Thursday 9 September 2021

Day 2250

Day 2250:

Today I have decided to start up again on this here blog, just as I have got the time to do so this morning, as I got up extra early.

Breakfast: Weetabix, fruit (I know it was banana, apple, orange but I cannot remember what else I'm thinking that I may have had a couple of strawberries thrown in also) and that was followed by a cup of fruit juice.

Lunch: Sandwich (salmon in brown bread), I had 2 cup cakes for desert and that was followed by a cup of fruit squash.

Dinner: Vegetarian spaghetti bolognese, parmesan, mozzarella, chocolate mousse and that was followed by a cup of fruit squash.

Snacks: Today I have had 3 cups of fruit squash, hot lemon squash and honey.

So today I have got up extra early due to Mich actually having to go into work this morning, so I got myself up early so that I could eat my breakfast all promptly. Then I could get on with my morning exercise routine, but it dragged on a bit today; into the afternoon today, which was all fine and dandy apart from my speed around the Champs-Élysées, which was a bit slow.

Thus far last week, well on Sunday, we (Mich and I) completed another 100mi cycle ride, but I was disappointed it was only 98mi. Then it was the day before, so Saturday, I discovered that I couldn't float which is a bit of a downer when it comes to swimming but then fortunately I can still swim, "front-stroke"/"breaststroke"/whatever you call it you know the type of swimming where you put your face down into the water and then you kick your legs and pull at the water with your arms I can still do but I just cannot breath while i do it so I attempted it in the shallows of the pool, which had me swimming about a third of the width of the pool before I needed to breath. Then I was trying swimming on my back whatever it's called "backstroke"/"squirrel-stroke"/whatever... which apart from the immediate sensation of sinking that I feel as soon as I get onto my back, works pretty well as I soon get my feet up to a decent enough cadence/speed. But then again the swimming was with Emu, C and their son, I think I can remember Emu saying something to the effect of C being embarrassed to be seen around my body after I got out of the pool by pushing down on the side of the pool with my hands to lift my body out of the water and onto the side; well I'm sure that my body isn't that bad. Or it could have been my offer to help him and his son get out of the pool after me, which their eighteen month old son accepted my hand and I pulled him out, but his C didn't.

Now going forward a bit to Monday I remember doing an hour long Zwift ride in the afternoon as Emu, C and son, were still around for the morning, I also got in a little bounce and some weight lifting. Tuesday I got a bit of Zwift riding, weight lifting, treadmill running/jogging, stair-stepping, bounce before finally getting in a bit on the tandem. Wednesday I did a bit of treadmill running, weight lifting, stair-stepper, bounce and it was another pub ride. That's what it was for this week until today which is Thursday so I have done a little bit of treadmill running/jogging, and then I have done another weight lifting, then it was another little step on the stair-stepper, before my bounce and another Zwift ride.

Monday 14 June 2021

Why I Don't Support BLM, or any of the teams kneeling for them

I disagree with BLM as it is a terrorist organisation, as they use terror to get what they want, like George Floyd’s killer's conviction as some of the jurors have stated that they feared what would happen if they voted not to convict; which is, probably, why it was such a quick case.

There disregard for the rule of law, like with what they did with that statue in Bristol, Edward Colston, if they want it removed so badly they should have appealed to the correct authorities, not just tear it down and throw it in the river. Then all of the people that they have killed in the USA like the story, below, Secoriea Turner, an 8 year old girl, who was shot and killed by BLM quote from her mother "They say Black Lives Matter. You killed your own, you killed your own this time."
So what does BLM actually mean? “black” deaths matter when they help us push our agenda other than that we don’t care? But seriously if they were serious about black lives truly mattering wouldn't they be greater in favour of “black” children staying in schools and getting a higher level of education and they’d be more interested in the great achievements of their “back” forebears. and not getting involved with drugs, unlike the patron Saint of BLM, I’m typing about George Floyd here, or even the newer sacrifice to the cause, Winston Boogie Smith, who was an armed “black” man who was gunned down by the police.
I don’t care what the pigment of your skin is, it could be blue for all I care. It should be the content of your character that counts not down to the colour of your skin, as was said by that great man on the 28th of August 1963 in his “I Have A Dream” speech, which sadly I wasn’t alive for.

