Tuesday 29 November 2011

A Savage’s question of me

A Savage’s question of me

The question was what religion should I follow as she’s confused about what to believe, and she keeps quote Pascal’s wager to me but I’ll tell you what’s worse, she probably hasn’t even heard of Pascal’s wager.

What is Pascal’s wager?

Well Pascal’s wager is a sort of theists attempt to scare people, mainly atheists, into believing their ludicrous assumptions (my personal opinion) that there is a god that is all knowledgeable, powerful etc. It goes like this if you die the theist and there isn’t anything on the other side so you could just fade away into oblivion, but if God is real he will go to heaven and everyone else including atheists will go to hell.

But that primitive concept is fundamentally flawed as how many other religions claim to be accurate and correct so how are you supposed to determine which one true?

I answer;

I believe that you should find your own way of finding what is worthy of your belief, you can chose to be like grandma and believe in a little book as it is apparently the word of God, despite the inconsistencies from reality, or you could choose a different religion there is many, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism and there is many more the majority of the religions that I have stated above are monotheistic which means as it says mono-one, theist- is a person that has a belief in God(s), the only exceptions to that are Hinduism (which are people that believe in multiple Gods like the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians ect.) and Buddhism (is a little bit like an atheism but with rules of how to live your life and an eternal life/enlightenment) . But then there are atheists people with no belief in a God without heaven (the carrot) or hell (the stick) there are no meeting regular points for an atheist like a church/mosque or a daily routine.

But if you’d like my advice you should search for a religion which you agree with the fundaments of the religion Then probe into the religion; this means taking a look around, you can actually go to the places of worship or by searching it on the internet, perhaps even questioning others who participate. keep asking questions but when /if you do find one that shares all of those perspectives with you then you have found the correct religion for you, I’m still searching for a religion which vales the truth as I am yet to find; one which can back it up with evidence.

Thursday 24 November 2011

Thank you Alia

Thank you Alia

People who say there is no God have to read this article;

Ok I will do as you request

“Excuse me would you stop for a moment, haven’t you thought one day about yourself who has made it.

Actually yes, I have many of times.
And I have found much more satisfying answers than it was “God/Allah” for example I know as a fact that I was conceived by two people of whom you could call my parents. who got together one day and they decided to have sexual intercourse and I’m as a result of that. But it was up to me to become the man that you’re reading from today. Just as It is up to you personally how you choose to live your life.

Have you seen a design without a designer or have you seen a wonderful delicate without a worker, it’s you and the whole universe who has made them GOD\ALLAH”.

I get the point that you’re attempting to make here, you’re trying to make me say that it all had to have been created by a creator. But you should know better than that especially as your friend said above that the majority of your Islamic community were incredibly versed in science. Well have you ever heard of the big bang theory? But I know it’s only a theory but in all honesty isn’t that what all of these “prophets” have been regardless of the “God(s)” that they acclaim to have following.

Imagine, if I told you that New York City came by an accident “Would you believe”? Definitely your answer would be no so. Nothing in this world came by an accident.

I am imagining but I can name some things that came into this world by accident take me for example if your god was true and he was really my personal creator it s possible that he made a mistake, had an accident, in creating me.

Therefore. You didn’t believe that New York City has came by an accident then how did you believe that whole universe came by an accident!!!!?

No nothing of the sort, I know that some humans built it there and I also found a reasoning for it being positioned where it is and it’s reasoning is quite straight forward actually, it is as you probably already know that the majority of the initial people that went over the oceans to colonize (and actually to drive the native American people to almost extinction) but they were from Europe, so now that I have straightened that little quandary out for you, the one about the origins of NYC would you like me to fill you in on the Big Bang theory, you never know you could learn more things similarly to me in this discussion? As I have infect learnt a bit about your religion, which was what I was hopeing to do over the course of this discussion.

First I would like to ask a question to those people who said that God\ALLAH could not create mankind after death.

I disbelieve this statement as an Atheist like my self doesn’t believe in your concept of God or the prospect of eternal life, as if something has a beginning it must henceforth have an end the same goes for the sun and all of the stars, in the night sky.

Where were you before two hundred years ago?

Well I honestly can’t be specific with my answer to this question as the multiple millions of atoms that make me up can’t be traced back to any definitive location for the period of time that you are talking about.

The one who created you from nothing and gave you life for the first time can give you live after death!!!!

No one person, or many people, can live after death, to my understanding, As sorry as I am to break it to you but what would be the point of a life that last forever as that looks like a long time to me plenty of time to get bored in.

