Wednesday 17 April 2013

Today we had a visit...

Today we had a visit from the Jehovah’s, and I wasn’t able to answer the door to them unfortunately my younger sister did and she didn’t tell me to come downstairs to talk/type to them about their beliefs but Alice was saying that I get to aggressive and all of that baloney as they were talking to her about domestic violence.
And what the bible says on domestic violence, and they read a quote from the bible condemning domestic violence which was probably Colossians 3:19 ESV; Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh with them. Which is basically a way of saying husbands don’t be dicks to your wives, but I think it missed out the part about wives beating their husbands as well; but that’s ok, apparently.
and they gave her two booklets one was about An end to domestic violence which I shall read another time but the second booklet caught my eye it was called "The Watchtower- Announcing Jehovah's kingdom" and just underneath that it said "A meaningful life is possible" One of the first thing that I thought when I saw this was yes despite the considerable efforts of the religious to under-mind the scientific progress and put us back into an age of darkness with some of there out right lies due to the true nature of consciousness and their paradoxes of thinking, But I can't type on a personnel note as I do not know any Jehovah's at least none that have openly told me about their belief but I'm thinking that my older sister had a friend that was a Jehovah's witness but i can't remember that for certain so I will have to ask her later on today, but i will get back to my audience/you, on that topic some other time.
But why did it say wives (which is the plural) meaning multiple wives not just one like the majority of Christians have their ideal wedding at 1 husband and one wife.

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