Friday 7 February 2020

Day 2226

Day 2226;

My BMI was 20.84, or something like that, but my steps were 17,403 and I climbed 77 flights of stairs, all in all I managed to burn 2,877 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: seafood pasta and chocolate cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and chocolate tart
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and milky tea.
Snack: Jaffa cakes.

Today I have decided to give this blog another shot as I have been being lazy for the past however long, by being lazy I’m only referring to this blog, as I have actually been up to some pretty energetic stuff since I last corresponded with you.

Ok, now are you going to go on about the Hadrian’s Cycle way, the 1000 mph, all of the little cycles that you have been on over the weeks?

Well yes I was, but now I don’t have to, thank you, then again I could just add that I have been skiing at the snow centre a couple of times then I wouldn’t be surprised if I had managed to get around to snowboarding also since I have been off line so long. But then I am planning on going off to Italy again in a couple of days, for a little ski trip so that is going to be fun. Just before I go I have gone to see the crazy Italian Doctor and she thinks that I should be in the Paralympics, which was just as she was telling us a story about how she had met with Chris Robshaw as he had something to do with her job being a doctor and he must have been her patient for something and she just didn’t know who he was. So when she’d just been telling him that he shouldn’t play rugby instead he should be some footballer, then she went out into the office afterwards and they all told her who it was so apparently she was shocked.

But anyway as I was typing my Italian doctor thinks that I should be in the winter Paralympics  as a skier, just as I showed her a little video which is on YouTube, this video, which I had just cobbled together using footage of me skiing in Pila, Italy, something like 4 day’s back which I had done as I had got the footage from a video that Mich had made some time last year and it was as I wanted to see if I can make another one this year but this time using GoPro footage. So the one from 2020 should be up soon as I will have actually been, this year and it should be better than it was last year as there shouldn’t be me on it, obviously, and there probably should be more.

Now I want to see if I could make it onto the Team GB para-ski team for 2022, in Beijing. Which we aren’t even sure of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games are going ahead at the moment as it is in the vicinity of China and this Corona virus thing. So it’s bad news for any of the athletes that are going to be competing in the summer Olympics (and Paralympics).

Then again I am just not good enough to skiing to get myself to the next winter Paralympics, if it will be in Beijing or not. So then now for the next holiday I have myself a challenge, it’s to get Mich skiing properly (parallel) and to get him down a black run without stacking it. Which is simple enough. I only wish he had never learned how to snow plough first, as it is makes it more difficult to learn how to ski parallel if you are kicking your heels out on every turn.

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