Wednesday 29 August 2012

God, the American disgrace

Chapter 0: Introduction 

The main reason of me typing this is because I want to have my say, which is impossible as i can't speak so I would like to have my writing add available so that potentially anyone could read it, on what I, probably shouldn't. As under any other circumstances I wouldn't care what is happening way over there west in the USA as I have never been over the proverbial pond, which is in fact an ocean not a pond; the North Atlantic Ocean.

  I shall probably never go the USA unless I am extradited over there for crimes against God & Country, which I wouldn't understand as there is no god and that would be me getting charged for something which is actually anti American constitution the very first amendment in actual fact where it says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." so if you hear but America is a Christian nation, founded on Christian values, please may you tell them to stop BSing themselves, they are giving off quite a bad aroma. The anti American scum. Then the majority of people that use that insult towards the Americans are in-fact proud Americans so proud of that insult they almost wear it as if it is a badge of honour.

So that I have called my next E Book "God, the American disgrace" I may transform it into an actual book as well adding extra content in the process but that will only be feasible if I get enough interest within this copy of the book. 

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