Friday 28 February 2020

Day 2230

Day 2230;

My BMI was 20.02, steps were 20,103 and I had climbed 10 flights of stairs, 2984 kcal, well that is what my watch tells me.

Breakfast: weetabix, apple, orange, banana and yogurt..
Lunch: ham, wholemeal bread, pickle and lemon cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and cheesecake.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and milky tea.
Snacks: rice cake (coated in chocolate)

Before lunchtime I had made my thousand minutes of activity for the week, by starting off slowly with a little row on the rowing machine, then I went onto a walk on the treadmill before I gave myself a jog on the treadmill after I had myself a nice little drink and snack (it was now that I had my rice cake). Needless to say that by the end of my mornings activities I had managed to get to over ten thousand steps for the day.

Now I would really like to get swimming, I have no idea as of why I want to get myself swimming again? Could it be as I want to be able to gaze at women in bikinis and other swimming costumes? That is a possibility but then why don’t I just go to the gym and gaze out of the window down on the beautiful women, or there’s also something called the internet that has loads of pictures of women in the same on, plus my eyes don’t really work that well without my specs on and I wouldn’t be able to see as well in the pool, without them; then I know that I could get some special prescription goggles but they would probably cost a lot of money and wouldn’t get that much use out of most likely.

A third explanation could have been that Allergy likes swimming so maybe if I could swim I could inspire her to swim more often or at the very least I could get her to take me the something like five minute walk to get to the pool as some exercise is better than none, then again Tini has said that I could walk around to the pool on my own and the only reason that I’m not allowed in the gym on my own is some other reasons and Allergy now can’t swim; due to her hairdo which just seems to be an excuse which isn’t an excuse as I’m sure that she doesn’t have to have her hairdo in that certain way it’ll probably look the same (to me) if it wasn’t so long. Or another concept could be that I’m just wanting to show off this frankly glorious body... yeah I know it’s not that one, at least I don’t think that I have a glorious body.

Then again I know that I may not have thought that my appearance wasn’t anything special, or even half decent, but it may have been. In the past that is, as looking back on my past first off there was this girl that had come into our class as she was the niece of our form tutor and the boys in my form used to tease me about loving her, I never understood what they were going on about as I had only said hello to her on the first day that we met, then again I guess that my way of saying hello could have given off the wrong impression, as I am thinking that I was terrified as 1. a new addition to our form (for the next few days at least) 2. a girl, I wasn’t very confident around members of the same sex as me at the time so what do you expect was happening to me then with a member of the opposite sex? So anyway the other boys in my form got hold of that and then they started teasing me by saying that I was doing some questionable acts with her. And then it got worse as she said that she loved me, or words to that effect and then I’m thinking “that I know that your aunt likes me as I was a good student (I believed) but with you saying stuff like that you’re helping no one, as I know that I’m hideous” both her and her aunt (my form tutor) were Russian so that could be the reason for there taste issues.

After a couple of years of that happening a new girl came to our school and then there was another girl that thought that she was going to set us two up together, by saying that I loved her when in my mind I had no comprehension of what love was. After a year of this so now it’s year ten I had been on my fourth ski trip, one in year seven, second year eighth, third in year nine, then fourth year ten, I had got up to the part in the year that was work experience when it happened; nonetheless while I was crossing the road apparently I got whacked by a car which had me bounce from that car into another car, then after I got put into an induced coma and I didn’t wake up for a little bit. But then as the tale goes I woke up at some point and then I was transferred to a rehab unit which is where I can actually remember from. As I can only remember from a night before I was set out to go to my work experience placement up until a day that I found myself in an institution which I thought was jail as I was in a jail bed, at one point, not a bunk bed but a bed that I was locked inside.

It may have been for my safety but anyway there was three of us that I can remember that was there who were Jack, Jarred and I, soon enough Jack moved out, and on with his life and a girl called Hannah came to replace him but I cannot remember but I think that there might have been an overlap with both of them coming in. There was something wrong with Hannah thought she said that she loved me, I know that she was quite disturbed but even when another Jack turned up and this Jack was of a similar age of me, Jarred had left and Nathan had come around and then a Molly also came to stay. So in age order (from oldest to youngest) there was Hannah, Me, Jack 2, Nathan, Molly, Jarred and Jack 1. But then about me, Jack 2 and Hannah were all about the same age. When Hannah said that she loved me but then I was thinking why? All the time as I was not a looker and I couldn’t even speak, and I was just a big (well a little) nothing. When I got back to school so it was year eleven now and I was still going to rehab for some of the week but then I accepted a girls request to be my girlfriend so then I had a girlfriend, for a first time. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with her, it was just as if I was a spare part for her just to invite her out to places and to get invited out to others just as friends. So anyway that never lasted and I was kicked to the curb soon enough I was perplexed what do I have to do, in a situation where you have a person that you love, or are supposed to? Just what is love?

