Tuesday 8 November 2011


So this dialoge is meant to be for Styxhexenhammer666 (which the first part of it [styx] I think translates as hate) I am using the video about the First Family of Satanism.

But was Jesus actually a real Person? As we should know that the Romans who were around when Jesus was apparently around, but the Romans were very correct people with their censuses; so wouldn't you think that they would have gathered some data upon him within the accurate Roman censuses, somewhere after all he wasn’t born on the Sunday and died on the following Saturday apparently?
If Jesus was a real person he’d have been a Satanist anyway. Turning water into wine sounds a bit like he’s showing off, to me, well I know his morals were adversary to the Satanist teachings but his application was spot on.
Anyway with God being all powerful all seeing and all knowledgeable he wouldn’t have made it opinion of to which/what god you worship you would by default worship it, it’s all logic. If not it doesn’t build into a deep routed sense of I is your master you must bow down to me I am almost sorry to say that I either 1. doesn’t care about you or 2. never existed.

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