Saturday 24 September 2011

Anon01 and I debate God 1.1

Earlier today Anon01 Who is a Christian friend of mine and I had a debate if you could call it that, which by the way it wasn't it was me asking questions.

Anyway he's at University he studies Physics he believes evolution, not the creationist tales, So hopefully you've got a picture of him in your head now he's a bright, at Physics, he's the same age as me, that is how we met at school, something about 16 years ago, male like me, But he's a Christian fortunately he has never been foolish enough to attempt to convert yet back into one of his foolish God's slaves.

So the conversation started off in the standard way e.g. Me: Hello, Anon01: Hello, and then I stared my questioning:

I say
So Anon01 could you answer these questions for me?
No not that one I mean the following questions If a God/Gods created the universe and all of the inhabitants, why are there good and bad people?
Why are there also so many belief systems, e.g. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Atheism?
If a God/Gods created the universe and all of the inhabitants, why are there good and bad people?
Surely the god would have programmed the people with prohibiting factors to stop all of the "evil" and therefore all of the “good” as they wouldn't need the two words defining in the dictionary?
Anon01 says
The different belief systems, are different opinions of how a person should worship god and how they should live their lives, including diet. Secondly the world religions were founded in different parts of the world apart from the 3 Monotheist religions, which are similar in their beliefs, but have different way of interpreting how they should live their lifestyles
I say
I somehow don’t think you managed to fully understand my questioning I didn’t want a definition of what belief systems are. I asked more specific questions. Actually about religion.
I am attempting to have an intellectual conversation with you about religions/faith.
Anon01 says
Good and bad are around; because god created the devil, but saw he was "bad" and so banished him to live in hell. Because of this the devil tries to corrupt and destroy what god had created. at the same time Taoists believe that good and bad is a natural balance, and believe that there is a small amount of bad in every good person, but also a small amount of good in every bad person
I say
But I thought God was supposed to be 100% good, so how did the devil come from God without any other influences? E.g. you can’t get water from pure O2 you have to add some alternative elements into the mix like hydrogen.
Well then why didn’t god destroy him, the devil, as if he created it that gives god the right/obligation to destroy him doesn’t it? Which is what he would do if God was such a perfectionist, as the church preaches.
But that is Buddhist teachings, to it I believe parts of it but not other parts, but who said one thing that I can’t do one thing that me and others think is good and some others think its evil so what is the cut off point e.g. me and 29 others do one thing that the other 30 think is evil what is it, a good idea or an evil idea?
What are your thoughts upon the lengthy diatribe which I have just sent you?
Anon01 says
God didn't kill the devil because being banished to hell causes eternal suffering in comparison to the quick release of death. As for the cause of evil, its unexplainable, it just exists in one form or another
I say
But by killing the devil it would have shown his compassion for his creations, which is a good emotion to have to my understandings at least, but eternal suffering sounds like an evil emotion, I think and if that is really what you are saying then god has a little bit of hate/malice in him as well as all of us which proves that he isn't as divine as the church has been saying, and he has mortal tendencies.
Anon01 says
As quoted "God created man in his image"
I Say
Then you're admitting that God is evil or at least has parts of evil inside of him so the analogy God is love doesn't concern God?
Anon01 says
Off to get some food, so will chat again later

But the last thing I saw from him was a status update saying that he's going to the pub.

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