Friday 26 August 2011

My Analysis

This is my analysis on a piece of text, status, which a friend posted on faceybook. What she posted shall be coloured in red, as a charmanders flame which is on it's tail.

Your sister is your first friend in life.

This statement is incorrect. As my first friend wasn’t either of my sisters. It was a male called Connor if I remember correctly.

No one will ever understand your crazy family like your sister.

No I’m almost sorry to correct you again none of my family understand me mot one of my sisters no one.

Even if you don't get together or talk as much as you could, she'll always remain your friend!

No she won’t at least not if you never befriended her.

A sister will hold your hand for a little while,

No I have never asked ether of them to hold my hand and I probably never will, and for what reason? As I am not that illogical.

The next part of this message is a whole load of text that maybe true in TC’s (but not Top Cat’s) case but I don’t see how such emotions could be used in the case of siblings.Honestly the wording sickened me.

Monday 22 August 2011



Atheism isn’t another blind faith which can’t be backed up by any facts.

It’s more of a collection of people who call themselves atheists.

The atheists are the people who aren’t gullible enough to believe in any faith; some may say that we think too much to be fooled with the promise of an eternal torment of a soul.

Anyway I am currently an atheist my religious journey went something which isn’t too dissimilar to this;

My life in religions

0-8 about I naively believed in god

As I didn’t know you couldn’t, we only ever went to church on religious occasions like Christmas and even then only with school, alas I forget, probably as I have never remembered, my christening which was my first altercation with any religion.

8-12 about I was unsure/agnostic/I believed in The Triforce, Din, Nayru and Farore.

So within this section of four years of my life I was unsure about all of the uncertain factors that religion was created of, probably as I started thinking and I had, very basic, knowledge of other religions and a couple of similarities and the differences between them, like the Christian church states that there is only one God that does everything, then what is mother nature? if not some kind of deity.

12-Present I am now an atheist,

I am an atheist now because I have studied all of the data that I was given at younger ages and I reached the decision that if I was to believe in a God it wouldn’t be one that is as spiteful and glorified as the Christian one, and I would rather believe in a much older religion like the Egyptian one but even that isn’t old enough to go all of the way back to show some correlation with the Dinosaurs. So I know they came extinct at some point BC but if there was a God it would surely turn up about then or earlier alongside with the first one cell creatures (or potentially smaller) to have come to this planet.

If you’d like to search on the internet (google) what atheism is you should find all of this;

Web definitions

the doctrine or belief that there is no God

a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods

(atheist) related to or characterized by or given to atheism; "atheist leanings"

(atheist) someone who denies the existence of god

(atheistic) rejecting any belief in gods

Atheism, in a broad sense, is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities.

(Atheist (band)) Atheist is a technical death metal band from Florida, founded in 1984, whose music combined metal riffs with subtle latin music arrangements and jazz fusion. ...

(ATHEIST) Someone who believes that there is no God.

(Atheist) A person who believes in Atheism.

(ATHEIST) One who has no use for god. Link to the world atheist web site.

(Atheist (n)) Someone without friends (see god)

(Atheist) One who rejects or is unaware of theism.

(Atheist) The Greek for God was theos; when the j prefix a was placed before it, we get the origin j of "atheism," signifying a denial of the god, or gods. ... dictionary.htm

(atheist) One who denies the existence of God, and therefore also rejects all religion. (Compare {agnostic}.) Because they thereby put their own thinking ahead of God's, they become guilty of self-worship, a form of idolatry. (Psa 14:1; see the Insight book [it] article on IDOLATRY. ...

An atheist is an individual who denies the existence of gods or any other divine beings. Atheists often criticize religions on the grounds that they are illogical and contain weird beliefs. ...

(Gr. "godlessness"). Denial of the existence of God. An atheist accepts only the material and physical world or what can be proven by reason.…

The belief that God does not exist.

Belief that god does not exist. Unlike the agnostic, who merely criticizes traditional arguments for the existence of a deity, the atheist must offer evidence (such as the problem of evil) that there is no god or propose a strong principle for denying what is not known to be true. ...

Possessing no belief in an omnipotent deity, or finding no need to ponder the existence of a deity. For some, atheism implies the denial a deity exists, as opposed to non-belief. Existential atheism is an active debate, not to be confused with agnosticism.

Strictly speaking this means the denial of a theistic god, i.e., a god that meddles in our day-to-day life. It is often expanded to include the denial of any gods or goddesses. One of my favorite definitions is: Believing in one less god than Christians/Muslims/Jews.

