Friday 16 September 2011

A stupid question that I just heard

It was from this you tube user, Monterrey Mixtape Messiah it was titled "Religious Girl Has a Serious Question for Atheist- Think About it!" so I had to see it as I am a Atheist as you can see if you click here.

And I am not going to even start on the terrible English that was used in the title of that video.

Now what the question was:
"That if God doesn't exist who wrote the bible?"
I was shocked by the simple misunderstanding that this little girl had by actually believing that God wrote the bible, she needs a better education than that to start asking questions about religion, especially not one that is as flawed and terribly worded as that,
Now I shall teach you a tiny bit about your religion,
Did you know that there are two versions of the bible, the old testament and the new testament? You must of, mustn't you?

So in future could you please refer to the specific text of which you are talking about in your speeches, as I cannot imagine any god that's as busy as your religion is attempting to make out doing, as far as I can tell, nothing.
Especially when people are still dying every day in conflicts around the world each day.
I know each of the parts within that wretched book like in the new testament there is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John or even from the old testament like Joshua, Daniel, Ruth, Samuel but none of those chapters were to my understanding supposed to have been written by a person that was only writing down what happened from one of the people mentioned above point of view they went even written down in the people mentioned above words as in has been changed many times depending on which edition you are reading.

Plus it was a group of power hungry people who thought it would be good fun to offer false hope, those lies of where people go when they die, to the people of this world that are scared of dying and ruling them with fear. As this God that you worship is one of the greatest dictators to have never exsisted

But were you really being serious about your title of this video?
"Serious Question for Atheist"
Seriously I tried really hard to take this seriously, but I still had to stop myself from laughing.
"Think About it"
I did and honestly I pity you.

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