Wednesday 2 May 2012

More lunacy from over the pond

By the pond I mean the Atlantic, yes it's America that I am on about.
It's about the senator of North Carolina's wife; who is a female Homosapien, I think?

"Anti-Gay Marriage Bill Created ‘To Protect Caucasian Race’ Says Senator’s Wife"

But I don't understand her logic how on earth or in fact any other planet in the universe will homosexuality effect your superiority complex over every other single colour of people on the planet?
Now your sounding a little bit like I'm sure Adolf Hitler did during the war.
Oh no it can't be happening again, can it?
Ok it's not no partner of a senator "can" have enough influence over who to go to war with next, can they?
Unless they work out a way of fertilising the sperm with another sperm or an egg with another egg, which the both of them are very unlikely to happen ever, verging over the line of impossible, as from my biology lessons you need two gametes one from a male, the sperm, and one from the female, the egg, and each one of them has 23 Chromosomes in each and both fuse/join together inside of the woman and they form a foetus and then approximately 9 months later you both get a child.
But then you've got In Vetro Fertilisation (IVF) but you still need female and male gametes.

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