Tuesday 16 April 2013


So I shall type about faith as I haven't ever typed about it before at least not on this, my blog, and I know that I have typed about faith in a higher power that some call God/Allah, but that false type of faith, by false type of faith I'm not meaning that you can't be sincere in your belief I am just typing about the verifiable evidence for it but that isn't what I'm typing about now.

I am typing about all the things that are real and they're in this plain of existence which can be faith in oneself or faith in a select group of people like your family, your friends, doctors, the police or the government. But I know that none of these four demand the kind of faith as the religions and they get even less respect than the religious fraudulent faiths, but i shall go into more detail on some of the real things that you could trust/put faith in which unlike religion actually have some basis in the real word.

Your family and friends you could trust to do quite a few things for you like make you laugh or cheer you up when you're in a bad mood.

Doctors why do you trust them you trust them to make you better if your ill which is unless you are part of a radical group that doesn't believe in modern medicines some believe that prayer should be the only medication.

 The police I'm not typing about the moron that you'd find in every occupation the ones that take it too far the ones that are bigger crooks than the people that they're there to protect you from, I mean a nice by the book police man/woman.

Government I know that you've probably had some problems with this structure throughout the years as everyone has except the youngest in society but but the governments job is to literally run a country, of course they're going to make some mistakes like Tony Blair's mistake of going to war along side of the USA, and basically Britain hasn't full recovered from that lapse in his judgement.But the government has actually been beneficial in my opinion, as Tony Blair wasn't a bad man he just made that stupid mistake like removing a card from the base in a house of cards it fell flat. 

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