Saturday 18 June 2022

Day 2257

Day 2257;

I guess it's day numbered 2257 today as the last day that I numbered was 2256, unless you wanted to insist that "What Should I Do With My Life (2)" was numbered which could be technically correct. but it wasn't a numbered day.

Last Sunday I did a Sportive, which was a 100mile cycle around Cambridgeshire, you can see my Strava page below.

Nothing too spectacular it was just a little ride on the flats of Cambridgeshire, and I believe that Mich has finally got the idea behind going at speed, which I think went a bit like this; "Wow, we've done that 100miles an hour and 39 minutes quicker than our first, and I don't feel as tired after doing that 100miles" well what you could say to that is he's got fitter in the the between 5 years or so long, but he hasn't, he said that he enjoyed this ride so much as he didn't have to do anything other than steer, chat and apply the brakes occasionally; as it was on closed roads so less waiting for the traffic. The speed that we did it at was 18.4mph which was  2mph quicker than our first which was at 16.4mph, the main difference between the two rides in training have been as followed I have been training almost daily and Mich has been training occasionally on Sunday's and Wednesday's (whereas we got out almost daily before the first 100mi ride), we have got 2mph quicker, but it was on a lot flatter course so that probably means that we have got a lot slower if it was over the same course, which had 4,082ft of climbing in it whereas this one only had 1,319ft.

So I've had a little ParkRun on the first Saturday of this month, I had a 29:59 little jog. The run was a little 5k around a park, obviously, but I was doing it with my sister, Emu, and a friend of hers, I'm calling 10, who were the two people who actually did the London Marathon together the other year. I ran it quicker than both of them, but in fairness they have both become parents in the mean time, Emu is a mother and 10 is a father but not to the same children. I think that 10 may have ran it quicker in the past but Emu has never ran it quicker than I, then again Emu had only actually ran it before once, and on her first time of doing it she may have got it done quicker than the second attempt, which was expected as she hadn't ran in about 4 years; and it was before she'd had a child.

Friday 10 June 2022

What Should I Do With My Life (2)

 Now I’ve decided that I needed to do myself a follow up to the first one as I didn’t actually answer the question, I just stated somethings, of which only the first thing that I stated was actually something I could do in the future, the second was my statement about something that I did last weekend and the third was also another thing that I could do but it was mixed with something that I am doing.

So then the first thing that I have stated I could do with my life was become a Paralympian, which I would like to become as I enjoy fitness and making myself more fit and strong, pity that I am so weak, it would be a good extension to what I do on a usual basis, to become a Paralympian. But then I am unsure about how I could actually make money in doing that as a job. As aren't the Paralympics only every 4 years, well it's them every 2 years but it goes from summer to winter alternately, and the sport that I am trying to get good at is for the winter Paralympics so then I'd only be making money every 4 years. Well there maybe world champs and stuff similar for the disabled as I have been to some of the similar type of things for disabled athletics much lower down on the tables of importance. 

Then the next thing that I stated I could do was father some children, but I’d have to find a way to become financially independent first so that I could afford to raise a family. As I can’t have the state raising my children, as who knows what they’ll teach them? Some of the affirmative action rubbish? Gender Identity and Biological Sex sometimes not matching up, trans issues? I'm sorry but NO, I'd be home schooling mine, if I had any, if that rubbish was what they are pushing down the children's throats at school. I'm worried for FJM as his mother/my sister is a progressive type of person. The friend that I was conversing with also said that jobs in the Digital Industry make a decent amount of money nowadays. wow the digital I would have liked to have got into that, but I failed and nowadays I'm more interested in the real world... “Change into digital champions to save the digital world… Digimon digital monsters…” now weren’t those the days.

