Friday 29 April 2022

Day 2256

 Day 2256;

So I have got out of the salty air of the place that I was staying at over the past two nights, to where the air tastes nice. But I’ll give the salty air one thing, it has finally sorted my tooth out, which tooth am I typing about you may wonder, and I would probably have to state my tooth tooth that I had a wisdom tooth which was tunnelling into the back of the tooth, and then I had that wisdom tooth removed and I kept getting a slight irritation from when I was eating food that when I was eating my food with the tooth in question it’d slip down into the little crevice which is on the back of the tooth. Which is a little bit uncomfortable.

MNow what I did yesterday was I went for a swim to check out my new goggles, which was fun as I was doing my own thing in the pool which included some of my swimming on my back and some on my front whilst attempting anything that I could think of to propel myself forward. Then again I was also asked to chase F in the swimming pool but that’s it for my swimming adventures until I get my trunks back as they have been taken to wash by Emu just as I returned from swimming. Then I had to go home before they were finished being cleaned, so I think that Emu is going to return them to me in a week or two. So then when I have them returned to me I can go swimming as often as I would like, providing my trunks are in order .

Thursday 28 April 2022

Day 2255

 Day 2255;

Now it’s been the second day of the three days that I’ve been down here staying with Emu, C and F. Zip line time, which was fun Zipping along the wire, however long it takes you to get along a 725m cable, as it advertised that it’s traveling at 60mph. But I’m unsure about that as I know that I didn’t go as quick as my brother-in-law who went on it with me and he went super speedy, potentially as he weighs slightly more than me. But I had my GoPro on to boost my weight. And I still went slowly down the zip wire, I had goggles on as well for my specs protection. Then after we had finished C decided that he’d prefer it if he’d have put a pair of goggles on also as his eyes were giving him a bit of grief, they were getting a bit dry.

So that was what happened yesterday and then it was time for a delicious evening meal, which was cooked by C, it was a tai curry I think. Anyway it was something exotic and tasty. 

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Day 2254

 Day 2254;

So yesterday I was subbed out, by the term subbed out I mean moved from my current abode to a new place which is just for three days, or two nights.

Today  I believe that I am going on a zip wire and then tomorrow I will be trying out my new prescription swimming goggles, which I tried out for a few minutes earlier on yesterday  but that wasn’t in water. But I’m thinking that I actually stayed in the goggles too long as Mich stole my specs as he was dropping me off down here, but I managed to get them back before he left.

Amber Heard apparently dropped a Grumpy in Depp’s bed, which I think is appalling as I don’t think that my nephew has done that, at least not when I have been around him, and he’s slightly older than two years of age. Just so you know he’s a male little boy, and yes I used the correct gender for him, it’s insane that tons of those left’s have the moral authority to tell us what we are allowed to call young people these days.

If I want to call you a little troll then I will call you a little troll the only thing that you can do about it is by adjusting your actions to be more human and less like a troll. It’s the same as with he she it whatever I personally perceive when I see you is what I’ll call you, which funnily enough hasn’t ever been a they/them person, I have used they/them to characterise groups of people but just no individuals.

Saturday 23 April 2022

Day 2253

Day 2253;

The other day I went for a walk around the Zoo, what have I done since... other than my regular fitness stuff, which has changed, probably many times, since I last mentioned it on this here blog. So I probably should get back onto that topic. Another topic that I'm going to go into a bit of data on is going to be a bit on the Paralympics, more of me becoming a Paralympian, as I have had a couple of nice things said to me in that respect over the course of my last ski trip.

So my regular fitness regime has changed no longer am I doing what I last advertised on here, which was something that I have forgotten about, but I believe that it consisted of me doing 15 minutes of something...? which has changed as I no longer do 15 minutes of anything, as on the 22nd of April, I first did an hour on a Zwift Bike, then I did 20 minutes on both the Trampoline and the Stair-Stepper before taking a break which was time to get more fluid into the system and for me to get in a 20 minute Strength Jog on the treadmill.
But on another day of this week I missed out on the treadmill exercise, and on others I missed out other shenanigans.

Now I have got some interesting news about the Paralympics, which isn't really news, it's just something that two of the blokes told me on my last ski trip, which was that I should become a Paralympic skier. Of which I would like a lot to become a Paralympian, as I could prove myself to myself, and... but I'm unsure if I should mention her here, especially asI'm unsure of whether she actually likes me, in that way. But the goal to become a Paralympian was my goal and I typed that if I achieved it I would ask her out, but it was many years ago now I'm half expecting that she's forgotten, but I gave her my word and I want to keep my word, especially to her. Now that was a fun little tangent that I distracted myself with now let's get back on point. Well there was two blokes on the ski trip that told me I should be a Paralympic skier, of which I responded I would like to be but I'm just not good enough to be a professional skier of any category be it disabled or otherwise. If I was a disabled skier what would my classification be? LW9 as I have got full body dystonia? or LW5/7 as I wouldn't compete with ski poles? But my plan is to go to my local "dry" ski slope to hopefully improve myself at skiing, so I would stand a better chance of becoming a Paralympian.

Friday 8 April 2022

Day 2252

Day 2252;

Now it's probably a later than Day 2252 but I have just decided to post some of Mikes's GoPro footage of last Friday, when we were skiing in France, La Plagne.

Well I was skiing, and filming, Mike wasn't doing the filming as he had hurt his ankle, I do believe, the day before so he has resigned himself to making these videos to see what he missed. But he did get out onto his ski's later on in the day.

Now this is some more of my skiing which was also filmed last Friday, the Friday that has been dubbed Black Friday.

It was a great way to finish off our week of skiing, well mine at least. I'm sure that Mike didn't hurt his leg/ankle on purpose so that Jim would have to take me away to do the Black run without him...