Wednesday 24 October 2012

Bring Back Robot Wars

Now, honestly, what the UK nah the word needs now, is just a bit more of those mechanical mutants, called Robots to wage unwieldy war against each other once more like they have done so excellently some few times before, and it'll rid us of the recession because many people will be buying more things to do build Robots and the show has/had even more fans henceforth merchandise bring even more money into circulation, see it makes perfect sense, plus it could bring an end to the senseless killing of human life.

I know that a show that has a word that is basically violence within its title- Robots; no I'm kidding Wars- how could that be an envoy for world peace? It could be as a substitution for the bloody business of war so then we wouldn't need to hear about the 1 American soldier that has been shot dead by a rouge member of the Iraq border force. I mean that if you had robots fighting no one need die in pointless conflicts as the war on terror has become (I'm not saying there was any point to it in the first place either I'm just supposing that there must have been more to it than a counter terror terror attack).

Hoe to bring about world peace with that television show?
Relatively simply in actual fact as you just have to run a television program about these robotic warriors within every country around the globe each having their own competition so then the UK, USA, China, Russia, France, Poland, Germany, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa. Peru, Mexico and the rest of the globe each have their own leagues from about March to July then take August off back on the TV for the complete world championships with the top say 2 teams from each country competing for the world title from September to January leaving February free.

This plan might get the global economy going again as the global demand for parts some may decided to build it out of scrap metal like from the bonnet of a car others may decide to build their robots out of brand new sheets of ... Metal, Polycarbonate or any other material. Any weapon minus projectiles as they may endanger the audience..

How the broadcasting networks would be able to gather the funds too keep broadcasting it is simple at the start of every league the competitors have to pay a modest fee and then the people that are running it lease out stall space for sellers of new parts/motors batteries for the robots/controllers even have have some food stalls for the viewers and competitors. Then you will need price's for the tickets so that everyone who wants to view for either an adult or a child.

Monday 22 October 2012

Beyond wonderland

Beyond Wonderland is a comic book series/a series of graphic novels.

But that isn't the most interesting I managed to find  a copy of issue one online and I thought it was good so I decided to share it with you, everyone that may actually decide to break a habit of a lifetime and actually visit my blog? Doesn't seem likely some how.

But as the Doctor has said about humanity that all of us are in fact creatures of hope so this is my attempt to conform with that stereotype, I know but I know I am more of creature of hopelessness as especally within emotional terms, as I never seem to have the correct regions of my brain deployed at the correct time.
And as stared earlier (sorry about the tangent) here it is issue 1 of Beyond Wonderland.

Friday 19 October 2012


So what is everyone doing for Halloween this year? If anything, plus by everyone I mean out of everyone that just so happens to find their way to this shady corner of the internet, does the internet have corners I didn't think it did; then why did state it.

I was watching the first Resident Evil film yesterday and I'm watching the second today.

And I have had a lot of ideas for costumes one of them is and it is Nemesis,

There also is Max, Doctor Ashford, Any Zombie, Lloyd Jefferson Wade, any of the stars agents, one of the umbrella corporations workers, Alice, Jill valentine, Angie Ashford, One off the creatures that were created by injecting the t-virus into living tissue.

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Where is mystique's genital area? I wouldn't usually ask but I have recently been watching the X-Men films and it occurred tome that the actual mystique in all of her blue glory has nothing down there (in the positions that you'd usually find them, on boring old homo sapiens

I mean look at the below images

How does she pee for starters, or does all of the liquid she has consumed come out of her body other ways, for example overly active swet glands?

Secondly how does she reproduce? Aurally, anally or by some other means entirely like an asexual means of being impregnated for example empathetically?

Monday 15 October 2012

Islamic Disgrace?

Watch the above clip or just read what I have written below about the content of the video

Such pitiful men yelling what sound like to me nonsense and probably disgracing every Muslim man, women and child that have managed to integrate themselves into modern western society. I know who Allah is for them not personally but their self-righteous smugness told me about their Gods.

My Comment

I kind of already know what all of the nonsense would have been about as one of my Islamic friends from college told me I think what he said was a load of trash about Allah being all powerful when we that If that’s the case my imaginary friend Jeff is standing right behind you with his hands clenched around your nec, but alas he’s not he’s not even a real imaginary friend just like Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, God, Osiris, Horus, Isis, Hathor, Thor, Odin, Freya, Hela, Zeus, Apollo. Hera, Athena, Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu and even Buddha.

The desecration of a flag is one thing but then justifying your actions by the principles behind the flag and then abusing the right given to you by the flag by attempting to get more followers, is just rude and uncalled for.

Muslims in Texas desecrate the US's flag, now how interesting would that be?

Thursday 4 October 2012

Funeral Plan

So here's my funeral plan

Now (hang on I'm not dead at the moment or am I and this blog is just a product of a computer system, an extremely stupid one at that). OK so assuming that I am a human not just some screwed up computer or computer virus,When I die I would like my physical body to be recycled back into the food chain this could be as food for any number of animals like lions, tigers, crocodiles, sharks or humans, I'm not fussed I won't need my body any more,

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Anatomically Incorrect Hearts

Well have you seen those little anatomically incorrect hearts if not you're lucky but I'm afraid your luck is about to run out but don't worry as I shall attempt to rectify that  with an illustration of an anatomically correct heart and a picture of a real heart at the end.

Now that is an over simplified honestly pathetic image of a illustration of heart on to now the really hearty stuff, (did you understand the pun)

Now that looks tasty, bon appetite.