Wednesday 29 February 2012

RE: Living After Faith- 28.02.12

Living after faith? how easy is it?
Very actually I think.
But's been getting easier apparently.

I am 19 almost 20
But I am English,
Well I have two sisters one older and the other one younger.
The elder one is probably an Atheist, the younger one is agnostic/Atheist.

The only theist’s I think that is in our family aren’t the people that were on the Roman Catholic side of my family/the Irish one, No that side of my immediate family my granddad has been called quite something of an atheist by his daughter/my mother/Tina, and then my Irish grandmother now she was a Nun, but now I’m thinking about it she’s probably an atheist now as well, especially as her two newest grandchildren Ryan *an uncle by blood* and Katie’s *an aunt- by marrying Ryan* (But just another thing, the wedding wasn’t in a church) and then they have had two children and neither was been baptised as an infant, [well I’m guessing they both could probably still be called infants with the older one of the two being about 3 at the moment, But then there’s Sean he’s the older of the two uncles I am unsure of his religion all that I know about his theology is that him and his girlfriend (Laura) both Rock.

Now I go onto the rouge elements in side my family Grandma and Felicity, Grandma I think only as an effort of keeping in touch with my Grandpa,, blasted wish thinking, he’s dead and no amount of wish thinking can bring him back. so who is this Felicity? She is my aunt *by blood this time* and I am unsure of what to make from her, utterly perplexed as she is a great biochemist *she works at cardif university* but I believe that she’s Christian... I am unsure of how the two even correlate.

Friday 24 February 2012

Christian = Sick, in the head?

This post is about one Christian that goes to my college and is in my form, so that makes two at least of that minority group within my form they‘re even outnumbered by the number of Atheist tutors that we have teaching us/helping out in the class rooms. But that’s enough about the background let’s get back onto the plot. Well as I was stating I noticed an item in the college email box it was about a funeral that is going to take place one day next week and on it said the funeral was going to be held at a church so this boy/man in my lass started celebrating and then one of the others in our class pointed out his sickness as “someone had died so why the hell are you celebrating?” and then the boy/man attempted to explain himself and then he said it was as it was at a church. Confused? I think the whole class was; except Mr Sick in the head Christian.

By the way Mr Sick in the head Christian you fix my dead body to a crucifix and burn it if it pushes those pagan tendencies when ‘m dead, if you'd like to? Anyway I am a heathen that doesn’t believe in your God or spiritualism when you’re dead your dead. So you better make your relitly short period of time on this earth making a positive contribution, not just because if you don't you’re going to burn in hell because your not your just going to fade into obsolescence eventually the only thing that lasts for an eternity is the particles which make up everything but they are all reused, to create new things.

But I'll Go into Christian logic anther time, I'll point out a couple of the more obvious the flaws within them.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Define: love

Can anyone define Love for me, plesase...
Well I have no idea what love is but that technicality won’t stop me speculating [Begin speculation]
From personal experience It is a feeling/emotion of attraction towards a certain person or object, but if you ask many people some will say that that isn’t love and if you ask them what is it they may say it is nought but san attraction (noting but an attraction), so that bugs my first theory up.
So what are we as humans, if not living objects? But that question can wait until I’m in another equally trivial mood.
But from google define I have found 10 separate definitions for the one concept of love
1. An intense feeling of deep affection

2. A deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone

3. A personified figure of love, often represented as Cupid

4. A great interest and pleasure in something

5. Affectionate greetings conveyed to someone on one's behalf

6. A formula for ending an affectionate letter

7. A person or thing that one loves

8. A friendly form of address

9. Used to express affectionate approval for someone

10. A score of zero; nil

Well I have felt some of these that it is possible to feel which 3 of that list are.
Thomas: Savage.1 I’m wondering why I have suddenly taken an interest in such a trivial question?
It is because I have been wondering it since a friend of mine asked me if I loved she literally said “do you love me?” so after a pause I indicated the easiest way I knew how to, I shook my head probably as it shocked me and another reason was because I was still trying to work out why another girl had dumped me after all she asked me out and I accepted the proposition as she said that she loved me; what is this fickle concept called Love?
Thoomas? But that happened years ago why are you only blogging about it now?
Patience Thomas I was just getting to that section,
It was as a college friend whom shall not be named in this document/blog post, as he is getting married in a couple of months (days or years I don’t know I haven’t received an invitation) but the conversation that he was having with another person was a bit like a confession, as in forgive me father for I have sinned, he is a Christian, a minority group in that class we’d got in-between 1 and 4 Christians in that class we had in-between 1 and 4 Islamic people in that class and we had in-between 1 and 4 agnostic people for all three of the minority groups 1 is defiant the other 3 could be any and the rest of the class is atheist, I am sorry for that slight distraction. So I typed a message for him which said something like “adulterer isn’t there something about that in your big book of nonsense and fairy tales, it’s called the bible I think” and he described his a sin and then he made up an excuse which was “Gods perfect and I’m only a man, a sinner by nature, by this point he had me cringing. classic Christian apologetics.
Well as long as don’t carry on your relationship with woman X after you’ve married your fiancĂ© you’re free of sin as adultery only count as adultery if you are married to the other woman at the time even if you are married you only have to marry both of them to get annulled of your sin.
Now if you found that was a depressing topic you can watch this to cheer you up

Miss Vermont: Yes it's math, I'm sorry; is this a joke

Friday 17 February 2012

Only adult Catholics are dunked at baptism to do what?

To Tina a response on your statement about only adult Catholics being submerged at baptism and not the children,
You said to a question of why people get submerged at baptism only as adults and not children as they were being cleansed of their sins of a previous life, within the context before the life as a beliver in god (what should I call him Godana, Godfrey, Godfried, Godwin or another) which should make him more personable like the human that made him up,
I see what you mean that a new born child not having done anything, ever, so therefore no sins to wash off but what about the original sin concept?
Isn’t it that thing for that fictional character Adam stealing that apple*? Which for that bit of god’s negligence he’s thrown us from his kingdom, heaven,
I use the term negligence correctly I’m sure as if he did create everything including the devil why the hell did he create the devil (do you see what I have done here, devil, hell) unless he felt like he’d need a scapegoat to blame to force all of the terrible stuff upon that he’d do to the human people below/ his naive followers.,
*Bible chapter Genesis I think,
To Tina a response on your statement about only adult Catholics being submerged at baptism and not the children,
You said to a question of why people get submerged at baptism only as adults and not children as they were being cleansed of their sins of a previous life, within the context before the life as a beliver in god (what should I call him Godana, Godfrey, Godfried, Godwin or another) which should make him more personable like the human that made him up,
I see what you mean that a new born child not having done anything, ever, so therefore no sins to wash off but what about the original sin concept?
Isn’t it that thing for that fictional character Adam stealing that apple*? Which for that bit of god’s negligence he’s thrown us from his kingdom, heaven,
I use the term negligence correctly I’m sure as if he did create everything including the devil why the hell did he create the devil (do you see what I have done here, devil, hell) unless he felt like he’d need a scapegoat to blame to force all of the terrible stuff upon that he’d do to the human people below/ his naive followers.
*Bible chapter Genesis I think,