Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Que Fait est Fait

Que fait est fait 

What’s done is done, I believe that’s what the above statement says. What is done you may enquire I don’t exactly know, but I do know that I have been off out of the country recently but before that I had also lost my contact to this website. 

Then apparently as I got back onto this website, I was told that I had infringed on some of the guidelines for Blogger the only thing that I could guess was something “offensive” from the last post was a statement about big man Jimbo Corden, when I just pointed out the fact that he’s fat or at least he was the last I saw him, on the box not in real life, but then again you know what they say, that life imitates art, or something like that. It was a statement of fact, I know it maybe harsh but the truth cares not of one’s feelings. If anyone wants to improve their health go ahead and do it, more power to you in your endeavour. 

Fitness is a thing that I’m… in to, I guess. Seeing as I do a lot of physical activities to spend my time, e.g. on a boring old day I’d usually be riding a bicycle on Zwift, bounce a bit on a trampoline, I have a device called a FittCube which I often use the stair stepper part, also I have got a rowing machine which I often have a little row on, but then I have got some weights which I use from time to time, then finally I have got a treadmill which I use to run (if I can even call it that it’s more of a jog) my monthly 5km. Which is all done in a little shed just out the back of my home. I also enjoy both skiing and snowboarding, if you want an honest opinion snowboarding is more fun but skiing is more practical and I’m better at it. 

But I have been told that I should become a Paralympian at skiing by some of the people that were on that trip, but I've already attempted it a long time ago it was at a Parallel Lines little ski get together down at Milton Keynes but I was hopeless, some say it's as I don't use poles so I don’t get the same start as others, excuses, it's all an excuse. John Lawson says I should go to Manchester, as it has proper gates up there so I could try out again then it'd be more fair... fair who cares about fair, if everything was fair, I wouldn’t be alive, but I am, at least that’s how I perceive myself.

Saturday, 25 November 2023

Que Sara Sarah

I’ve been thinking about this a bit recently, and didn’t that fat bloke off the TV, I know it doesn’t really bring the number down. I think he was from Gavin and Stacy, I don’t really remember the show (as I don’t think that I watched it) Smithy (Jimbo Corden) was his name. I think that he may have made a joke about it, well it was either that or one about Teresa (or Teresah where they play on the ah sound at the end of a word?) anyway I remember Captain Jack Sparrow saying something like ‘K, Savvy’ (which means ‘ok, you get me’) which if I was 1. More intelligent 2. Cooler I could have claimed he was saying to me as if I had been cooler I could have been known as Savy as my name is Savage, and Savage isn’t that far from Savy, but then I never watched the pirates of the Caribbean films when they were first released either, so that’s that on my pointless conversation starting, why? I don’t know I’m just like a wolf howling at the moon. Noise is better than silence some might say,  as if it’s a noise it means you are alive, but my communication have let me down. 

Thursday, 9 March 2023

Day 2270 - IPC - What The Fudge?

Day 2270 - IPC - What The Fudge?

I am disabled I’m guessing that you probably have noticed, as I'm sure that in 2270 days I'm guessing that I have mentioned it.

It’s not something that I just go around flaunting for everyman and his wife to see but then when I went to Hemel Hempstead, the Snow Centre, that once there was all of those disabled snow-sport people that came up to me so I’m guessing that it’s pretty obvious, in person at least. 

Now my point about "IPC - What The Fudge?" was about I thought that you were a sporting organisation, as in you provide Para-sports globally, or internationally, so what are you doing jumping on the bandwagon of a politically hot topic? Meaning International Women's Day, and then all of the subsequent top stories, which I just do not understand as to the reasoning behind your meet the spotlight headline "Meet the female athletes and trailblazers making the fashion industry more inclusive" even I can tell that the woman in the picture is beautiful, but she also looks somewhat uncomfortable, why did you need to put a story about fashion on the Paralympics webpage, inclusive fashion... I'm not sure that fashion is supposed to be inclusive inclusive for all those that can be bothered to keep up with the latest fads and trends maybe but not for the masses. So what the Fudge IPC your focus should be on sport not on the fashion industry.

