Tuesday 31 May 2011

My Game ideas

Please check them out,
I will get around to posting some of the photos for it one day, and/or maybe a couple of plots for the actual game, consepts.
And I know that there is't very many game ideas in there at the moment but I asure you that i have had many more Ideas and when I remember them I shall put them up.

What is the funnest most underratted game?

Well it's up to you. Comment bellow with your ideas?
I know that some people find it fun bashing ten winks out of Goombas, shooting the guts out of those space pirates or saving a damsel in distress, but they are vaguely to serious to be called a game that you just play for "fun", in the party sense.
What I mean is out of all of the party style games that you play,
Well mine is Tetris,

My Musings- 31/05/11-

What are we? What are all of us? Are we anything more than flesh, on the surface? What are we all made from?

I know it’s mostly water.

Monday 30 May 2011

My beliefs

My life in Steps

o-3 I honestly can't remember if I had any beliefs, but I was like an book which still had to be written in so I believed everything that I was told. I was impressionable.

3-8 about I naively believed in God, actually going to church around about once a year, for my school's Christmas concerts, and praying when we were told.

8-12 about I was unsure/agnostic/I believed in The Triforce, Din, Nayru and farore, I had become disillusioned with the church of the church and no longer saw the point of going as they’re a load of hypocrites.

12-Present I am now an atheist, and i now believe in logic, programming, computers and everything that I believe to be true, like the extremely sensuous shapes of some females bodies.

the thinking atheist .com

I thought this was an insult to all atheist by saying this site is The Thinking Atheist's which is suggesting that the rest of atheists don't think, when actually being an atheist is a sign that you think, as your not conforming to the majorities opinion.
Yes I was referring to my own, and anyone else’s, atheist beliefs as a minority as that is regrettably what it is, it's a minority faith* group within every country that is of which it has been exposed to.

*By faith group I mean a group of people that choose not to believe, or in my case I got fed up with people who are devout believers in the blantent lies within the acursed work of the bible.


My basic battle scene (C++)

//this set goes at the top of the file with the global varables
int Health;//it's the players health
int Attack;//it's the players Attack
int enemyHp;//it's the enemies health
int enemyAp;//it's your enemies Attack
// you can copy and paste it into your work
int EnemyFB(){
Health=30;//it's the players health
enemyAp=3;//it's your enemies Attack
cout << "enemy fights back " << endl;
cout << "Enemy does " << enemyAp << " damage, you have " << Health << " Health";
void fight (){
do[//start rhe fight secuence
Attack=3;//it's the players Attack
enemyHp=20;//it's the enemies health
cout << "Do you want to attack your enemy? (Y/N)" << endl;
cin >> YoN;
switch (YoN){
case 'y'://in case they have choosen y/to attack
cout << "You attack your enemy you do " << Attack << " Damage" << endl << "Your enemy now has " << enemyHp << endl;
EnemyFB();//go to the enemy fight back
case 'Y'://in case they have choosen Y/to attack
cout << "You attack your enemy you do " << Attack << " Damage" << endl << "Your enemy now has " << enemyHp << endl;
EnemyFB();//go to the enemy fight back
default:// if anything apart from Y IS PRESSED
cout << "What so you don't to fight?"<< endl;
hold ();//you should already have this function inside your game
}while (enemyHp>0);//It'll continue doing the procedure while your enemies hp is still a positive int
cout << "You have deffeated your enemy" << endl;

Saturday 28 May 2011

Life (it starts off on topic)

Why is life such a disappointment?

Life is such a disappointment because as soon as you have been born most cultures thrust their beliefs upon you irrespective of the logic behind it, just take this as an example

We had to be created by something (True) so let’s call it God (Ok) and now what should it be, ok I’ve got it, so it’s a male/the dominant sex at the time of it’s fabrication, now I know we all are on this rock which is being circled by that flame (I know that it’s the planet which circles the sun) so why don’t we make some fallacies about that man who we named earlier, God I think his name was (But leave us all with more questions than answers like “what is Gods origin a mystery and why (as if) did god create us?”.

Anyway if there were any Gods wouldn’t they unite the world under one religion? Because that would stop a lot of arguments/fights like those religious crusades, and it would stop some racism.

Also racism is a non-entity because you can’t be racist against someone that is the same race as you, of which we all are (the human race). But I believe it’s diabolical that some people are prejudice towards others because of the colour of they’re skin or colour of hair, so I might not be the greatest of opponents for the second one of these prejudices, colour of hair as I have been known to mock people for stupid behaviour by calling them blonde but that was just a little bit of banter (a tiny bit self deprecating as my hair was blonde when I could say that).

June 15

So what is happening on the 15th of june?

