Thursday 9 September 2021

Day 2250

Day 2250:

Today I have decided to start up again on this here blog, just as I have got the time to do so this morning, as I got up extra early.

Breakfast: Weetabix, fruit (I know it was banana, apple, orange but I cannot remember what else I'm thinking that I may have had a couple of strawberries thrown in also) and that was followed by a cup of fruit juice.

Lunch: Sandwich (salmon in brown bread), I had 2 cup cakes for desert and that was followed by a cup of fruit squash.

Dinner: Vegetarian spaghetti bolognese, parmesan, mozzarella, chocolate mousse and that was followed by a cup of fruit squash.

Snacks: Today I have had 3 cups of fruit squash, hot lemon squash and honey.

So today I have got up extra early due to Mich actually having to go into work this morning, so I got myself up early so that I could eat my breakfast all promptly. Then I could get on with my morning exercise routine, but it dragged on a bit today; into the afternoon today, which was all fine and dandy apart from my speed around the Champs-Élysées, which was a bit slow.

Thus far last week, well on Sunday, we (Mich and I) completed another 100mi cycle ride, but I was disappointed it was only 98mi. Then it was the day before, so Saturday, I discovered that I couldn't float which is a bit of a downer when it comes to swimming but then fortunately I can still swim, "front-stroke"/"breaststroke"/whatever you call it you know the type of swimming where you put your face down into the water and then you kick your legs and pull at the water with your arms I can still do but I just cannot breath while i do it so I attempted it in the shallows of the pool, which had me swimming about a third of the width of the pool before I needed to breath. Then I was trying swimming on my back whatever it's called "backstroke"/"squirrel-stroke"/whatever... which apart from the immediate sensation of sinking that I feel as soon as I get onto my back, works pretty well as I soon get my feet up to a decent enough cadence/speed. But then again the swimming was with Emu, C and their son, I think I can remember Emu saying something to the effect of C being embarrassed to be seen around my body after I got out of the pool by pushing down on the side of the pool with my hands to lift my body out of the water and onto the side; well I'm sure that my body isn't that bad. Or it could have been my offer to help him and his son get out of the pool after me, which their eighteen month old son accepted my hand and I pulled him out, but his C didn't.

Now going forward a bit to Monday I remember doing an hour long Zwift ride in the afternoon as Emu, C and son, were still around for the morning, I also got in a little bounce and some weight lifting. Tuesday I got a bit of Zwift riding, weight lifting, treadmill running/jogging, stair-stepping, bounce before finally getting in a bit on the tandem. Wednesday I did a bit of treadmill running, weight lifting, stair-stepper, bounce and it was another pub ride. That's what it was for this week until today which is Thursday so I have done a little bit of treadmill running/jogging, and then I have done another weight lifting, then it was another little step on the stair-stepper, before my bounce and another Zwift ride.

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