Saturday 12 May 2012


Cloning a human/very intresting stuff

Tuesday 8 May 2012

A bit on Chemistry

Well I'm unsure if all of you have heard of the band My Chemical Romance, I should think so as they were labelled as an Emo band and some years ago so called Emo bands were cool weren't they? I haven't got the slightest clue what an Emo band is within the context of My Chemical Romance; I know what an Emo is supposed to be (they are supposed to be suicidal people, aren’t they), but I find they're music uplifting not depressive.

I was thinking about the name in relation to my science week or my previous 7 days of the stuff and I have just been thinking as I have covered a bit on biology and and I started a bit on physics and just I thought what could I do on chemistry and but I figured the awesome band, My Chemical Romance, <.p> So you could just say what about that band, apart from the scientific name in the middle anyway what about the name is not scientific? Would be my counter question.

As what about romance isn’t due to chemicals like hormones and pheromones and biochemical reactions.

I found a website which can explain it better than me:

“Physical attraction is the result of the body's reaction to each other's pheromones and hormones.” I quote the prior text from this web space .

Which I shall paraphrase the rest of the text.

testosterone is produced by the female if she sees, smells, hears or practically any other sense, and pheromones are playing a .very important role in this stage.

A feeling of lust is an actual chemical charge from inside of a body. As are the feelings of being romantic or being romanced or the feelings that you get in some relationships.

Monday 7 May 2012

My basic explanation of the bang theory part 2

Ok so where was in my basic explanation of the bang theory,

I remember now I was just informing you people about all of the elements and how they formed. I was about to inform you of how the stars are thought to have been formed.

The stars are made out of Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon, Neon and Nitrogen atoms.

Now so when a star is created you’ve got all of the mentioned above particles joining up and once they have collided and gathered enough energy to become a star, they burst into stars. But of the stars probably are the only natural places in the universe where the quarks get “built” into the basic chemical elements, but then you can transfer the quark between items by doing a thing as simple as switching a light switch as from only my basic, truly elementary, understanding of physics as in electrons are relatively abundant in which are negatively charged with the electrical charge passing throughout the atoms within the electrons, which are attached. <\p>

Now that should be it for the stars which were logically created before the planets not as how the majority of Christians and biblical realists, by the way by biblical realists I mean all of the people that think what happened in the bible was real. But yes I know they’re really difficult to understand but that’s why I am attempting to understand the mind set up of one that is very nice. Yes she told me that it could have been the big bang that created god (she was going to ask her priest yesterday), But then I used facey book’s personal message system to tell her of the blatant contradictions she’s Roman Catholic as my Irish Grandma is/was, the Romans were very interesting in accordance to their faiths, but I shall write about them at some other time.

Then after the stars had been formed planets were created within the outer areas of stars, so then henceforth the rocks each less than half the size of the sun at its birth but as the sun uses more of its finite number of particles they can create some more within its self but as its fuel which keeps it running winds down to next to nothing and where does all of the energy that it created by the stars end up? well the majority of it is wasted as light and heat energy which guessing I shouldn’t call it wasted energy as it is highly incremental to our being here today on earth. The heat as it would be almost as cold as in outer space and the light else wise it’d be like living in complete darkness and you wouldn’t be able to see anything the human race would be like a mole in the vision respect.

Sunday 6 May 2012

More Sciency stuff

Now this isn't about My basic explanation of the bang theory but instead it's going to be me hosting an interesting episode of the Sci Show It's about parasites that live inside of the Homosapien orgasm,

Saturday 5 May 2012

My basic explanation of the bang theory part 1

The big bang theory as far as I can tell was caused from the natural process of time which eroded over the first sub atomic particles to exist which were a series of up of protons, neutrons and elections; actually I think that they may have been smaller than that are called quarks.

But then all of the sub atomic particles were super condensed “down” to a small size at the centre of the universe and then every atom of your personal body was separated, everything that is of physical form now and ever was meaning that you could be eating some atoms which was a part of the space station at one point, as there are only a finite number of atoms within this universe.

“For the time being at least, at least until something can re-create the perfect conditions for the big bang but couldn’t that that destroy us all?”

Well I don’t know if creating another big bang inside of the known universe would destroy it or just create a new universe inside of it, but I know that I shall have to find out.

The sub atomic particles were just “standing” around if they could stand around which they couldn’t do as they don’t have any legs, they’re just some inert particles at this time, before the time concept which has been established which is due to the earth rotating when I haven’t even gotten around to explaining all the stars yet.