Then why don’t I agree with the footballers taking the knee before they get to play, it’s as they don’t just have this to be their voice, they have got loads of opportunities for them to make their political position clear and it doesn’t have to be in the way of a game. As that is what the talking of the knee is, it’s a political statement in support of BLM, not blm (lowercase), it came about as George Floyd was killed by the knee of the police officer which is how it became a symbol of BLM the terrorist organisation. Besides George Floyd wasn’t a saint, he did some really messed up stuff in his life, by that I mean he pointed a gun to a pregnant woman’s pregnant belly, it may have been as he was high at the time. Is that your best excuse? Because if it is then you’ve got some problems, it’s not really an excuse. I know it may explain why he did it but it doesn’t excuse his actions.

Anyway aren’t they in contradiction with some of the first rules of owning your firearm? Always assume that a firearm is loaded and never point your firearm at anyone, even if it has no ammo in it’s barrel, as if you pull your gun on anyone that would invite anyone to pull one on you as they’re assuming yours is loaded so shoot you before you shoot anyone.

Sunday 30 May 2021

Day 2249

Day 2249;

Now for the past two days I have had a couple of disappointing days in terms of the activities that I have done today, as I haven’t actually done any; minus the walks.

Now today and yesterday were just basically write-offs but then tomorrow it is planned for to go back on the bike (tandem), and then Emu has actually read my message to her, the one about getting me swimming again and she thinks it's a good idea just a shame that she didn't read the message before she got into the car to come up to where I live else-wise... I don't know but I may be allowed to go off for a swim any time that I like, as long as the pool is open that is. Then again I may be allowed to get my gym membership renewed as with my membership I'd get "free" access to the pool so I could do my daily little warm up routine for the mornings then in the afternoon I could go off to the pool and proper gym for my afternoons exercise. I think that Steve Bate said that his days are spent doing similar, and he is a Paralympic gold medalist.

So I've got my CV done, now, I just need to post it off to the respective organisations for hiring me... that is the more challenging part of the whole ordeal.

Friday 21 May 2021

Day 2248

Day 2248;

Now then today will be my first day of this year for me to actually post something on this blog.

Now this may have actually been because I have got a bit more lazy within my outlook of this problem that we call life. Or it may just be that I had forgotten about it? But I don’t really see that happening, I was having such a good time as of late so I have just decided to let you people in again, on it. Not that I actually know that anyone’s even reading the words that I print out to the screens.

Recently I have been thinking about getting myself in better shape, now my plan is for when I get up in the morning is to go downstairs for my breakfast obviously. Then assuming that I have accomplished that activity without any complications I next take a fifteen minute cycle on the Zwift bike, before I have a fifteen minute row on the rowing machine, which is before I have a fifteen minute jog/run on the treadmill, and I top it off with a fifteen minute bounce on the little trampoline.

Then I take a break and I have a drink (not a Kit Kat). Before I have my second little fifteen minute cycle on the Zwift bike, now this one is always slower than the first, I believe, but then when I did them today I was seriously impressing myself. As not only did I manage to get myself to an average speed of greater than 21mph for the first fifteen minutes, as I had done that once before, but I managed to get myself to an average speed of greater than the 21mph twice in one day. But it was, admittedly, only over fifteen minutes. Then after I had rode around Watopia I had myself a nice little bit of dumbbell lifting, it was nothing too strenuous (only half a pound, 1 pound, before finally 2 pound of weight). Then all that was left for me to do was a little bit of quick stepping in the FittCube, or just my final fifteen minutes of my workout; which takes about two hours of workout time total.

So now that is what I have done every morning, on weekdays (Monday to Friday). For a while now I can’t remember how long exactly as I have been doing the three exercises that aren’t weight lifting and don’t have anything to do with Zwift a bit haphazardly since I started off with the routine. But then there’s the weekends that I don’t have a routine of exercise for but I do generally have the little thing, I even believe that I may have done three fifteen minute workouts on the bike one of these past days. But I’m still attempting to be a Paralympian, I don’t quite know what sport or athletic pursuit, I’m best suited for though.