Tuesday 22 November 2011

Thank you Exceed the limit,

Thank you Exceed the limit,
I am sorry that it took me so long to write a response to your highly informative post but I only noticed them on the 22nd of November, I am at my utmost of sorry for not responding sooner.
Just because of some of what your prophet Muhammed said turns out to be true gives no credit to all (100%) of his teachings, and you may say that it is because if those texts that you type of (the Quran) are completely written by Muhsmmed all those 1400< years ago. But anyway if he did he could have been someone that was a. highly intelligent and/or b. very good at making observations.
I believe you that there are no similarities between the Christian faith and the Islamic faith except the part of your holly text which when in the bible is called the Old Testament, I do not know its name in the Quran. Have you seen the Satanic Verses Jesus VS Muhammed on youtube if you hadn’t you could find it in the following link.

But honestly I wouldn’t trust these Christians if they were the last people alive, besides me if I was one of the last people alive,

But you know your heat analogy If you want me to be honest that is a good one, but if you didn’t mind I am about to express some of my personal opinion so brace yourself and try not to be offended as this isn’t intended to offend, but it’s not indestructible as heat/temperature is a man-made concept, like your God/Allah, but everything on the planet is subject to it, unlike your God/Allah. Even the earth beneath our feet whenever we go outside of our homes is constantly subjected to its power; in one way or another however small and/or unnoticeable it seems,
Such an interesting point about a soul what if I was to say that I don’t believe that any of us have a soul can you back up your presumption about us all having souls with any solid evidence and please don’t give any form of religious book.

What questions are they? If you tell me the questions and then I’ll attempt to answer them before I read the Quran as then we’ll be able to see how logical your Quran is compared to my personal logic, and then I’ll read your Quran as I hate secrets that have been kept from me, not the actual secrets but the whole concept of secrets that have been kept from me all of this time.

I don’t get how you came to this wild assumption that I believe in soul and self-diseases? Because I have already answered my thoughts on whether we have souls on that post, but if I do at any point in the above dialogue I’m sorry and I would like some proof, by self-diseases do you mean mental illnesses? Finally I get to feeling & emotions, and but I would like to say that I felt happy as soon as I realised that somebody had taken an interest in my work but I would also like to use my own logical opinion known but if there was a god that was/is determining what all of our emotions are going to be if something like this happened wouldn’t the world be a much more predictable place?

So Exceed the limit I will do that but before I do please ask me the questions which are still unanswered by science as you know it.

So that I can attempt to find the answer out scientifically.

But I shall attempt to answer Alias comment tomorrow

As I should probably get some sleep.

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