Tuesday 17 April 2012

Penn and Teller:Holier Than Thou

This should be the last episode of Penn and Teller that I am broadcasting, today at least

And this one highlights two of the world’s greatest faith con-artists,

In terms of Mother Teresa, real name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhui, who was a religious zealot, As well as one of the greatest most bigoted people ever become a profit of a faith.

And yes he did exist

As he was Ghandi and just as proof that he existed you can see his grandson.

Phrases of wisdom from Penn and Teller

1. the enemy of my enemy is not my friend

2. The lesser of two evils is still evils

3. Remember this there is no such thing as holier than thou

4. And my favourite Christopher Hitchens saying

“Faith is the surrender of the mind, it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other animals. It's our need to believe and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. ... Out of all the virtues, all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated”

Penn and Teller: Creationism

It's time for another Penn and Teller religous satire,

But this timer it's about creation "science"

Penn and Teller: Bible, real facts?

Please watch this whole program and just remmber "Elvis did no drugs." but I do not know check for yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elvis_Presley

Penn and Teller logically being speculative.

What is religion to you?

This is a list of all of the answers I have collated thus far;
But if you have a point of veiw on this topic please write it inside the comments section below, or alturuntly you coud pm me.
A place for weirdoes

A bunch of not provable stories giving people false hope


Religion is a means of explaining a belief and cultures of various groups of people

Something that gives people hope when they are down

It’s a thing that people can believe in to give them hope or something to help them guide their lives on.

A load of poo

Basically a whole load of socially excepted lies, and if you don‘t accept them as fact in some places of the world, like America (USA) or Iran, you could be killed or worse.

Saturday 14 April 2012

I am for the higher taxes..

I am for the higher tax rates on the churches it will get some more of the money that is horded by the churches in circulation and as all of these people like Harriet Harman, whom is the deputy leader of the labour party, was saying “that it’ll close down many of the churches, with them falling to pieces” as if it was a bad thing; of which I personally cannot see. 

But couldn’t God within his capacity, of being Omniscient and within all knowledge that comes with all of that foresee this entire eventuality and divinely intervene to save all of his churches? Or is it due to the fact that his powers are limited therefore him not being Omnipotent, and if it is Omnipresent meaning everywhere at once why has it not attempted to stop me from writing this work of a heretical nature and he hasn’t ever attempted to stop any of my teachers from passing on this crucial information that I pass on to you now, 

There is no god, now you could attempt to prove something adverse of that statements do not allow me to stop you. Just please allow me time to study the evidence and I’ll get back to you either disproving it or conceiving that you are correct like I have done with the statement that in the new testament some of the morals that “Jesus” states are moral but he advocates the murder of whole civilisations, from in the old testament. As if any supposedly morally righteous being would bother sending a human to any planet which has as large of history of violence within the species that inhabit it as this planet has which has generally been caused by the superstitious minds of the negligent masses, such as Harriet Harman.

And that leads me on to the forth of the Omni four that God supposedly is and it is the most fictitious of all, it’s the “Godly” capacity of Omnibenevolence or his all goodness/lovingness, where on earth is all of al goodness within any of the wars like the first World War and the second World War but how about the Libyan civil war and the 2012 South Sudan–Sudan border conflict or even within the many on-going wars aka conflicts? like the 2011–2012 Yemeni revolution, 2011–2012 Syrian uprising, Sudan internal conflict (2011–), War in Somalia (2009–present), 2011–2012 Libyan factional fighting, Tuareg rebellion (2012).

Well all of this typing about God has got me wondering what does the Bible teach about such matters, and what it does teach is the fiction that god is all 4 of these Omni properties which is in direct contradiction to my sense which could mean either one of two things. One that God is a character of theist’s imaginations and the Bible is just another book which was wrote a long time ago by people that just wanted power over the minds of the people whom served them. Two is that it just can’t be bothered anymore so it’s off someplace else doing better things with his time which is all time, oh yes it’s confusing how can have all time to do whatever it wants at any certain time and but it’s seeming doing nothing.

If you want an alternative (opposite) view on the Biblical teaching about God you could go to:

Have you ever heard the phrase...

Have you ever heard the phrase “There is no greater LOVE, than the LOVE one has for themselves”? of which I have just leant means “No one can know love until they know how to love themselves. Some people may serve themselves or even pretend to love themselves. But the truth reveals itself when you see how they treat themselves: the way they treat their bodies, the situations they put themselves in, things like that.” thank you Ana Thema for side stepping the initial question to give a brilliant objective answer click http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080304064859AAI5K3m to see the question and the many answers are just Christians explain their own personal beliefs and about how false the statement is. But What I would like to ask the theist nut jobs why if god loves all of his creations does he allow genocides as well as the multiple that he inflicted upon us in the bible? But all I can say about the biblical genocides is the facts that none of them actually happened, or if they did Your God friend is so good at cleaning up after himself, then he must have just have forgotten about the many different species of dinosaurs that he trapped under the surface of this planet’s “skin”, and I do not remember anything about dinosaurs underneath the earth that we live on in the bible.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Attempting to make sense of the bible

Yahweh isn't an upstanding figure of morality, if he was why did it kill every living thing on the planet, Genesis chapters 6-9 the "Great Flood" which is unverifiable. Now if say that you don’t believe that the flood actually happened then I would type that that I agree with you, but if there was ever a time, in the past that the complete surface of this planet was water it’d have been a lot longer time ago than the bible allows but that's enough about that particular part of the Genesis chapter I’ve still  got the first 5 chapters of the first sub book of the bible to go through before I get to Genesis chapter 6. 

So here goes...

Genesis chapter 1  the text surrounding verse numbers 1 and 2 It ia from the new international version of the bible:
“1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”

Just out of curiosity did the man that was writing this passage mean the sky? Not the literal heavens? Because if it did it would make more sense elsewise you have just annulled your very own judgement day concept, which may just be my personal perception of your, or just another, nonsense story book. Just a quick recap of the tall tale so far God has already created the heavens and the earth and that is it and he is still in darkness and the spirit of god is hovering over waters which he hasn’t yet created, so he didn’t create water? If that is so it means that water was here, in the vacuum of nothingness which we (human kind, most of us) call space before the Universe began now honestly that is unbelievable. 

Now I shall stop at that if you have an answer to my question or you could answer either of my questions please type it into the comments spot below, or if you have any other comments that could help me in my quest to understand these scriptures.

AV explained once more

Well I have just had AV explained yo me again by this CGP Grey character

andall I can say is that it seems fairer since you put it like this but I also like his honesty.

Monday 9 April 2012


2150 is the year that it has been said that this little rock in the great expanse of space shall hold its first global parliament, how do I know? It told me on star trek obviously. So it's just 138 more years until global unity under one power, but it could potentially be already if Hitler's plans succeeded but they didn't which is just as well they didn't otherwise I probably wouldn't be sitting down typing this today, I probably wouldn't exist. But if I live to 158/138 more years, which I highly doubt; besides I am hoping that I die long before then. Anyway Mr Adolf could be called the estranged uncle of our modern day morality for providing an almost perfect example of what not to do while you are alive, the oonly greater example is the God of the bible/the perfect example.

Thursday 5 April 2012

How big is the univese

2 trillion degrees Celsius?


This is just amazing.


Woah this is intrestingg.

Wednesday 4 April 2012

What shall I listen to this night?

Well this is more of a rhetorical and inaccurate question.

As I am just about to listen to this. it is about those of us, homo-sapiens generally that never believed in un natural phenomenon, as god so blatantly is.