Allah says in the Quran verse 75\36 (Does man think that he will be left neglected (without being punished or rewarded for the obligatory duties enjoined by the Lord Allah on him) 37 {was he not a Nutfah (mixed male and female sexual discharged) of semen emitted (poured forth)? 38 (then he became an Alaqah (a clot) then (Allah) shaped and fashioned (him) in due proportion 39 (and made of him two sexes, male and female , 40 (Is not he (Allah) who does that able to give life to the dead? (Yes is able to do all things)

What an educational passage of text.

Second, Scientists have discovered that the last bone at the end of the backbone is the part of the human body that is never lost. It does not even decompose completely in the ground,
Which has been mentioned before 1400 years ago
In several Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , that the tailbone is the origin of the human being. And on Judgment Day God will emerge a human being from his or her tailbone. 

The holy scripts are:

1) Abu Huraira narrated, that the Prophet (pbuh) said:

"All of the Sons of Adam (men) will decay except for the bone of coccyx (tailbone). From it he (man) was created and by it he will be reconstructed."

2) Abu Huraira narrated, that the Prophet (pbuh) said: 

"There is nothing of the human body that does not decay except one bone; that is the little bone at the end of the coccyx of which the human body will be recreated on the Day of Resurrection”

All bones in the human skeleton decay and decompose it just can take longer for some parts of the skeleton to decompose to others, As I said in my other response to Exceed the limit that Muhammad was an obliviously highly observant man to notice things like that at the time that he did.


Tuesday 22 November 2011

Thank you Exceed the limit,

Thank you Exceed the limit,
I am sorry that it took me so long to write a response to your highly informative post but I only noticed them on the 22nd of November, I am at my utmost of sorry for not responding sooner.
Just because of some of what your prophet Muhammed said turns out to be true gives no credit to all (100%) of his teachings, and you may say that it is because if those texts that you type of (the Quran) are completely written by Muhsmmed all those 1400< years ago. But anyway if he did he could have been someone that was a. highly intelligent and/or b. very good at making observations.
I believe you that there are no similarities between the Christian faith and the Islamic faith except the part of your holly text which when in the bible is called the Old Testament, I do not know its name in the Quran. Have you seen the Satanic Verses Jesus VS Muhammed on youtube if you hadn’t you could find it in the following link.

But honestly I wouldn’t trust these Christians if they were the last people alive, besides me if I was one of the last people alive,

But you know your heat analogy If you want me to be honest that is a good one, but if you didn’t mind I am about to express some of my personal opinion so brace yourself and try not to be offended as this isn’t intended to offend, but it’s not indestructible as heat/temperature is a man-made concept, like your God/Allah, but everything on the planet is subject to it, unlike your God/Allah. Even the earth beneath our feet whenever we go outside of our homes is constantly subjected to its power; in one way or another however small and/or unnoticeable it seems,
Such an interesting point about a soul what if I was to say that I don’t believe that any of us have a soul can you back up your presumption about us all having souls with any solid evidence and please don’t give any form of religious book.

What questions are they? If you tell me the questions and then I’ll attempt to answer them before I read the Quran as then we’ll be able to see how logical your Quran is compared to my personal logic, and then I’ll read your Quran as I hate secrets that have been kept from me, not the actual secrets but the whole concept of secrets that have been kept from me all of this time.

I don’t get how you came to this wild assumption that I believe in soul and self-diseases? Because I have already answered my thoughts on whether we have souls on that post, but if I do at any point in the above dialogue I’m sorry and I would like some proof, by self-diseases do you mean mental illnesses? Finally I get to feeling & emotions, and but I would like to say that I felt happy as soon as I realised that somebody had taken an interest in my work but I would also like to use my own logical opinion known but if there was a god that was/is determining what all of our emotions are going to be if something like this happened wouldn’t the world be a much more predictable place?

So Exceed the limit I will do that but before I do please ask me the questions which are still unanswered by science as you know it.

So that I can attempt to find the answer out scientifically.

But I shall attempt to answer Alias comment tomorrow

As I should probably get some sleep.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

My wisdom

My wisdom on the topic fear.
Never fear the unknown there's plenty more that we know about to be scared of.
Well it's the best I have got.
But if you are struggling to find a fear, you're heartless, metaphorically not literally.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


So this dialoge is meant to be for Styxhexenhammer666 (which the first part of it [styx] I think translates as hate) I am using the video about the First Family of Satanism.

