Sunday 1 April 2012

Wow how snazzy

In the title of this blogspot post I am not talking about any of you guy's/gal's, nope doesn't look correct I'll stick to calling my viewers people even though I could be incorrect... Ok now what was snazzy again? Oh, obviously it's this gadget that I'm typing this dialogue onto it was a gift that I received yesterday as it was my anniversary of my existence yesterday, “yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away,” now I should really stop plagiarising the lyrics of that amazing Beatles song. Please don't tell me you don’t know who the Beatles were, and no I'm not referring to the mini-beast, I'm referring to the old band the Beatles. But now on with the Tale as declared earlier I'm typing about a gift that I received yesterday, on the anniversary of my existence. It’d called an iPad, youtube looks funny on it but it sounds clearer than on my PC’s but it’s probably a temporary thing, as in it’s just because it’s new and I haven’t gotten used to it yet but “I'm not ok, you wear me out” as plagiarised from a single by My Chemical Romance and their awesome song (I promise that I believe the two songs mentioned are both awesome).

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