A new pokemon game is set to be anounced, I know nothing about it at the moment but it might be for the 3DS, I don't know but there is a hope?
It may have like a Pokemon Colesseum battle style?

Tuesday 24 May 2011

I'm Disapointed

I am disappointed because I was getting ready for the apocalypse and it never happened now I've got to wait 5 more months, if it is (only in a great dream for me/my best), because he said he made a slight miscalculation, the only miss calculation he has made in my eyes is the amount of blood toxicity level when he initially made that announcement.

Monday 23 May 2011

Sorry but the world didn't end

Dam and blast our rotten luck but the world is most defiantly still here.
While it must be otherwise how am I typing this message now?
And if you want more proof then how are you reading this message, now?

But just this message through you skulls of varying thickness I’m not happy, about this world, well the problem isn’t really the world,
It’s more about the people all of the ignorant human life forms on this stupid pointless, insignificant, rock which is circling around a flame/the Sun.

Saturday 21 May 2011

It's the end of the world today, apparently

in approximately 25 minuets, I wish I could believe this but I unfortunatly can't.

Doctor who episode 5 tonight

A solar tsunami sends the TARDIS hurtling towards a futuristic factory where doppelgangers - known as 'Gangers' - are used to complete jobs deemed too hazardous for humans. When a second wave hits, the Gangers separate and war seems inevitable. Only the Doctor can prevent an escalation of hostilities... but all is not as it seems...


Check the official webs,ite out about it.
Doctor who: The Rebal Flesh

Is allegro.h a header or a library? C++ programming

Welcome to Allegro 5, a cross-platform game programming library.
Currently supported platforms are Linux/Unix, Windows, MacOS X and iPhone.
Note that Allegro 5 is wholly *incompatible* with Allegro 4 and earlier
versions, but both may be installed at the same time without conflicts.

This readme contains general information which applies to all platforms
that Allegro builds on.

README_cmake.txt discusses some build options for cmake.

README_msvc.txt discusses compilation on Windows with Microsoft Visual C/C++.

README_make.txt discusses compilation with GNU make. This applies to Unix-like
operating systems such as Linux, MacOS X and MinGW on Windows.

README_macosx.txt has a few additional notes for MacOS X.

README_iphone.txt discusses iPhone operating systems.


We assume you have C and C++ compilers installed and functioning.
We support gcc and MSVC.

Allegro also requires CMake 2.6 or later to build.
You may download it from

Library dependencies

Allegro is divided into a core library and a number of addon libraries.
The core library depends on certain libraries to function. If you don't have
those, nothing will work. These are required for the core library:

- DirectX SDK (Windows only)

You can get this for MSVC from the Microsoft web site (large download).

Alternatively, smaller downloads for MSVC and MinGW are available here:

Some of those are originally from:

- X11 development libraries (Linux/Unix only)
The libraries will be part of your Linux distribution, but you may have to
install them explicitly.

- OpenGL development libraries (optional only on Windows)

The addons, too, may require additional libraries. Since the addons are
strictly optional, they are not required to build Allegro, but a lot of
functionality may be disabled if they are not present.

Windows users may find some precompiled binaries for the additional libraries
from . You need to get the `bin` and `lib`
packages. The `bin` packages contain DLLs, and the `lib` packages contain the
headers and import libraries.

Mac users may find some dependencies in Fink or MacPorts.

Linux users likely have all the dependencies already, except PhysicsFS
and DUMB. If your distribution uses separate development packages, they
will need to be installed. The packages are probably named *-dev or *-devel.

These are the dependencies required for the addons:

- libpng and zlib, for PNG image support (Unix and older MinGW only)
Home page:
Windows binaries:

On Windows/Mac OS X/iPhone, PNG image support is available by using the
native facilities on the respective operating systems, so libpng is not

- libjpeg, for JPEG image support (Unix and older MinGW only)
Home page:
Windows binaries:

On Windows/Mac OS X/iPhone, JPEG image support is available by using the
native facilities on the respective operating systems, so libjpeg is not

- FreeType, for TrueType font support.
Home page:
Windows binaries:

- Ogg Vorbis, a free lossy audio format. (libogg, libvorbis, libvorbisfile)
Home page:

- FLAC, a free lossless audio codec. (libFLAC, libogg)
Home page:

- DUMB, an IT, XM, S3M and MOD player library. (libdumb)
Home page:

- OpenAL, a 3D audio API.
The audio addon can use OpenAL, although the 3D capabilities aren't used.

On Mac OS X, OpenAL is *required* but should come with the OS anyway.

On Linux and Windows, OpenAL will only be used if you request it, hence there
is no reason to install it specifically.