But was Jesus actually a real Person? As we should know that the Romans who were around when Jesus was apparently around, but the Romans were very correct people with their censuses; so wouldn't you think that they would have gathered some data upon him within the accurate Roman censuses, somewhere after all he wasn’t born on the Sunday and died on the following Saturday apparently?
If Jesus was a real person he’d have been a Satanist anyway. Turning water into wine sounds a bit like he’s showing off, to me, well I know his morals were adversary to the Satanist teachings but his application was spot on.
Anyway with God being all powerful all seeing and all knowledgeable he wouldn’t have made it opinion of to which/what god you worship you would by default worship it, it’s all logic. If not it doesn’t build into a deep routed sense of I is your master you must bow down to me I am almost sorry to say that I either 1. doesn’t care about you or 2. never existed.

My response to an Islamic webpage

It's my responce to a page named Reply to Athiests,
But if the link won't work just try copy and pasting this into your address bar- www.islamicglory.com/en/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=1&Itemid=1

"Everybody is growing up asking why I’m here and why I’m going to die someday and what is going to happen after death and many questions"

Is everybody? What a happy bunch your version of everybody is.

Why you're here? there is many different explanations the this quite frequently asked question, not to me I'll admit but I saw this rhetorical question on your website so I don’t think you want an answer to it. But I like a challenge so I'll attempt to answer it to the best of my abilities using science so here goes my explanation...

I am sorry I have first digressed, {I am unsure of your species but as it was about Islam am thinking that it probably is probably of the species Homo sapiens (humans) I am only saying this because us humans are still the only species that have got a borderline obsessive compulsion to bow down inside/in front of a place of worship and whisper sweet nothings to no one I don’t care that you’ve got a crazy American woman to testify that even her dog loves Jesus (sorry stereotype harsh) but just because it can howl the national Anthem and it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that you had it playing on your stereo at an almost constant around the time of its conception to present}

... Well yes you shall die one day and what should happen after your death is the world should keep to its orbit around its sun and life carries on,

But if you were meaning to the person when they die? Well the physical body will just rot away/be eaten by living organisms i.e. bacteria, rats etc. /it’ll be returned to the natural world.
But the question of why am I going to die is a simple one it is because this planet can only support a finite number of inhabitants and that includes all 7 billion+ of homo sapiens alongside of every other billions of species which is on the planet, from rats to the giant ostrich.
It’s Simple you see whenever we (humans) die your physical body is eventually recycled back from where it came, all of those years ago. Well that should be an answer to your second question.

Why are you here? I don’t know you so it would be impossible for me to comment of what you should live your life for, well that is a decision which is best left up to you as you seem like a human whose favourite words seem to be logic and reasoning, so I challenge you to see your text it from atheists position, can you or are you to busy attempting to discredit atheists with you twisted logic?

I quote
“The creator created the universe and manifests his laws. Mankind is witness. The creator is consequent and always acts in the same way. Mankind is witness. The creator grants mankind a bit of intelligence. Mankind starts to recognize patterns in these consequent acts of God. Mankind starts to find mathematical ways to describe the way God manifests his law. Because this is the nature of everything they know, mankind calls this "the science of nature". Mankind claims they no longer need God, since they got science now. But what they fail to understand is that they've merely described how God acts.”

I respond
if a creator created this universe and created mankind to be its witness why didn’t “the creator” make it so that everybody believed in it, and that way all of the children’s first words would be something about the creator and all of the children’s first inclination would be to go to a place of worship, “The creator grants mankind a bit of intelligence” but then why are there so many people that haven’t been educated correctly so they fall back on their faith, I am not attempting to discredit you as you seem like an intelligent person, but now you are twisting logic so that it fits your preferred understanding what’s wrong with just admitting that you don’t have the answer to everything because what there are just theories, yes I have stated that your god is just a theory that is all any god can be without substantial proof it is like the Big Bang theory as soon as anyone has any more plausible evidence to suggest that the Big Bang theory is incorrect and their religions account of events for the creation of the universe is correct I shall be willing to accept their religions production under my proverbial wing but until then I am atheist.

“From my deep discussions to many atheists and from my long search on the internet {Forums, Discussions and opinions} I got an overview of the atheists thinking and I got the conclusion that most of atheists are those people that did not found a lot of logical and reasonable answers to their simple questions so they simply don’t believe in anything”
Well the thing about me is the lack in any proof for any such God to have ever existed, but I can assure you that I actually believe a lot of things all of which are real (true) the only difference between us two is the fact that I hate blind faith and your religion is founded upon it.