Thursday 24 November 2011

Thank you Alia

Thank you Alia

People who say there is no God have to read this article;

Ok I will do as you request

“Excuse me would you stop for a moment, haven’t you thought one day about yourself who has made it.

Actually yes, I have many of times.
And I have found much more satisfying answers than it was “God/Allah” for example I know as a fact that I was conceived by two people of whom you could call my parents. who got together one day and they decided to have sexual intercourse and I’m as a result of that. But it was up to me to become the man that you’re reading from today. Just as It is up to you personally how you choose to live your life.

Have you seen a design without a designer or have you seen a wonderful delicate without a worker, it’s you and the whole universe who has made them GOD\ALLAH”.

I get the point that you’re attempting to make here, you’re trying to make me say that it all had to have been created by a creator. But you should know better than that especially as your friend said above that the majority of your Islamic community were incredibly versed in science. Well have you ever heard of the big bang theory? But I know it’s only a theory but in all honesty isn’t that what all of these “prophets” have been regardless of the “God(s)” that they acclaim to have following.

Imagine, if I told you that New York City came by an accident “Would you believe”? Definitely your answer would be no so. Nothing in this world came by an accident.

I am imagining but I can name some things that came into this world by accident take me for example if your god was true and he was really my personal creator it s possible that he made a mistake, had an accident, in creating me.

Therefore. You didn’t believe that New York City has came by an accident then how did you believe that whole universe came by an accident!!!!?

No nothing of the sort, I know that some humans built it there and I also found a reasoning for it being positioned where it is and it’s reasoning is quite straight forward actually, it is as you probably already know that the majority of the initial people that went over the oceans to colonize (and actually to drive the native American people to almost extinction) but they were from Europe, so now that I have straightened that little quandary out for you, the one about the origins of NYC would you like me to fill you in on the Big Bang theory, you never know you could learn more things similarly to me in this discussion? As I have infect learnt a bit about your religion, which was what I was hopeing to do over the course of this discussion.

First I would like to ask a question to those people who said that God\ALLAH could not create mankind after death.

I disbelieve this statement as an Atheist like my self doesn’t believe in your concept of God or the prospect of eternal life, as if something has a beginning it must henceforth have an end the same goes for the sun and all of the stars, in the night sky.

Where were you before two hundred years ago?

Well I honestly can’t be specific with my answer to this question as the multiple millions of atoms that make me up can’t be traced back to any definitive location for the period of time that you are talking about.

The one who created you from nothing and gave you life for the first time can give you live after death!!!!

No one person, or many people, can live after death, to my understanding, As sorry as I am to break it to you but what would be the point of a life that last forever as that looks like a long time to me plenty of time to get bored in.

Allah says in the Quran verse 75\36 (Does man think that he will be left neglected (without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties enjoined by the Lord Allah on him) 37 {was he not a Nutfah (mixed male and female sexual discharged) of semen emitted (poured forth)? 38 (then he became an Alaqah (a clot) then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion 39 (and made of him two sexes, male and female , 40 (Is not he (Allah) who does that able to give life to the dead? (Yes is able to do all things)

What an educational passage of text.

Second, Scientists have discovered that the last bone at the end of the backbone is the part of the human body that is never lost. It does not even decompose completely in the ground,
Which has been mentioned before 1400 years ago
In several Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , that the tailbone is the origin of the human being. And on Judgment Day God will emerge a human being from his or her tailbone. 

The holy scripts are:

1) Abu Huraira narrated, that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

"All of the Sons of Adam (men) will decay except for the bone of coccyx (tailbone). From it he (man) was created and by it he will be reconstructed."

2) Abu Huraira narrated, that the Prophet (pbuh) said: 

"There is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone; that is the little bone at the end of the coccyx of which the human body will be recreated on the Day of Resurrection”

All bones in the human skeleton decay and decompose it just can take longer for some parts of the skeleton to decompose to others, As I said in my other response to Exceed the limit that Muhammad was an obliviously highly observant man to notice things like that at the time that he did.

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