay before going on the tour for some of the forrign visitors or local visitors or you could rent out some of your building space as function rooms.

Look at those ideas they tackle the obesity problem and the deficit problem, all from using one of the greastest succsess of the BBC that is Doctor Who..

Was presenter sacked for unfortunate slip of the tongue?

Was presenter sacked for unfortunate slip of the tongue?

I am typing about this today as I did tactually forget what I was about to post on this website and I thought that this news story was amusing I'm meaning if you click on the link above and then if you clicked upon the video you get to view the funny moment, By no means what so ever did she deserve to be fired from her job for the sake of that one little mistake; I think it could be classed as a freudian slip, it's a little excessive like some of the bible punishments which included stoning people and cutting off the hand(s) of the accused. 

Sunday 5 May 2013

Why in all Savageness...

Why in all Savageness is there such thing as a religion of peace and why is that title reserved for Islam?

First up we've got the question of why there's such thing as a religion of peace? As I do not know a decent reason without using the religious texts as literal factual account of what actually happened in the beginning times of this planet or flat piece of earth if you take the biblical account or the

So the first part of that question I believe deserves prescience over the second, partially as it concerns everyone more than the second and partially as I don't have an answer to the second, yet, so I am like a blind man feeling his way through land mined filled land attempting not to touch a mine, on the second part of the question.

So now back on to the main topic which is why in all Savageness is there such thing as a religion of peace? As it is the general modern-day consensus that peace is now one of the only bridges that we still need to cross a sustained global peace, so we can help feed all of the starving people, around the world then we could start an actual proper exploration of space and then we could start populating this solar system and perhaps more and the computer systems would need to be upgraded to manage the extra quick speeds who knows what we will evolve into from travelling if we were travelling through space at unheard of speeds towards our modern day knowledge.

That would be thanks to science no thanks to any religion .

Now I shall continue on to my second question why is that title reserved for Islam? Hang on a couple of minutes but it's all about peace you may communicate to me like how one of my Muslim friends did to me and then I site some examples from the Qur'an which didn't look very peaceful to me like Qur'an 4:76 as it says

"Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah , and those who disbelieve fight in the cause of Taghut. So fight against the allies of Satan. Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak."

So that quote above is literally asking you to fight me, some religion of peace asking you to fight people that don't believe as you do.but one of friends, the one that hadn't told me "I think you should stop the with the questions coz your not understanding it" told me to search for Dr Zakir Naik Which led to a previous post entitled Is Dr Zakir Naik a liar? and I had a slight discussion on that topic- with myself, but I can't remember what my verdict on him being a liar was if I reached one, but I would imagine that he is a convicted liar.

Shall I compare you to?

Should I compare you to a summers day or a kiss from a rose?

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare

Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey (Kiss from a Rose) by Seal

Both of them go into more detail about what they mean at later times in their work. but I'm tempted to make a separate post or two up after this one as I'm just going to comment on the first two lines in each for now but this stuff is fun.

William Shakespeare: Sonnet 18
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 
Thou art more lovely and more temperate. 

I'm guessing as within William Shakespeare's eighteenth Sonnet I would be thinking what am I too hot, sweaty and uncomfortable as that is what I link the term summers day with, but thankfully he clarifies his meaning in the next sentence "Thou art more lovely and more temperate." now I disagree with this statement as it states you are more lovely, no I'm not, I'm about as lovely as nothing (the space between the planets) any one of my readers may be but me, NO!!!!

Seal: Chorus
Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
Ooo, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels, yeah

And now to seal First off Mr Seal I am not your baby, but if I was wouldn't it be puppy you're calling out; as you are Mr Seal but don't seals have pups as their young not babies? Kiss from a Rose can roses kiss now I thought they were flowers and therefore they didn't have lips, so how are they going to kiss you? on the what, the grey; what is the grey? The more that I get of you? Meaning, in which way? The stranger it feels? And your telling me this why I think I can tell, yeah.

Friday 3 May 2013

Has Britain become more Xenophobic?

I don't know about the whole of Britain but in the small corner of the small corner of Britain that I live it seems that way to me (I know that Britain isn't a square, I was typing hypothetically or metaphorically one of the two anyway)  but now I think about it it may not be just an isolated incident alas the whole of the UK may have been suffering from this epidemic turning it into a pandemic; equivalent to the small pox virus, the bubonic plague or even more exactly like the most prevalent pathogen to have ever cursed our weak human forms the one that is religion, under the the guise of giving us all an eternity of bliss if you believe, but how would you spend your eternity? there is only a finite number of things that you can do so what are you going to do when you've completed everything, or is it the heaven that the bible speaks of where you can't do anything but praise god if that's the case you may just throw me into hell as what is life if it is eternal?

Answer: It is not life it's torment in my opinion.

.So back on topic what is Xenophobia just if you wanted to know


Definition: it is the irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries

So therefore Xenophobic means that you are suffering from Xenophobia so you can tell what
Xenophobic means now, can't you?
Yes ?
Good now let me continue because the UK's Xenophobic party (UKIP, I only state that because UKIP
stands for United Kingdom Independence Party which means the same) because we have had some 
local elections recently, aka yesterday, But within the seats that have already been called both the
Labrats and UKipper have done the best in gaining seats from the Conservateeth and the Liberal 
Democats parties.

Liberal Democrat
United Kingdom Independence Party
Green Party
Residents Association
British National Party
English Democrats
Idle Toad Party
Independent Community and Health Concern
Mebyon Kernow
No Overall Control

Ok so it looks like a bad day at the polls for the Conservateeth and the Liberal Democats parties but if you would like to see the official up to date version of the poll results then please travel to this website, it's called the BBC