Isn't it the international woman's day or something today? I have no idea. But I'm guessing that it's something similar as I have been looking at the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) website today, and it has been their virtue signalling about how all women have been put down by the patriarchy. But I would just like to state that none of the "advise" that you have listed off as part of the patriarchy are exclusive to women as I have been told pretty much all of the statements of "advise" and I'm pretty sure that I'm a dude I may not be a cool dude but I'm still a male human and I've got a penis to prove that as a fact, now I know you could go down that route of having women with dicks and all that progressive nonsense well if you do that you should have them to compete in there own classifications like mine were T+F36  (Track + Field), at least I believed they were the last time that I took part in some local athletics stuff, so they could have their own classification like TM T+F or TW T+F, for respectively Trans Man Track + Field or Trans Woman Track + Field, as if you were born a man and one day you decide to become a woman then there is something wrong with you mentally, so you've got a mental disability. Now I'm sorry if by me stating the facts is somehow triggering to the new "woke culture" with it's tendrils wrapped around you.

I'm sorry  for getting sidetracked I know it's a bad habit but it's me, just pointing out the absurdities within the societies that we live in. Anyway my full name is Thomas Savage but I prefer to be called Tom it's just easier that way, less letters for me to forget, and from that link you can check up on my sporting (fitness) activities if you check what I have been doing last week you'll notice that I have been to La Massana, Andorra, on another DSUK ski trip with my father, Mike Savage,  and my sister Emma Manley (as well as her husband and their son but the two of them didn't make it into the following youtube video).

But then again you can only see my hand, legs, and shadow in parts of the video, as the video is filmed by me on my chest mounted GoPro, but it was then edited and spliced together by Mike. 

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Day 2269 - Cycling

 Day 2269 - Cycling

Now today I have been on a nice little 27mi Zwift bike ride I went up 2,362ft and I had an average power of only 125w, and I had burned 825 kcal but I only traveled at a speed of 14.1mph. So I had a pretty pathetic ride this morning I hope that tomorrow's ride will be better.

Now with the cycling, the only thing that I tend to do outside of these four walls; especially now my eyes have got bad once more. I have been doing Zwift rides regularly, and then I have been doing club rides twice a week, the Sunday ride and then a Wednesday ride , the club started off a Saturday ride today, I couldn't go on it though due to Mich's job as he's on strike today.

So the last time I posted on this here blog I stated about that woman that was always half terrified when she spoke to me. Then at the next cycle ride Sunday that had us both there she actually found her voice was she told me that she had... I've forgotten what words she used now, but I can only remember that what she said was nice, I think it was something  like it's good to see me back, but I could have had it mistaken and it could have been how horrific it was to see my face again. Then again that was the last that I saw of her at least until the end of the route as she is a too fast group for Mich and I, then again on the the weeks later ride I saw her stopped along the course as somebody in her group had come off of their bike so they had called it a day. Maybe Mich will go in the quicker group tomorrow? No he won't it's too much like hard work for tired old him, especially not since we went on a faster groups ride Wednesday.

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Day 2268 - Back on the Bike

 Day 2268;

Now these days I ain't been cycling. It's because I have had a little benign thing cut out of a testicle. Why have I had a little benign thing cut from my testicle, you may ask? Actually you probably wouldn't but I will tell you anyway. It was because I found a lump in my tentacle and it was irritating me, couldn't have been irritating you that much you still managed to get yourself 240 miles over 3 days on the tandem the weekend before, it was irritating me on the day that we went to the Menin Gate, at least I believe that was the name of the arch. As I can remember myself feeling the discomfort of the thing that I had been told was a 5cm lump in my bollocks. But I just dealt with it, I said to myself I know it is causing a little bit of discomfort but you can still ride, can't you? Yes, and so I did. Peddling isn't the hardest motion to get your legs and feet to move in.

I managed to get myself back to cycling on the Zwift Bike, over the past couple of days, I had some time on the saddle of the actual tandem for a little ride around on some of the streets around my home in a club ride with Mich. 

When I was young I had a confidence crisis, a crisis in confidence I could say that I still have got a bit of a crisis in my confidence as I still haven’t been able to ask a woman out on a date. But my excuse, oh how much I hate that word, is that I don’t meet any women that I could ask out, if I could ask that is. As all of the women that I meet are all old as in something like in they’re 50’s, and married, as the only women that I meet are the women from the cycling club that I’m a member of it’s got a lot of older folks in, like Mich, and then there’s one woman that’s kind of my age. She’s actually a little younger than me every time I see her outside of cycling she acts shy, but I don’t get her. She doesn’t act that way with Mich or even Mars, not the god of war, the other dude that is kind of my age (just a bit older) and then again he’s married.

