Saturday 17 March 2012

Dear Miss Susannah

Dear Miss Susannah,
             “I believe that you should live this life to the fullest as it is the only life you’re guaranteed to get” and to that you said in your standard cute Irish voice something about you being pleased that I choose the words that I did as you’re a Christian and then I asked the standard question to all that reveal themselves as a Christian, which is, ‘of what denomination’ which revealed that you’re a Roman Catholic, a very good looking one if you asked me but you didn’t ask me.
            Then I typed some sarcastic remark about my grandmother being an ex-Roman Catholic Nun, but then you managed to get me to divulge the information that she was only a nun in training. So are all Irish people Roman Catholic but the sarcasm intended was lost in the delivery: note to self typing is not a good way to express sarcasm. But then she had to go off to her next lesson.
             And then you called me a liar for declining your very generous offer to go and stand near you for you were going into the same room as me, I’m guessing that you weren’t calling me a liar for doing that but it was most likely that you said you can come and stand here if you want, which I know that I can do a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean that I should do all of those things.
            Anyway the logic that I was working under was the logical assumption that as I had seen your friend that argues with Mrs Wendy, I’m sorry but I am useless with names, earlyier that day and I figgured that you'd resther stand with her as she can talk to you,; which is better than I can do at least without a Computer. Anyway I apollogise for walking into your bag; I hope that I didn't break anything from inside of your bag. on my trails to reach the unocupied Computers.
but I forgot to ask which version of the Bible do you have at home? I suppose it could be the King James Bible, New American Standard Bible, Interlinear Bible ect. Or even maybe all of the above, they each have about as much evidence as  all of the rest, aka people believe them to be true,

Yours Sincerely
(Thomas/Tom) Savage.1

PS, i can remmber you asking about my background in regards to religion but what is was I posted it on this site ages ago but I don't seem to be able to find it but in the mean time as you seem like a lovely girl to me could you please, Define: Love

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