Saturday 10 March 2012

What am I to you?

What am I? Is the question that I would like to type about with you people of the internet today, and for however long that this topical post stays live- which is approximately the split second that I have posted/published this post and then it's dead.

But then again the other day, either yesterday or the day before another person in my college class started talking to me and he said "I read your blog and who was the Christian in our class" but I couldn't remember straight away because I remember new people names by using they're initials like CVS and JTR but then when I know two people of the same initials like SM I have to think up criteria to base the acronyms on like in the case of both of the SM's one's female, who's nice to me, and the other is male and that is how the naming construct of my mind works.

Now back to the question,

You can type whatever you would like about me as long as it's honest, Even what you would like to change about me and then I'll see what I can do about it no guarantees on anything but I'll see what al of the contributions are about and then I'll attempt to adjust myself accordingly to the response.

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