All of that happened a long long time ago, I can still remember how... that music used to make me smile, and I knew if I had my chance, that I could make those people dance, and maybe they’d be happy for a while. I know it’s a bit of that American pie that I have been eating, I know that I should probably stop, I might get fat you know. But when have any of these Brit’s even cared about they’re own weights? It seems like it’s a race to see which can be the fattest country on the map, between Britain and USA? Again I have gone off on another tangent what I meant to type about was the fact that we had hydrotherapy back at rehab, and then they decided that they would teach me how to swim again, but I already knew how to swim so I pretended that I couldn’t swim. And I had myself a good time attempting to drown the teachers.... as if. But I would just muck about in the hydrotherapy pool. So that has got me up to about just about ten to twelve years previous to now, and this blog post has got slightly long now, hasn’t it. I should probably continue it on another day.

Thursday 20 February 2020

Day 2229

Day 2229;

Today I have got a BMI of 20.34, 14,550 steps and I have been up 10 flights of stairs. 

Breakfast: weetabix, apple, grapes, banana, orange and yogurt.
Lunch: scrambled eggs on bread and sponge cake.
Dinner: turkey, crochet potatoes, peas, carrots, sweetcorn and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and milky tea.

Since I have last typed on my blog I have been on a ski trip to Pila, Italy. Which was great I got a lot of footage from the GoPro’s. This year I think we did a little bit more of the skiing part, as opposed to the eating part. As it could have been described as an eating holiday with the occasional lapse into skiing, in previous years, as we’d get up then someone would say that we would be meeting at such and such cafe for like elevenses which by eleven o’clock we’d be no where near so we’d go to the nearest dinner on the mountain for elevenses and then they’d be talking on there phones about where to go for lunch which we’d either get there or not, but then nevertheless a similar thing would happen and they’d discuss where we should go for two o’clock then that would happen or not as the case may have been before we all got back to the hotel for four/five or somewhere in between, for dinner which started with an antipasto course which was followed by the pasta course which was followed by a main course (I enjoyed the rabbit for this course when it was an option; I believe it was on last Tuesday), I cannot wait until my niece/nephew arrives in about 4-5 more weeks I’ll probably be able to disgust them with my rabbit eating so fun, that was followed by a pudding course (cake, cheesecake, pastry). Before all that we had breakfast in the morning, which was cereal, croissant, fruit generally but then on occasion I would have some egg, yogurt and stuff with it.

But then again with Emu and the baby, soon enough, Saint given us, myself and Mich, a great idea of what to do about the baby if we want to continue skiing. It’s for us to book on the next ski week with DSUK wherever it is next year, then we could end up with getting two ski weeks as if Emu decides that she’s going to book us a place in France to go skiing from as well, and that way it’s not relying on Emu to book us on a ski trip so no matter if she doesn’t want to go on one. So no pressure on the new mother, which will be Emu.

Sunday 9 February 2020

Day 2228

Day 2228;

Now today has been another lazy day when the only activity that I have done was a short walk, as I got up properly early today as in something like half eleven last night to have myself get in a car to drive to an airport which was something like a two hour drive, to then get on a plane for an about one and a half hour flight to another place then to get into a coach for a two hour drive to get to the location of my holiday.

Dinner: anti pasty, gnocchi, sausage stuff and meringue in chocolate,
Drinks: fruit juice, water and iced tea.
Snacks:  cakes, jelly babies, chocolate fingers and biscuits.

So then today I haven’t exactly had anything like the usual meal content that I would usually eat, as I have been going on holiday today so that is going to mean that I am not going to be able to post my BMI for about a week or however long this holiday lasts, but on the other side I could probably be able to give you some information on the topic of how far I have skied in the days, and suchlike. If I get my watch onto the correct settings that’s.

And then if I actually have enough charge on it to last a day, which I have my doubts. Then after that I may even actually get some decent footage of skiing to put up on YouTube, but I know I can only wish that I manage to get that. Apparently Mart has been telling some of the people that are coming on this trip that I’m a bit of a speed freak, which is probably due to his retelling of the story of the day that I caught him last year on the Pila ski trip, can I please just reiterate that he wasn’t actually moving at too fast of a speed when I caught him, as I actually had quite a few seconds to discuss, in my head, how I was going to capture him. Which may have been as I had mucked up on the initial assault so he was holding himself back as normal to encourage me not to go a bit overboard in my future assaults.

So in other words I’ve been overhyped, especially since my 2 main objectives for this week are to get Mich skiing parallel and to get him down a black slope on two skis. Then I have an additional coin of goals for the week, which are to get myself down all of the black slopes and two to record, via GoPro down the black slopes.

