Thursday 27 September 2012

The "last" TimeLord?

Ever since the 9th incarnation of the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) he has been incorrectly dubbed the last TimeLord, I know that it didn't become apparent until his 10th incarnation (David Tennant), as all rumours of him being the last TimeLord are destroyed as the Master reappears. But then a new TimeLord is created, his, the Doctor's Daughter/life form that was created from a tissue sample from the Doctors hand, Jenny. That wasn't dead by the end of the episode which should be a suprise to the Doctor but it wouldn't be as he didn't oversee the incineration of Jenny by the end of the episode like he did for the Master a few episodes before and then again after the end of the series in the second part of the end of time within the specials series.

But then there's the next Doctor Mr Eleven (Matt Smith). Then there is another new TimeLord, River Song who is the off spring of two time travellers who reproduced whilst the TARDIS was in flight between the time zones.

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