Monday 15 April 2013

What is my opinion on the method of science?

My opinion of the scientific method is that it is one of the best, if not the best, of determining what is the truth.

Now when I refer to the scientific method I mean the method which includes the principles and the procedures for a systematic and grounded investigation into knowledge, which involves the recognition of a and the piecing together a problem, and the data which can be sighted as evidence of it the data is collated by observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of a hypotheses.

It's sort of like a backwards way that religion works please note that I have stated stated the two words "sort of" in bold and I have done this because they both start with a problem but then this is where the religious and science shift paths because in both cases the problem is life where did it come from the religious generally say it came from a deity that has always existed outside of our perceptions and as we as humans must have a designer as a computer has a designer ext.

Well to that statement the commonly asked question by atheists is who created the creator as if he is such a master piece within himself, then by the logic that you used he must have a creator as if us flawed beings were created by an entirely powerful entity then there must logically be a higher power than your deity and then it just goes on and on, to the next level continually to wards an infinity.

I will transform the problem above in some basic mathematics as we are living in our universe one of 3 dimensions hight, width, length but it is possible to imagine what life is like in 2 dimensions something like Link in the 2D Zelda games only being restricted to those two directions. But with a world of 4D how would you know where to start they're outside of our comprehension. so for all we know we may just be a series of nodes in a computer while we're on we're alive when we are off we die and when we are no longer being used by the computer matrix we are asleep we have been put onto hibernate, earth is basically the internet/the greatest source of knowledge known to us; the internet is only a repository to store and share the knowledge that you have learnt.

So your religion is saying that we are 3D creatures and God is a 4D creature and just he was created by a 5D creature and then 6D, 7D, 8D, 9D and it just continues.

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