Monday, 18 July 2022

Day 2267 - Today;

Day 22667 - Today;

Now I have decided to title this post today as I titled yesterdays post yesterday, when I assume I typed about yesterday from yesterdays perspective, which should make it two days ago from this stand point in time. So then should I type about today from my current stand(sit)point...

I'm going to start with what I did yesterday today, as I forgot to do that much yesterday. Don't worry it'll only take me a relatively short amount of time to explain, as I went on the back of a tandem with Mich yesterday (there we go done).

Now what has gone on today?  

  1. It’s been a bit warm, 
  2. I did two little rides on the Zwift bike first thing, 
  3. I ate my breakfast, lunch and dinner,
  4. I've opened my window to let a bee out,
  5. I have gone postal, well I've gone to the post box,
  6. If you live in the UK and you've got a Conservative MP please contact them, and get them to vote for Kemi Badenoch in the leadership election; I don't care who it is Boris, Rishi, Suella, Tom, Penney I don't care who just get them to vote for her.
My two little Zwift bike rides were a total of 47.83km in length and they had 651m of climbing, now yesterday's little club ride may have been 59.05km in length but it only had 207m of climbing. The time that it took me to do the 47.83km today was 2:00:26 but my time for yesterdays little excursion was 2:27:20, which should make it about 23.8km/h but then for the ride I did yesterday was at about 24.2km/h but that was a slow ride yesterday on the tandem. As our previous ride on that tandem was a 28km/h ride, but that was a slightly quick one and our average for a Sunday ride is about 25-26km/h. I think that means that I'm a better cyclist with Mich leading me on the front of a tandem if anyone wouldn't mind giving it a go on the front of the tandem with me stoking you along I think that I'd like that; as for Mich I'm sure that he'd also be thrilled if someone could just take me off his hands, if only for a short ride.

I only had 364 steps by about 5 pm, according to my watch. Before 6.30 pm I had a little jog on the spot to get myself up to 10,000 steps. 

My point 6 there is vital as she is literally the only MP that is talking about immigration, Illegal and Legal, when she has made some great points on the subject. She's got a plan on how to deal with it, which is more than any of her competitors.

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Day 2266 - Yesterday;

 Day 2266 - Yesterday;

Yesterday I had an extremely lazy day, as I have only just managed to take just over 3000 steps at 5.31 PM, according to my watch. With my BMI up to 20.11, and a weight increase of 6lbs from yesterday. I think I need to get back out on the bike.

I could still make it up to 10,000 steps on my watch, by jogging on the spot, as I have done in the past when I had been cycling in the mornings. But then I haven’t been cycling during the morning, so you could say that I probably should be able to make it up to the ten thousand in double quick time, if I haven’t been cycling for a couple of hours, I would like to agree with you there, but sadly I don’t think my body works that way. Especially as I have only just past 5,500 steps by 6:01 PM and I should be having my dinner soon… then I discovered that I had an extra half an hour to get 4,500 steps before dinner, it’s possible… I thought, well it should be. achieved my goal of steps before dinner with 4 minutes to spare. Which wasn’t exactly at double speed, as it would have left me with 3 minutes if I had been normally. So at double speed it may have taken me 27/2=13.5, 13 minutes and 30 seconds. Which would have given me 16 minutes and 30 seconds time left over at the end.

I can remember times when my parents were actually thinking of moving home, the properties were epic some of them were at least I mean the size of the gardens were literally something to marvel at. I'm meaning as in some of these properties were Kennel and Cattery's, places for people to leave their dogs or cats when they went away. But in hindsight that may not have been the best of ideas, as Tini is allergic to fur. We just never knew that as Tini grow up living around dogs and she is fine around dogs when she's outside but it's when a dog has been kept locked u in the same room as her for any length of time her eyes go watery. It used to happen with her dogs if she was giving them a hair (fur) cut, but it has since happened in her study with a Cocker-Poo; which is supposedly a hypoallergenic dog. So I have been employed (on no fee basis) to dog-sit with it while it's owner was away, which was successful. I like dogs and cats so that would have been like a dream come true for me to live in a Kennel and Cattery but the bank wouldn't allow them to have the loan, so that goes that dream up in smoke.

If we had got the field's/space necessary to have the Kennel and Cattery we could have grown some electricity, by that I'm meaning grow a plant which makes methane and you can put into a digester thing and it creates electricity, I wonder would that class as solar energy? as the vegetation that the Methane comes from is grown in the sunlight?