Thursday 27 September 2012

The "last" TimeLord?

Ever since the 9th incarnation of the Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) he has been incorrectly dubbed the last TimeLord, I know that it didn't become apparent until his 10th incarnation (David Tennant), as all rumours of him being the last TimeLord are destroyed as the Master reappears. But then a new TimeLord is created, his, the Doctor's Daughter/life form that was created from a tissue sample from the Doctors hand, Jenny. That wasn't dead by the end of the episode which should be a suprise to the Doctor but it wouldn't be as he didn't oversee the incineration of Jenny by the end of the episode like he did for the Master a few episodes before and then again after the end of the series in the second part of the end of time within the specials series.

But then there's the next Doctor Mr Eleven (Matt Smith). Then there is another new TimeLord, River Song who is the off spring of two time travellers who reproduced whilst the TARDIS was in flight between the time zones.

Thursday 20 September 2012

When I die

I don't cae how you dispose of my body as I won't be needing it anymore I won't be needing anything as I would have deteriated into nothing but memories, of all of you unfortunate enough to have actually met me or those who have eer read my blog.

But only if any of you people reading this remember me, I know that's unlikely.

Then again that in itself is only tempory only the proton, Nneutrons and electrons are the objects that stay the same and they each can join together in different formulations or was it compilations to make the different elements that we all "swim" in every day.

S so when I die I want my body and all components to be fed to Animals ike Lions,Tigers, Wolves, Sharks, Pigs or even Humans.

Failing that I would like to be given a Viking funeral as in put in a wooden boat of some escription and I'd like it to be set on fire and then put out to sea,

Monday 17 September 2012

What is fear for?

Fear is for the winter, when the snows fall a hundred feet deep. Fear is for the long night, when the sun hides for years, and children are born and live and die all in darkness. That is the time for fear, my little lord, when the White Walkers move through the woods... Thousands of years ago, there came a night that lasted a generation. Kings froze to death in their castles, same as the shepherds in their huts, and women smothered their babies rather than see them starve, and wept, and felt their tears freeze on their cheeks. So is this the sort of story that you like?

Thanks the the Game of Thrones for this excellent quote.


Vidar is the Norse God of silence and revenge well I think I got the terminology correct, by saying is, not was,

Well he robably has as much of a claim on that as any god that's on being anything real/little.

Especally seeing the jealous, vengeful, genocidal (should I continue, no best not) nature of the God of Christian mythology

Well the god of Christian mythology has next to no imagination, rapeing a woman, Mary, to bear a child for him, but by rapeing I mean impregnating her before he asked for her permissions or the arduous task if chid birth, he may have already known that she dare not decline, but the least that God could do is personally ask her permission, after all she was just about to/just had married Joseph.

Sorry I gt a bit sidetracked I like writing about mythologies, age of mythology was an awesome game and it's set in the past there is so many religious cult and groups in these modern times for another game at least e.g. Select a religion or lack of belief system, and it would be your job to convert the complete world, you could send out good news envoy's and stuff similar to the felling nations, and so on you could even attack. Them in a variety of different ways, like you could send in the Dawkins mobile.

Saturday 15 September 2012

The monarchy Is getting stressed

The British monarchy is getting stressed that a French magazine has been taking photographs of Kate Middleton while she was half naked.

It was her top half that was naked, not her lower half, as if it'd make a difference.

But honestly I don't see the fuss, probably as I fail to even recognise them as anything but people,

Within the above statement I literally mean that I fail to recognise them, as in give me an identity parade of women ad just say who is Kate Middleton and i'd probably guess it wrong

But the French paparazzi that took the photograph are saying that they did it because she is beautiful.

I am going to have to take your words for it as but I hae one query if that's the case why hasn't the sun taken the opportunity to splash similar photographs on their papers over this side of the channel, after all they did the same to Prince Harry,

Is there something wrong with the way that she looks?

Sunday 9 September 2012

This is my horse joke

Well this is my joke

The Joker: do you knew why the horse walked into the pub?

