Que fait est fait
What’s done is done, I believe that’s what the above statement says. What is done you may enquire I don’t exactly know, but I do know that I have been off out of the country recently but before that I had also lost my contact to this website.
Then apparently as I got back onto this website, I was told that I had infringed on some of the guidelines for Blogger the only thing that I could guess was something “offensive” from the last post was a statement about big man Jimbo Corden, when I just pointed out the fact that he’s fat or at least he was the last I saw him, on the box not in real life, but then again you know what they say, that life imitates art, or something like that. It was a statement of fact, I know it maybe harsh but the truth cares not of one’s feelings. If anyone wants to improve their health go ahead and do it, more power to you in your endeavour.
Fitness is a thing that I’m… in to, I guess. Seeing as I do a lot of physical activities to spend my time, e.g. on a boring old day I’d usually be riding a bicycle on Zwift, bounce a bit on a trampoline, I have a device called a FittCube which I often use the stair stepper part, also I have got a rowing machine which I often have a little row on, but then I have got some weights which I use from time to time, then finally I have got a treadmill which I use to run (if I can even call it that it’s more of a jog) my monthly 5km. Which is all done in a little shed just out the back of my home. I also enjoy both skiing and snowboarding, if you want an honest opinion snowboarding is more fun but skiing is more practical and I’m better at it.
But I have been told that I should become a Paralympian at skiing by some of the people that were on that trip, but I've already attempted it a long time ago it was at a Parallel Lines little ski get together down at Milton Keynes but I was hopeless, some say it's as I don't use poles so I don’t get the same start as others, excuses, it's all an excuse. John Lawson says I should go to Manchester, as it has proper gates up there so I could try out again then it'd be more fair... fair who cares about fair, if everything was fair, I wouldn’t be alive, but I am, at least that’s how I perceive myself.
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