- PhysicsFS, provides access to archives, e.g. .zip files.
Home page:

On Windows it may be a pain to place all these libraries such that they can be
found. Please see the README_cmake.txt section on the "deps subdirectory"
when the time comes.

API documentation

To build the documentation you will need Pandoc.
Pandoc's home page is

Installing Pandoc from source can be challenging, but you can build Allegro
without building the documentation.

Online documentation is available on the Allegro web site:

Building with CMake

Building with CMake is a two step process. During the _configuration_ step,
cmake will detect your compiler setup and find the libraries which are
installed on your system. At the same time, you may select options to
customise your build. If you are unsure of what you are doing, leave all the
options at the defaults.

Once the configuration step is successful, you will invoke another tool to
build Allegro. The tool depends on your compiler, but is usually either
`make`, or your IDE.

To avoid problems, unpack Allegro into a directory *without spaces or other
"weird" characters in the path*. This is a known problem.

Now read README_msvc.txt, README_make.txt or README_macosx.txt.

Friday 20 May 2011

It's the end of the world tomorrow, apparently

Alice just asked me if the world was supposed to end tomorrow because apparently "all" of her friends are saying it on "facebook" so I shrugged and crossed my fingers in hope, that this world won't be troubling this universe no more.
But don't worry I shall try and inform you on the outcome over the next two days.

Now for a short personal comment

I am unsure, it's just everything seems so complex and simple at the same time, now more than ever, + I believe that I have gone insane, in the past/at the moment, which is/isn't a good/positive experience (I can't decide).

Phishing site found on a sony server

Why do some people bother doing this? is it just a thing so that they can boast about now? Just they, whoever is doing this, can't be Gamers, because, I am not a Sony fan but I know that their are millions of people, hard-core or casual gamers, who are and whoever's (whatever) is doing this should stop it so suddenly that it didn't start (I know what I meant). {
What I mean is is that hackers should stay away from online game, because a lot of people enjoy playing on them and the majority probably wouldn't do it to any game that you are playing without good reason, without the reason that you are giving to them at the moment.
}I hope that makes sense.
Now the website that I got this story from was http://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/sony-hacked-once-again-phishing-site-found-on-server/

Sunday 15 May 2011

Doctor Who *Spoiler WARNING*

*Spoiler warning*

You know the Doctor who episode yesterday and the doctor said the Tardis in it's human form something about it being really nice to have finally got to talk to her at last and she said that it would be impossible for them to have any more conversation without what happened in that episode happening again, obliviously, Because the Tardis wasn't designed to work that way,

But then how come house, the sentential planet could speak through out the Tardis?

It was a second first time and the last time, of two different things happening, in two episodes unless the Tardis' matrix decides to go on another walk about.

Saturday 14 May 2011

The Doctors Wife *spoiler warning*

Is the Doctor really married? And if so, is Idris (Suranne Jones) the lucky lady? We are now just hours away from finding out in The Doctor’s Wife, the fourth episode of Series 6. This story, written by Neil Gaiman, comes with high expectations, but can it live up to them? We’ll find out tonight at 6.30pm on BBC1.
Please check out thefull article by clicking on the following link.

Idris Jones, who was the doctors code name? John Smith (Jo[h]n-Jones coincidence?), Idris was the woman that the doctor stole

Monday 9 May 2011

A history lesson

You know the history lesson I sent to you the other day that was all it was a 'history' lesson. One which stated that beyond your belief it was a Londoner, A. S. Douglass not a Japanese person, who initially started the computer/video game revolution, with his game noughts and crosses,

I was only stating facts,

Not opinions.

Other wise I would have said that your all wrong and it is down to your personal opinions in what makes a great game if you're just looking for a games console based on solely graphics then you can go for your Sony or Microsoft and their HD "goodness" at higher costs than Nintendo with their SD graphics.

But everyone was saying in my class survey that they preferred game play to graphic.

As if otherwise you would all be raving about the Nintendo 3DS and not just about the Sony NGP and I would like to ask you why did you start gaming?

My reason is as an escape from life,

And that is a reason against getting HD graphics for a games console high definition, I get enough of that in real life to put me off wanting some of it in a virtual world.

Sunday 8 May 2011

It's Mii

That isn't me,
It's Mii,
on the Nintendo 3DS,
But if you would like to take him onto your Nintendo 3DS you just have to activate your Mii chanel, afterwards that you have to click the tab which says QR code/Image options >> and then you have to press scan QR code then point it on to the QR code underneth Savage.

But my Friend code is if you ever want another person onto your freind list Just podt yours below, in the comment box.

