Friday 31 August 2012

Basic Binary

Well I was thinking out some stuff that I think is "cool" and I thought that binary was cool.

1/0 is a singular bit in binary

Basically what I am telling you here is the total of the bits if it is on (1) with the correct number of 0's behind after it.

e.g. 11=2 bits, as a 1 would be 10101 would equal 5 bits(16+4+1=21)

1=1 bit
2=2 bits
4=3 bits
8=4 bits
16=5 bits
32=6 bits
64=7 bits

I have only done up to 64 for now but I will continue maybe

10=2 11=3
100=4 101=5 110=6 111=7
1000=8 1001=9 1010=10 1011=11 1100=12 1101=13 1110=14 1111=15
10000=16 10001=17 10010=18 10011=19 10100=20 10101=21 10110=22 10111=23 11000=24 11001=25 11010=26 11011=27 11111=28 11101=29 11110=30 11111=31
100000=32 100001=33 100010=34 100011=35 100100=36 100101=37 100110=38 100111=39 101000=40 101001=41 101010=42 101011=43 101100=44 101101=45 101110=46 101111=47 110000=48 110001=49 110010=50 110011=51 110100=52 110101=53 110110=54 110111=55 111000=56 111001=57 111010=58 111011=59 111100=60 111101=61 111110=62 111111=63

Thursday 30 August 2012

Wow that was spectacular 

I have just been struck dumb, no I was already speechless, so what should it be "I was sitting down in awe"? (more correct but has less of a ring to it) in whilest watching the Paralympics opening ceremony after hearing Stephen Hawking and his amazing words for opening the para Olyimpics, well I'll give you this he didn't actually create the words he was using but he choose the order and he selected them and he got his machine to speak them or him so in that method the words were his. How awesome was the para Olyimpics opening ceremony in comparison to the able bodied Olyimpics opening ceremony  it was much better in my opinion. Now I can't wait until they get all of the Para Olyimpics events underway.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

God, the American disgrace

Chapter 0: Introduction 

The main reason of me typing this is because I want to have my say, which is impossible as i can't speak so I would like to have my writing add available so that potentially anyone could read it, on what I, probably shouldn't. As under any other circumstances I wouldn't care what is happening way over there west in the USA as I have never been over the proverbial pond, which is in fact an ocean not a pond; the North Atlantic Ocean.

  I shall probably never go the USA unless I am extradited over there for crimes against God & Country, which I wouldn't understand as there is no god and that would be me getting charged for something which is actually anti American constitution the very first amendment in actual fact where it says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." so if you hear but America is a Christian nation, founded on Christian values, please may you tell them to stop BSing themselves, they are giving off quite a bad aroma. The anti American scum. Then the majority of people that use that insult towards the Americans are in-fact proud Americans so proud of that insult they almost wear it as if it is a badge of honour.

So that I have called my next E Book "God, the American disgrace" I may transform it into an actual book as well adding extra content in the process but that will only be feasible if I get enough interest within this copy of the book. 

Tuesday 28 August 2012

How many churches

Now I have been on a holiday, my families holiday (well in actual fact it's more of a family +1 holiday the +1 is my elder sisters boyfriend) but this holiday is weird for another reason. The other reason was is that we have gone to a sea side, the GB sea side Weymouth; I know it's in England which isn't strange the majority of my family holidays have been in England, or within the UK as I have been to Scotland a few times and I think Wales about once, and I think that I went to Ireland once but that must be something so close to 20 years that I can't even remember but I dought that would have part of the UK as it was probably southern Ireland and the next other country that I have been to is France a couple of times. Well the supriseing thing about this holiday comes in the fact that this time we're in Dorset there's no mountainous areas around these parts where's the fun in that?

The reason why I have named this post so many Churches is because I have realised that all of the streets towns and cities of England have been pollute with the same scourge, (and yes I am useing the word scourge in the correct context) That has polluted every part of the world that it has reached and no one must forget about the CoE a corruption which has got itself into the main stream media oh so long ago.

How many churches in the town that I live in there is at least 5 but the numbers of chores there are in other places throughout the relatively small amount of this country that I have seenis truly staggering, if in America has any places the same size as my home town I wonder how many Christian churches there would have to be in that town?