Saturday 28 May 2011

Life (it starts off on topic)

Why is life such a disappointment?

Life is such a disappointment because as soon as you have been born most cultures thrust their beliefs upon you irrespective of the logic behind it, just take this as an example

We had to be created by something (True) so let’s call it God (Ok) and now what should it be, ok I’ve got it, so it’s a male/the dominant sex at the time of it’s fabrication, now I know we all are on this rock which is being circled by that flame (I know that it’s the planet which circles the sun) so why don’t we make some fallacies about that man who we named earlier, God I think his name was (But leave us all with more questions than answers like “what is Gods origin a mystery and why (as if) did god create us?”.

Anyway if there were any Gods wouldn’t they unite the world under one religion? Because that would stop a lot of arguments/fights like those religious crusades, and it would stop some racism.

Also racism is a non-entity because you can’t be racist against someone that is the same race as you, of which we all are (the human race). But I believe it’s diabolical that some people are prejudice towards others because of the colour of they’re skin or colour of hair, so I might not be the greatest of opponents for the second one of these prejudices, colour of hair as I have been known to mock people for stupid behaviour by calling them blonde but that was just a little bit of banter (a tiny bit self deprecating as my hair was blonde when I could say that).

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