Saturday 8 February 2020

Day 2227

Day 2227;

My BMI for today was 20.60, I have taken 11,213 steps, I have assented 15 flights of stairs and I have burned off 2089 kcal.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: fish, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, peas, potatoes and chocolate tart.
Dinner: omelette (cheese) and chocolate cake.
Drinks: fruit juice, fruit squash and milk.
Snacks: banana,orange and apple.

Today I have been to Boccia in the morning, then I have been walking up some stairs, just to fit in my ten for today. Next up I managed to put my bit of fitness in my day, as I gave myself a little row on my machine for rowing. Then I have had my lunch, which was very nice. Before I watched more of the six nations (Rugby) Ireland beat the Welsh. Before the English beat the Scottish. Which was the last thing I did today before going to have a shower, then getting myself ready for the plane that I am going on in the early hours of tomorrow, in order to get to Italy for some more skiing.

Now I should start to flesh out what I did today a bit more, I think. Today started off by having Boccia and in it I had a thought which was is obesity a disability? As I think that if it was then we could get the coach to play for our team and his daughter, but then today we had a game, boys vs girls. The boys won, 11-3, but then they had Mr Coach’s daughter playing for them. On our team we had J who is a little guy in a wheelchair that plays using a ramp, Mr Coach’s son (who has got some mental issue as well as obesity) and me (a man with full body dystonia, but I don’t get why it’s called that as I can still function normally for the most part). We were against a woman in a wheelchair, a little girl with mental issues and the Coach’s daughter (who’s age wise  younger than her brother but more with it mentally).

So then I returned home and I was wondering what I should do so I started pacing around up and down the stairs trying to reach 10 flights of stairs for the day, I had just got to 9 when Tini got irritated by me and she instructed me to “go do some exercise” so I finished off my 10 flights of stair by climbing one more set before I went down onto my rowing machine and I gave myself a nice little 2500m row, before lunch.

First up in sport today it was Ireland vs Wales and the Irish smashed the Welsh, 24-14, which was a good game. Then England vs Scotland (the Calcutta cup) which wasn’t as good of a game with England only leading by 3 points at the break, then in the second half the Scots managed to get the score line back to 3-3, then the English managed to get a nice 7 point score, a try and the additional points, then they managed to get another 3 point penalty score, to give them a 10 point lead. Then in the final portion of the game the Scottish managed to get another score, 3 point score. Before the clock turned red and English kicked the ball out of play, to end the game, 6-13.

Friday 7 February 2020

Day 2226

Day 2226;

My BMI was 20.84, or something like that, but my steps were 17,403 and I climbed 77 flights of stairs, all in all I managed to burn 2,877 kcal off.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: seafood pasta and chocolate cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and chocolate tart
Drinks: milk, fruit squash, fruit juice and milky tea.
Snack: Jaffa cakes.

Today I have decided to give this blog another shot as I have been being lazy for the past however long, by being lazy I’m only referring to this blog, as I have actually been up to some pretty energetic stuff since I last corresponded with you.

Ok, now are you going to go on about the Hadrian’s Cycle way, the 1000 mph, all of the little cycles that you have been on over the weeks?

Well yes I was, but now I don’t have to, thank you, then again I could just add that I have been skiing at the snow centre a couple of times then I wouldn’t be surprised if I had managed to get around to snowboarding also since I have been off line so long. But then I am planning on going off to Italy again in a couple of days, for a little ski trip so that is going to be fun. Just before I go I have gone to see the crazy Italian Doctor and she thinks that I should be in the Paralympics, which was just as she was telling us a story about how she had met with Chris Robshaw as he had something to do with her job being a doctor and he must have been her patient for something and she just didn’t know who he was. So when she’d just been telling him that he shouldn’t play rugby instead he should be some footballer, then she went out into the office afterwards and they all told her who it was so apparently she was shocked.

But anyway as I was typing my Italian doctor thinks that I should be in the winter Paralympics  as a skier, just as I showed her a little video which is on YouTube, this video, which I had just cobbled together using footage of me skiing in Pila, Italy, something like 4 day’s back which I had done as I had got the footage from a video that Mich had made some time last year and it was as I wanted to see if I can make another one this year but this time using GoPro footage. So the one from 2020 should be up soon as I will have actually been, this year and it should be better than it was last year as there shouldn’t be me on it, obviously, and there probably should be more.

Now I want to see if I could make it onto the Team GB para-ski team for 2022, in Beijing. Which we aren’t even sure of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games are going ahead at the moment as it is in the vicinity of China and this Corona virus thing. So it’s bad news for any of the athletes that are going to be competing in the summer Olympics (and Paralympics).

Then again I am just not good enough to skiing to get myself to the next winter Paralympics, if it will be in Beijing or not. So then now for the next holiday I have myself a challenge, it’s to get Mich skiing properly (parallel) and to get him down a black run without stacking it. Which is simple enough. I only wish he had never learned how to snow plough first, as it is makes it more difficult to learn how to ski parallel if you are kicking your heels out on every turn.