Friday 30 September 2011

What are you?

I have come across a strange urge to inquire this strange question so that i could allow for a greater slightly less randomness and some better constructed If any of you didn't understand me n any of the previous points, Why now I’m imagining to hear you say, well it’s as I’m bored of this head ache that I have had since I can remember, after the accident.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Anon01 and I debate God 1-2

So Anon01 and I had a second part to this debate but for this he was supposed to ask me questions he did ask me for some examples of what kind of questions to ask so I pointed out to him a whole series of youtube video's as called by the person who made them questions that no Atheist can answer
So I asked myself one of those questions and below is the dialogue?

I say
I only remeber 1 of his questions which was probably as he didn't ask it, and it was
what prophecy that was told in the old testament was found true by the new testament
I think it's a test of our ignorance.
Mine not yours i was using our to mean atheists.
But all it does is prove his own ignorance to logic,
as that was like saying I didn't steal your gold as the book which I wrote 40 or so many years ago says I was on Mars at the time and check my diary it says that too but I am guessing that the old testamet prophecy was the one about Jesus which is backed up by the christmas tale in the new,

Anon01 says
so you believe the prophecy of the messiah to be false

I say
Hang on a second was that a real phrophacy?

Anon01 says
you referred to the old testament, which is mainly stories from the torah which predicted god would send another prophet

I say
ok then, wow I correct, but you can't just base your believfs on that one bit of consistancy between two editions of one book and that is basically what the whole of cristianity is based upon

Anon01 says
it isn't based on jesus coincidently being the messiah. christianity is based on his teachings, which at the time were radically different to the jewish teachings. The jews crucified jesus because they saw his teachings an outrage to their own religion and how people believed he was the messiah.

I say
But now then your still justifying the first "holy" texts volatility upon the second ones volatility do you know what the Romans did to the religions of the lands that they captured, they researched the "holy" texts of lands that they'd take over and find some thing that they could twist into they're own now I'm not accusing the Romans of I'm stating the fact that the messiah was attempting to use some Roman logic on the Jews and he failed, it makes me think if God is all powerful and all knowing and literally everything to every man, then why didn’t he impose his wishes on every one at that time if nothing else to protect his son, which is what leads me on to this disbelief that Jesus was his Son and anyway if God was truly all powerful wouldn’t he have imposed a great belief in him in the first place?

Anon01 says
maybe but mohammed the founder of Islam believed that despite the fact that jesus may not have been the messiah, he was still a prophet of god/allah and that his teachings should be respected

I say
it's not his rules of general engagement that I'm opposing, as in you shall not steal you shall not murder, it's all of the tripe about heaven and hell

Anon01 say
science didn't exist to prove any different, and the quality of education amongst the majority of people was lower meaning religion helped keep law and order by using the threat of the unknown

I say
Yes I see that is a reason for religion in the past (not a very good one by the way) but what is the point for religion carrying on today within this world that has progressed so far on it's own without a gods ["tender" hands pushed up upon our backs guiding us like a Shepard does to sheep or lambs to the slaughter}

Anon01 says
look if people want to atheist fine but i believe people should have the choice of what to believe instead of removing religion completely

I say
What was that, were getting all emotional on me? I'm not attempting to rid you of your religion I was having a healthy debate with you and I was explaining my reasoning for not believing the same as you just as you were supposed to do the other day in my questioning of your beliefs,

Anon01 says
sorry but sometimes i feel that just because some bits of my religion are out of date its obsolete and that i'm viewed as deluded. I beieve in scientific theories, but i feel that the moral of the teachings in the religion has more of a benefit than worrying about the way they are presented in. Yes adam and eve is only a story used before the big bang was discovered, but the morals not to give
into temptations that are immoral, no matter how attractive or convincing they may seem
I don't believe the all of the stories that have been proven different by science, but the lessons they can teach are what I value about my belief

I say
so what parts of the bible do you believe apart from the morals?

Anon01 says
the stuff that hasn't been scientifically proven. Religion fills the gaps that science can't fill

I say
As in what/can you be more specific?

Anon01 says
the miracles performed by jesus. The crucifiction. the story of moses etc

i say
Now I could go into disproving your faith now if you would you like me to, or would you like me leave you with your faith? it's an option.

Anon01 says
i'll stick to my beliefs

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Priest, and followers, PWNed

This is good someone else should try it the next time they see a priest but within my circles in which I roam I don't see many preists. Let alone allow them anywhere near to me.