A persons answer: I didn't know why did the horse walk into the pub?

The Joker: I honestly don't know, but I would have really thought that the horse would have seen it and managed to avoid it.

Thursday 6 September 2012

What is Love?

Well I think I have got it, love is a real no pointer score within tennis. What is love in a more conversional sense? I do not know what some others see in it, so I have decided that it is a real 0 pointer to me as well so that should be it on the subject of love for me.

Monday 3 September 2012

Paralympic classification

So I have been wondering where what would I be classified under?

If any of you don't know what I am, I am a 20 year old male that can't speak who also has to wear glasses/I'm a little visually impaired. My right are is seriously dodgy/dystonic.

Now that should be enoth information to decide the number rating so what about the event?

Now I know that I am nowhere near quick enough for any of the running events, but I know that I have done long jump and shot put at my schools sports day I won nothing and I was more able bodied back then so then I'm betting that I would be worse now So that is probably all of track & field. So swimming? No I never have been any good at that event. As for rowing and sailing my upper body strength probably isn't good enough for either or the Powerlifting, Judo looks fun and sitting volleyball all look fun but I doubt that I'd b any good at that.

So what do you think that I'd be good at/not too bad at you can see the events by clicking here.

Which.should be a be as I think that I am useless at sports.

But I'm guessing that I'd be a S8 swimmer.

Matthew 21:18-21

Matthew 21:19

As the passage before passage number 19 (18) just literally sets the scene by stating where the main character is as well as that Jesus was hungry it. So where should Jesus go to now? Then he walks a little further along and he finds a fig tree in the way (really I don't think mr Jesus would have found a fig tree in the middle of a path they should be somewhere along the edges) but that being said he walks up to the tree and notices that there isn't any fruit open the tree it is just branches and leaves, Now he gets a bit peeved and he displays his anger in the form of a curse by condemning  the tree to be fruitless forever. Which I have thought a bit too drastic as it may not have been in if this Jesus freak ever existed and then all of the figs au have already been eaten by the citizens of the city. But either way it proves naught.the fig tree could have died thanks to some plant poised or just luck what would be a miracle would be by him saying you have to grow figs constantly for ever then there ŵold sill be proof left of his existence and everyone would have figs to eat in the middle east = no famine just malnutrition.

Matthew 21:21

After 19 (20) states that all of jesus's followers/disciples are amazed and then they question Jesus, and jesus's answer is not satisfactory and it's actually quite armful for the human mind to entertain, in my opinion, as what he says afterwards is that you/me to not be like me/skeptical and just says if you have faith you can do that and more. As he states within the passage that you shouldn't doubt just have faith and it shall be done now that is a harmful mindset to have nought but faith in the invisible presence of a big brother like figure in your heads judging you for things that have been generally accepted within modern times, for example homosexuality which is generally accepted in the majority. The majority of Canada and Brazil. The worst places for accepting homosexuality around the globe that have been monitored by the Wikipedia page that you can get to by clicking on the following link.

Click here to see a diagram of the social attitudes towards homosexuality it's on Wikipedia 

Sunday 2 September 2012

My Musings 1- 31/05/11- completed

I have just remembered to put on the second half to this diatribe

If you'd like to read the first half click here.

So here it is

With carrying on our personal genetic lineage and if that is impossible (for any reason like your infertile ext.) it can be displayed in alternate ways like caring for the sick, but this isn't every one some are so self centred creatures; pretty much like me. But their is others that are willing to invest such a considerable amount of time into the honestly pathetic species that we, homo-sapiens, are,

So I guess for all of those people that aren't like me a good just God is something that they'd welcome with open arms, pity all we have got here and now are “petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” to quote Richard Dawkins on his statement about the god of the Old testament which I think is basically the God of the Torah and therefore both of the “TOP”, Top only in the amount of gullible people believe them, two major religions, Christianity and Islam worship this honestly horrific imaginary creature. As Christianity has a worryingly massive 33.32% and Islam have an almost equally worryingly high percentage at 21.01% according to one website, this website,