Friday 14 October 2011

Mr Mann, I have a few questions

Now Mr Mann, as you would have guessed I have a few questions for you about your belief's but please try to answer them correctly, about as correctly as your religion allows.

So here goes according the Mann Gospel you said that "God" caused the big bang which created the Universe,

I thought I had already posted my article on creationism, but anyway while I find that do you believe that our lives are punishment by god to see if we're "evil" and it's a test of either we should go to hell or heaven? But isn't god supposed to be Omniscient, If he already knows the answer and he "love's" all of us why does he want it to continue surely it'd be more efficient to only give life to those one's who accepted you? and if there is a God anywhere I've got a test for you which is to: strike me down where I sit, NOW.

If I don't post any more from now on it'll be because I'm dead so then God is real but then if I don't die it doesn't diss prove as a thiest would say "but God loves you" well I don't have any of those feelings for a God or even a Goddess like Isis, Aphrodite or even Athena.
Isis Aphrodite Athena

Now so just do it "God", kill me. If the bible is correct you've killed 1,000,000's of more humans that actually believed in you so what's the harm in killing one more blasphemous menace?
Mr Mann I have done this as proff that God doesn't either exsist or care to prove his exsistance as you will note by seeing me Monday.

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