READ !!!!
For everyone who said the Priest was just being polite, no he wasn't. It was a reaction. He looked really embarrassed and regretted doing it one minute after it happened. that's why I said I "pwned" him.

I know this is as lame as it gets, also filmed in low quality. BOOYAKA !

Monday 26 September 2011

Building a religion out of Atheism

First please watch this youtube video about this subject:

What Criss says is if you really want to make it an actual religion we need:
A very old book
A male prophet
Male disciples (preferably)
Eternal damnation/reward

Well seeing as both of us don’t fully understand how this is possible and Atheism is more as a kind of anti religion, so lets just follow your guidelines but lets just transfer them to the opposite/anti as Atheism is really the anti-religion. Now I have cleared that up how about having a new book that is revised as soon as a new scientific discovery is discovered e.g. The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing by Dick Dawkins. As for a male prophet why don’t we say a female prophet say ZOMGitsCriss she has a very down to earth personality, But as for male disciples she has 79129 subscribers on her youtube account that must be more than Jesus had named in his big book of fairy tales (the bible). Now prayer... I’ve got an idea it could be to whoever/what ever you would like to as long as you don’t expect an answer. Finally it’s the case of eternal damnation which is simple if you disagree with the prophet’s teachings and you secretly or not so secretly believed in Christ/another religion as soon as your brain stops working for any length of time your last thoughts could be where is God I tried to be a good Christian but then nothing happens to you, but then finally Curse you, you non existent God for deceiving me even though you never had the opportunity for deceit. But now as a reward of atheism you don’t get all of the feelings of disappointment for the final seconds of your existence.

Sunday 25 September 2011


Who is it?
AronRa is a he as well as an Athiest,
all of the videos are from the thinking athiests youtube channel.
I fount this about the below video on the youtube page (the videos are good stuff);
On July 30th, 2011 at the Oklahoma Freethought Convention, I had an opportunity to sit down and speak with AronRa. These short clips are some of the highlights of our conversation.

AronRa's FreeOK speech can be viewed at

His YouTube home page is

Saturday 24 September 2011

Anon01 and I debate God 1.1

Earlier today Anon01 Who is a Christian friend of mine and I had a debate if you could call it that, which by the way it wasn't it was me asking questions.

Anyway he's at University he studies Physics he believes evolution, not the creationist tales, So hopefully you've got a picture of him in your head now he's a bright, at Physics, he's the same age as me, that is how we met at school, something about 16 years ago, male like me, But he's a Christian fortunately he has never been foolish enough to attempt to convert yet back into one of his foolish God's slaves.

So the conversation started off in the standard way e.g. Me: Hello, Anon01: Hello, and then I stared my questioning:

I say
So Anon01 could you answer these questions for me?
No not that one I mean the following questions If a God/Gods created the universe and all of the inhabitants, why are there good and bad people?
Why are there also so many belief systems, e.g. Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Atheism?
If a God/Gods created the universe and all of the inhabitants, why are there good and bad people?
Surely the god would have programmed the people with prohibiting factors to stop all of the "evil" and therefore all of the “good” as they wouldn't need the two words defining in the dictionary?
Anon01 says
The different belief systems, are different opinions of how a person should worship god and how they should live their lives, including diet. Secondly the world religions were founded in different parts of the world apart from the 3 Monotheist religions, which are similar in their beliefs, but have different way of interpreting how they should live their lifestyles
I say
I somehow don’t think you managed to fully understand my questioning I didn’t want a definition of what belief systems are. I asked more specific questions. Actually about religion.
I am attempting to have an intellectual conversation with you about religions/faith.
Anon01 says
Good and bad are around; because god created the devil, but saw he was "bad" and so banished him to live in hell. Because of this the devil tries to corrupt and destroy what god had created. at the same time Taoists believe that good and bad is a natural balance, and believe that there is a small amount of bad in every good person, but also a small amount of good in every bad person
I say
But I thought God was supposed to be 100% good, so how did the devil come from God without any other influences? E.g. you can’t get water from pure O2 you have to add some alternative elements into the mix like hydrogen.
Well then why didn’t god destroy him, the devil, as if he created it that gives god the right/obligation to destroy him doesn’t it? Which is what he would do if God was such a perfectionist, as the church preaches.
But that is Buddhist teachings, to it I believe parts of it but not other parts, but who said one thing that I can’t do one thing that me and others think is good and some others think its evil so what is the cut off point e.g. me and 29 others do one thing that the other 30 think is evil what is it, a good idea or an evil idea?
What are your thoughts upon the lengthy diatribe which I have just sent you?
Anon01 says
God didn't kill the devil because being banished to hell causes eternal suffering in comparison to the quick release of death. As for the cause of evil, its unexplainable, it just exists in one form or another
I say
But by killing the devil it would have shown his compassion for his creations, which is a good emotion to have to my understandings at least, but eternal suffering sounds like an evil emotion, I think and if that is really what you are saying then god has a little bit of hate/malice in him as well as all of us which proves that he isn't as divine as the church has been saying, and he has mortal tendencies.
Anon01 says
As quoted "God created man in his image"
I Say
Then you're admitting that God is evil or at least has parts of evil inside of him so the analogy God is love doesn't concern God?
Anon01 says
Off to get some food, so will chat again later

