Monday 30 May 2011

My beliefs

My life in Steps

o-3 I honestly can't remember if I had any beliefs, but I was like an book which still had to be written in so I believed everything that I was told. I was impressionable.

3-8 about I naively believed in God, actually going to church around about once a year, for my school's Christmas concerts, and praying when we were told.

8-12 about I was unsure/agnostic/I believed in The Triforce, Din, Nayru and farore, I had become disillusioned with the church of the church and no longer saw the point of going as they’re a load of hypocrites.

12-Present I am now an atheist, and i now believe in logic, programming, computers and everything that I believe to be true, like the extremely sensuous shapes of some females bodies.

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