Savage 0774-4238-5990

BBC News - Election 2011 - Northern Ireland - Constituencies

Saving the best till last,
The Irish,
But no chsange on the line up of Northern Ireland,
Democratic Unionist Party 36

Sinn Fein 25

Social Democratic & Labour Party 13

Ulster Unionist Party 11

Alliance Party 5

Traditional Unionist Voice 1

Green 0

People before Profit Alliance 0

UK Independence Party 0

Progressive Unionist Party of NI 0

British National Party 0

Workers Party 0

Socialist Party 0

Procapitalism 0

Conservative 0

Labour 0

Make Politicians History 0

Socialist Environmental Alliance 0

Independents 1
DUP are still in the lead, by 11 seats, followed by Sinn Fein,

BBC News - Election 2011 - Northern Ireland - Constituencies

Saturday 7 May 2011

BBC News - Election 2011 - Wales

Labour seem to have won the majority of seats,
Labour 28

Conservative 6

Plaid Cymru 5

Liberal Democrat 1

Others 0

BBC News - Election 2011 - Wales

BBC News - Election 2011 - Scotland

It's time for a bit on the scottish,
This is how the consituaces line up,
The SNP seem to have the majority of seats,
SNP 53

Labour 15

Conservative 3

Liberal Democrat 2

Others 0
SNP seem to have won.

BBC News - Election 2011 - Scotland

BBC News - Election 2011 - England council elections

The results are in...
The Conservative Party seem to have won a majority of councils from a first glance,


Conservative 157

Labour 57

Liberal Democrat 10

Green 0

UK Independence Party 0

British National Party 0

Residents Association 1

Liberal 0

Boston 0

English Democrats 0

Independent Community and Health Concern 0

Independent 0

Respect 0

Socialist Alternative 0

The Toad Party 0

Others 0

No Overall Control 54 -

For a full look at the results please follow the next link.

BBC News - Election 2011 - England council elections

Friday 6 May 2011

Now something else

Now I'm going to create a post about something which is more interesting than politics,
well it's on day until we get the results, predicted.

That is a question about gaming,

So I am wondering what you would class yourselves as a Hard-core gamer or would you prefer the title of casual gamer?
Anyway I didn't really care what gamer type I counted as as long as I was a gamer, because that is me.
How do I know this? I know this because some of my best memories as child were gaming on my GBC, PS1, GBA, GC and my DS.
But the PS2 we got originally to replace the PS1, and the DVD compatibility, but the PS1 I had died, but by the time we got that I had bought myself a GC which was awesome, so I never really got around to playing that console.
My GBC, GBA, GC and DS were all still working the last time I played them, but I haven’t played them in a while
But I still enjoy gaming, and I have just been playing street fighter IV 3D, and just to tell you this now that the 3D actually works on the game console anyway I got shot in the eye by one of those pesky pirates on Rayman 3D, but don't let that put you off you from playing that great game/console, It was probably as I was holding the console too close to my face; and I am ok now as was I about two seconds after that specific occurrence.

Now getting back on topic I would have said that I was a hard-core gamer up until recently when Easto1a who has been a friend for as long as I can remember,
He was saying that I classified as a casual gamer which I have no problem with but his only reasons was that my first priority in finding a great game wasn't in the graphical quality, probably as I couldn't see the difference, and secondly it was because I was a Nintendo gamer,

But i have just seen another couple of definitions of the two terms, hard-core and casual in reference to being a gamer and that was also on youtube, here, and I think the are actual, comprehensive, explanations.

Edit: Link fixed

Thursday 5 May 2011

So it's this day,

It's the day that some of you have been waiting for today is the day of the poll which is deciding the fate of the councils all along this county, as long as your this country is England.

As well as the day that we all, the voting public of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, have a chance to change the way we vote.
As you all may already be aware that I am against the change for all of the reasons highlighted here and there's one other which I missed out.
It is the cost of the whole thing we keep being told that in these times of financial constraint we don't want to spending money unless we need to.
and whats wrong with the way we do it now? Nothing I can think of. It's all a PLOT to get more Lib Dems seats in the houses of parliament.

Wednesday 4 May 2011

AV, no thanks.

I am anti AV because it could get an opposite outcome to what all of the people want to get in a country as people could just vote their second choices out of spite, because I know a few, say 2 or 5 people, who voted for Lib Dems but I also know that hate the government we have now but because of conservatives not they're policies, they may object to them but that is only as it was by the conservatives if the Lib Dems or the labour party had the identical policies they would still vote for the lib Dems/Lab Rats as a second choice, so then it would just increase the amount of people that select their MP’s on a purely tactical basis.

Plus it would make the chances of a hung parliament a common occurrence.

But out of the countries that have taken up the AV system, yes all three of them how many of them actually like the AV, Australia, which is about it.