But the last thing I saw from him was a status update saying that he's going to the pub.

My diatribe

This is my diatribe/rant to a religious friend.
In a discussion that we had about religion.

But I thought God was supposed to be 100% good, so how did the devil come from God without any other influences? E.g. you can’t get water from pure O2 you have to add some alternative elements into the mix like hydrogen.
Well then why didn’t god destroy him, the devil, as if he created it that gives god the right/obligation to destroy him doesn’t it? Which is what he would do if God was such a perfectionist, as the church preaches.
But that is budiest teachings, to it I believe parts of it but not other parts, but who said one thing that I can’t do one thing that me and others think is good and some others think its evil so what is the cut off point e.g. me and 29 others do one thing that the other 30 think is evil what is it, a good idea or an evil idea?

Friday 23 September 2011

gogreen18- GoGreen to Britain

I don't get why I didn't think of this earlier, yes Laci it is probably something due to me be that god forsaken vermin.

I have been watching a lot of atheist and theist videos (digital recordings) on the tube of you/youtube and I have discovered that the most interesting videos on both parts are from the USA. Now I am an Atheist I'm unsure of where you 'd class me on your 4 class system but I highlighted my understanding on a blog post that I made last month
Now that is my personal opinion that is all, I’m relatively certain that I never typed in that my class system was definitive.

But you maybe wondering why I have put to Britain in the subject/title,
I have put it inside of the subject/title as that is where I live, currently. But it could just be where I live in England but both your and every other American Atheists complaints about the devoutly religious are specific to the USA, and probably my Grandma.Politics and religion are kept as two separate entities.

But I could just be typing for the county that I live in.

Yours accurately Savage.1

Wednesday 21 September 2011

I have 2 youtube videos that are both about ex-christians; what is an ex-christians if you ever wanted to know it is a christion that's seen the light. And they have given up forcing themsevs to believe the impossible stuff that happens in the bible as it is pure and simply fairy tales for adults.

But I know of one person that dissagrees, it's this estranged person Kristina is what I believe her name is. When she believes that you don't get ex-christians, and it would give me upmost pleasuse to agree, and therefore deny I ever had anything to do with the church but alas I can not Christianity is like a alcohol.

And the second one is a responce to the first one, which I thought you maybe intreasted in because it balences the argument.

Friday 16 September 2011

A stupid question that I just heard

It was from this you tube user, Monterrey Mixtape Messiah it was titled "Religious Girl Has a Serious Question for Atheist- Think About it!" so I had to see it as I am a Atheist as you can see if you click here.

And I am not going to even start on the terrible English that was used in the title of that video.

Now what the question was:
"That if God doesn't exist who wrote the bible?"
I was shocked by the simple misunderstanding that this little girl had by actually believing that God wrote the bible, she needs a better education than that to start asking questions about religion, especially not one that is as flawed and terribly worded as that,
Now I shall teach you a tiny bit about your religion,
Did you know that there are two versions of the bible, the old testament and the new testament? You must of, mustn't you?

So in future could you please refer to the specific text of which you are talking about in your speeches, as I cannot imagine any god that's as busy as your religion is attempting to make out doing, as far as I can tell, nothing.
Especially when people are still dying every day in conflicts around the world each day.
I know each of the parts within that wretched book like in the new testament there is Matthew, Mark, Luke, John or even from the old testament like Joshua, Daniel, Ruth, Samuel but none of those chapters were to my understanding supposed to have been written by a person that was only writing down what happened from one of the people mentioned above point of view they went even written down in the people mentioned above words as in has been changed many times depending on which edition you are reading.