Then there’s those three people that think I should be a Paralympic skier, I’m very flattered by your compliments, I would seriously adore to become one- it's just I ain’t good enough for that. I never have been I can remember going to the dry ski slope with Mich all those years ago must’ve been about 19/20 years ago when we both put on skis for the first time. I was terrible at first but through perseverance I got better and then after about one year since going skiing on a dry slope I went on my first proper ski trip and I went on 4 in total at first and then I carelessly got myself struck down by a car, which led to me being put on a lot of drugs, but I don’t think that was me as I only started to come around after the doctors started weening me off from the drugs. 

So my first memories from the time after the accident were from Jailey and my home I was in a Jail bed in both as I was attempting to get myself walking again first, when my legs were very weak as I was getting pushed around in a wheelchair which I was locked into, to stop me escaping. I eventually escaped from jail, when my time was up.  

Then I had been getting fit in the gym up by my old school I had been doing that for years and then one day Mich found out about a charity, DSUK- Disability Snow Sport UK,  and he asked me if I'd like to have another go at it, which I did so I went to see James Sterry and Peter Thorpe, for tutoring, to get me skiing again which was successful. But then later on I progressed to going on another actual ski trip, with DSUK, and this time it was with Mich in tow. We did three trips with DSUK; 2018, 2019 and finally 2020, before the pandemic got in the way.

After the Pandemic so earlier on this year we were supposed to go on two ski trips, one was with DSUK, which ws cancelled due to the kung-flu, and the other was with a woman who was loosely affiliated with DSUK, but the lose affiliation went as far was she's disabled and she from the UK who used to work with the charity but since France kicked out all tuition from non French sources DSUK has stopped going to France, as they like to get their instructors around the place but then on that trip it's just a group of friends that go to ski together (no tuition needed), and this time it was with us two tagging along, as Mich had found out about it from some DSUK source. Mich prefers to go with the actual charity running the trips, but then I had my two greatest days of skiing ever on the trip that we had earlier on this year, he prefers it to be ordered chaos, where as I prefer it to be chaotically ordered I'm guessing.

The first person to give me the compliment that I should be a Paralympic skier was my Doctor who is a cray Italian woman. Well I say crazy it my just e an act to get me to relax, but who knows? Anyway she is the one that pokes my eyelids with needles, and she had been watching some YouTube video of me skiing and from a video she believes that I should become a Paralympian. Now that was before the current time of reference now I am going back to the ski trip that I went on earlier on this year, not earlier on than that first compliment, now we are going onto the ski trip that I came back from in April. The second compliment that I had came from two of the men on the trip so It's the second and third which was much the same as the first compliment, the two were both of the misconception that I should become a Paralympian. 

How am I to become a Paralympic skier? Well I know the three things I need to become a Paralympian are; 

  1. Hold a British Passport
  2. Becoming international classified so that you can compete in WPAS (World Para Alpine Skiing) sanctioned events
  3. Qualify from the criteria set out in the qualification document produced by GBS (Great Britain Snowsports)

Tuesday 7 June 2022

So what should I do with my life?

 If I was to say that I have no idea that would be partially a lie, as I have got an idea of what I could do if I'm talented enough at the thing that I have been suggested to do that is. Because I have been told that I'm a decent enough skier to become a Paralympic skier three times now, well by 3 different people but the second and third were sitting around after skiing talking about it and the first was a Doctor that had never actually seen me ski apart from on a phone's screen, I believe that it was a little YouTube video, but my beliefs are probably wrong, just as my beliefs of the route that I did for ParkRun Saturday were, I got myself lost on the route basically.

But the actual ParkRun hinge I managed to run it in 29:59, which was amazing for me, as it usually takes me between 35 minutes and 45 minutes to get a 5km course done on Zwift Run, but then I did my first 5km ParkRun, and it was ran in under 30 minutes, and today we (Mich and I) have been down to the location of the course so that Mich can gather info on the course to give me a hand with my eyes in the spots that might be quite hazardous to have an effectively blind man charging around the course, for others and myself.

Now there’s a conversation that I’ve been having with an old friend of mine it’s about children and I know that she wants to have two children, but she doubts that she will ever get them, so I offered to help her out with getting them but she has declined something about her health.  So I have been researching into the creation of the artificial womb.