But when the subatomic particle moved around they brushed against each other generating friction and then bang all of the sub atomic particles gained enough energy, which forced them to expand and to join up in to atomic structures like Fe 26/ 55.845. if you’d like to find out more about the atomic structure of Iron Periodic table element Fe 26/55.845 click here.

Friday 4 May 2012

More evolutioon

So I just wanted to put up this on my blog it's a bit more about evolution, but it's just here before I go a onto my physics understanding in the (the big bang theory).

Thursday 3 May 2012

I was looking for some more Evolution stuff

Well I was looking for some Evolution stuff on YouTube and I found this video about the misconceptions some of us human beings have had on the subject, are having about evolution and I hadn't mentioned most of it in my last post, about evolution, so here goes, now send in the Crocoducks.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

More lunacy from over the pond

By the pond I mean the Atlantic, yes it's America that I am on about.
It's about the senator of North Carolina's wife; who is a female Homosapien, I think?

"Anti-Gay Marriage Bill Created ‘To Protect Caucasian Race’ Says Senator’s Wife"

But I don't understand her logic how on earth or in fact any other planet in the universe will homosexuality effect your superiority complex over every other single colour of people on the planet?
Now your sounding a little bit like I'm sure Adolf Hitler did during the war.
Oh no it can't be happening again, can it?
Ok it's not no partner of a senator "can" have enough influence over who to go to war with next, can they?
Unless they work out a way of fertilising the sperm with another sperm or an egg with another egg, which the both of them are very unlikely to happen ever, verging over the line of impossible, as from my biology lessons you need two gametes one from a male, the sperm, and one from the female, the egg, and each one of them has 23 Chromosomes in each and both fuse/join together inside of the woman and they form a foetus and then approximately 9 months later you both get a child.
But then you've got In Vetro Fertilisation (IVF) but you still need female and male gametes.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

My short explanation of evolution

The beginins of life as far as I understand

1^well as far as I understand it every biological life form started off as a singular cell. Now each of these singular cells are organisms, but if the conditions on the planet’s surface are correct as it was on earth all those thousands of millions of years ago, 4540 million years ago. Then all of the cells involved do a process called mitosis which is the nucleus (the genetic material which is inside of an cell) of a cell replicating; now what usually happens now is another process called cytokinesis/the splitting of cytoplasm (which is the property that surround and protects the nucleus) like how your skull protects your brain but it is less solid. But that is basically the origins of life

“But then how did we get so complex?”

2^Anyway what Darwin explains is that with every cell that “lives” it is going to make to make more replicas of itself now we all should know that practically nothings perfect, no not even a god concept is perfect it is always as flawed as its creator or creators, in some ways it may seem perfect and to some people but you just need to take an objective/impartial stance on the object of your fantasies then take another look at your fantasy and you’ll see that it’s as flawed it is, as the rest of us stuck here on this plane, for the time being at least.


3^Anyway back to your question where does all of this complicity come from, well it comes from the random mutations within the cell structure and then only the best survive, like a garden where only the brightest flowers attract the insects to come and pollinate them, else wise you’d get weeds which pollenate a different way and that is called natural selection e.g. the dinosaurs were the inhabitants of this planet before homo-sapiens came into existence, anyway while we may not exactly know what wiped them out but he human race has built up a theory, a scientific theory of what could have happened to them, which is that a meteorite collided with the earth which hit the atmosphere with such force that the sun was obscured and then all vegetation wouldn’t be able to grow and then all of the herbivores would be extinct as the vegetation has gone prior, then the carnivores would die out as where has the food source gone? Which only leaves the omnivores which would have die out along with they’re food sources, leaving the seas the seas as the only part to harvest life.


4^Then human evolution starts again but then with our ancestors, but I’m not meaning your Grandparents I mean the types of creature that still look like fish but they have grown slight legs, a tiny bit like a seal, but then as we reproduced every cell will have unique genetic data in it at conception and then mitosis and cytosols (check up the page if you have forgotten what these are) the random mutations which happen within genetic code created apes probably over 10 million year time frame give enough time to create apes but evolution is an on-going process so who knows what the homo-sapiens race will look like in the next 10 million years if our decedents are still called that if we don’t become extinct before then, please note I do not believe that we, as a species can survive, very much longer than the end of this century let alone 10 million years.