Saturday 23 March 2013

Why do the Gospels not count? Part 1

Now how do you verify that that the gospels are accurate without having alternative sources? As for a fact that both of the gospels of Matthew and Luke as within them they each tell the story of Jesus (even if he should be called Immanuel) But then both of the two tales are not the same they in actual fact are contradictory and the story that we have been told at school or Church is a hybrid tale of the two, read my below abridged versions of the two tales you can read them both for yourself to disprove them if you so wished; But this is my proof that the gospels don’t count; as they can’t,

The book of Matthew: Joseph already lives in Bethlehem, Angel came down to Joseph and they tell him to call the baby Jesus, 3 Magi (Wise men) that followed a star in the east, another angel comes to Joseph and warns him of Herod and tells Joseph to get into Egypt, king Herod dies Jesus goes to Nazareth to become the Nazareth,

The book of Luke: Mary lives in Nazareth, Angel came down to Mary tells her to call it Jesus, Caesar Augustus declared a census so all men had to go back to their ancestral homes which was the reason for Joseph going to Bethlehem, but no room in the inn so they had to get lodge in the stable, the Angel goes to shepherds and tells them about the baby, then the shepherds go to Mary, a week later the baby is called Jesus, they took him from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, then they returned to Nazareth.

Above this text you probably have read my two abridged versions of the bible tale of how, potentially, your Lord Jesus was born, so in this paragraph I shall go into how they taught me it at a Church of England school, when I was younger. They said that within the year that would run up towards the 25th of December of the year of 1 AD, there's at least one fabrication towards the story which was the date as where in the 2 books of the bible does it mention the date? Before that point they said at my school that an angel came down to Mary and then Joseph which is like a Frankenstein version of the two separate versions and then the tale that the emperor of Rome did decree that their was to be an empire wide census with all of the citizens of Rome having to go back to the places of their birth, which was mentioned in Luke but not in Matthew was there even a census for the complete Roman empire with Caesar Augustus at the helm of it? I am not sure about it but if it was true then only Joseph would have to go to back to his ancestral home not Mary, so she could just stay at home while Joseph was on the road to Bethlehem within Luke I am not asking you to abandon your faith, I am just asking you to verify the facts before you start spouting off and defending a position that is indefensible, by the very books that people preach from, and they just go on about how it must be taken on faith.

Caesar Augustus reigned as emperor of the Roman empire from 27 BC to 14 AD which means that the authors of these book had got the correct Roman empire for the time that this supposedly took place, but Herod the Great died 4 BC so he couldn't have ordered the execution of all of the babies in Bethlehem

That isn't all that I could state to prove my point that the Gospels don't count but it's a start but I am planning to complete this at some other time.

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