Plus it was a group of power hungry people who thought it would be good fun to offer false hope, those lies of where people go when they die, to the people of this world that are scared of dying and ruling them with fear. As this God that you worship is one of the greatest dictators to have never exsisted

But were you really being serious about your title of this video?
"Serious Question for Atheist"
Seriously I tried really hard to take this seriously, but I still had to stop myself from laughing.
"Think About it"
I did and honestly I pity you.

Wednesday 14 September 2011


What is GML, I hear you say, well actually I don't but I am just going to pretend that I did.

GML stands for Game Making Language, and it is the programming language that you'd use for making computer games, if you hadn't got that much from it's name already then you sincerily need help.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Naming a daugter after herself

It happened in Doctor Who that time naming Melody pond after Melody, pond. It is a good idea to do that if you could see into the future or somebody managed to travel back in time, to do that would be incredibly impressive.

But fundamentally impossible.

Monday 12 September 2011

I saw a girl today...

Yes I know what almost all of you (probably) have also.
But this one staring at me but not in the usual way* it was more as if it was a "I know who you are" stare and she was waving frantically in my direction, but I couldn't recall you so I figured that it must have been at one of the many people that was behind me.
But then It struck me, metaphorically that the Girl could be that Girl from HRS I never got her name well if I did I have forgotten it by now. All I can remember about her was the fact that she was an acute little person.
You know the little person who ha dbrown hair? No I didn't think you would, not from that discription,.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Page Veiws

Apparently I have had 600 views from the UK, 116 from the US, then 29 from Germany, 19 from Singapore, 12 from Egypt, 10 from Slovenia, 6 from Latvia, 4 from Canada and then 3 each from France and the Netherlands.

So I wonder is that accurate? If it is I’d like to say thank you for making me infamous in all of those parts of this world. But how did some of you manage to understand me? I‘m meaning the 116 page hits from the US, isn’t there an almighty language barrier?

Thursday 8 September 2011

A new game which I should actualy make

I Have a new project. A new game, idea that I want/have to make real.
If you would like to discover more about this project just go to Encyclone Games.

Encyclone Games is my own Indie Games development company if you can call it that.
If you want to get involved in the development then please contact me you can either do it by clicking on that link or you could Faceybook message me if you know that or any other way that you know to attract my attention.

If you're interested in helping out with anything.
That could be voice acting writing a final script or even drawing some enemies literally anything you can think of.

So please contact me.
Even if you don't want to do anything to do with games in your latter lives wouldn’t it be a great thing to add onto your CV.

My random sticky notesof random stuff (1)

So this is a first for me I'm revealing one of my sticky notes that I had on my PC desktop it's one of my confusions. It hapened from when Tina was watching some Brian hope on her computer

No I recognised the man on your screen from life of Brian he's the man stuck to the cross singing always look on the bright side of life but it's Eric Idle, who looks very much like Brian Hope and the girl that he was with looks like Billy Pipers/Rose Tyler mother, Jakie Tyler, from doctor who.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Another chapter of another (unfinished) story that I have wrote (yes a second one)

As long as it’s not about love (Tale)- By Savage.1

The reasdon this Tale is called what it is, is because of a song by the same name see below this Tale, and I wrote this Tale as a kind of tribute to Ronnie James Dio, probably a bit of a late tribute but a tribute none the less.


The two of them touched with their eyes.

It was the first time that they touched.

The male was struck by a strange compulsion to move over towards the female.

Somehow the female was struck by a similar compulsion.

Then as soon as they were within an audible distance of each other, the female began to speak.

“Hello” she said to the male,

The male just waved back at her as he couldn’t speak.

Nothing else was spoken between the two of them, at least not at this moment.

With this briefly prolonged spell of eye contact.

The male was intrigued.

Questions like “why me, what’s so special about me” and “who is she”?

He replayed the events of that incident in his mind multiple times.

The only things that he could think about were the same questions over and over again like an infinite loop, oh how fun it is to programme one of those into a computer; well it’s fun attempting t create one in C++, I think you’d need a lot of random numbers to create something like the number thing in the Matrix.

The male wasn’t sure of much but he knew one thing, which was that he liked her.

As a friend, bur I am not going to jump to any conclusions towards the females feelings because a females feelings are complex to understand you may even say too complex for the likes of me,

But I am guessing that she liked him as she didn’t shy away from him in later confrontations, but in quite a few of the later confrontations the male was attempting to help her with a little bit of programming as he felt compelled to help.

Oh I almost forgot to introduce you to the characters.

Well I might as well now the female is one Miss Susannah and the Male was called Mac.