Atheists In modern times, those who do not accept the monotheistic Christian God or any god. It formerly signified those who did not believe in the accepted divinity or divinities of the State or populace.

Denies the existence of any God, thought it is traditionally focused on the rejection of the Biblical God.

The rejection of all religion or religious belief, or simply the belief that God or Gods do not exist. See: Charvaka, materialism, nastika.…

Saturday 20 August 2011

Star Trek

Star Trek is, or was, a very good Television program, in my opinion obviously.

I'm not even talking about the clothing that the female members of the crew wear in series 1 season 1 at least when it's little more that big T-shirt, I haven't got around to watching every episode yet as I have only just finished Star Trek the original series season 1 so far, 29 episodes.

As I remember watching a couple of the episodes when it was on the Television, with Captain Kirk, played by William Shatner, I can't remember what age I was it must have been 30 years old or something like that though.

I am watching Star Trek the original series for the time being.

But then I can remember a little bit from the next generation, but then Voyager and Enterprise, but I can't remember anything about Deep Space Nine or the animated series.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

My apologies

It is to my understanding that I have disturbed one of my longest serving friends, in A H.

As I was unaware of the personal significance within the lyrics that she had chosen, I still am to a degree but now that I know that I know that is the case I shall try to amend the occurrence.

By offering my most profound apologies and a promise avoid any circumstance like this happening in the future I shall ask of the people which are included within the posts permission before I publish.

Sunday 14 August 2011

It's an age thing

Well I have decided to protect this website from youths because I had some decidedly dodgy stuff on this website.

Friday 12 August 2011

Hello Mr spider

I am writing this because I put a hat on soon after I returned from the wretched hair dressers, I hate the hair dressers. They circle round your head with scissors which would be ok if they cut something more interesting than hair.
BUT the hair dresser she cut my fringe so my hair no longer feels ok,
But not the usual one or two CM's trim, why oh why?
Sorry I got distracted, and there you were sitting (can spiders even sit down) no sorry I meant dangling from the peak of my hat,

But any way Mr spider I don’t even know if you are male or female spider [which can be unfortunate if I suddenly discovered that you were a female].

Thursday 11 August 2011

Another chapter of another (unfinished) story that I have wrote

This chapter has an age rating of 18+


If there was anyone in the same carriage, of the train, they would have heard a loud puffing, panting and the occasional orgasmic scream, from the people inside of the compartment, coming from inside of the central compartment within the carriage which now had one steamed up window. That had been going on for the last 5 or so minutes when an announcement over the in train intercom system said,
“Train arrival in 2 minutes” the two of them were a little startled,
They broke out of each others arms both of them dusted themselves down adjusted there underwear the female and the male did this but the male also did up his flies,
Then 1 minute passed and the train stopped at a platform.
The male and female embraced once more before stepping out of the compartment and they swiftly disembarked from the train.

“Hello Nicky” said a woman to the female as she was going passing through the station,
“Oh hello sis” Nicky said to the woman,
This was as the woman was Nicky’s younger sister, Kayleigh.
“Will?” Kayleigh said inquiringly, in the format which meant where is he?
“Just behind me somewhere” she spoke confidently,
Then he suddenly appeared next to Nicky.
“Hello Kay” he stated casually,
William was a 6 foot male but with longish brown hair and brown eyes, he was Nicky’s boy friend and she was his girl friend, Nicky was shorter than William by approximately 3 inches, but she had her hair cut into a short but her hairs colouring was a dark brown/red hair colour and also had brown eyes. This “Kay” person had long blonde hair with dark green eyes but she was slightly taller than her older sister, Nicky.
“Will,” Kay returned and fastened her eyes upon her sister, “so Nicky did you two had a nice journey?”
Nicky turned toward William smiled broadly and then nodded before saying “yes, it was the best”
“Could you please fill out these forms describing about why you liked it so?” Kayleigh requested, as she handed half a dozen forms to Nicky,
“Ok could I please borrow a pen?” Nicky asked,
“Just go sit down at a desk over there,” Kayleigh stated as she pointed to the desks on the left hand side of the intercontinental train side check in lounge, the ones with the pens stood up on the right hand side corners.

Whilst they were filling out the form Kayleigh got messaged by her superiors within the train tours company, she was wondering what it could be about.
“Kayleigh” a mans voice hollered down the corridor,
“Yes sir” Kayleigh spoke timidity back,
“We’ve been watching you closely this past month,” said another voice.
Kayleigh gulped,
“And we have...” spoke a third voice,
“Collectively” added in the second voice,
“... Decided to make you” said the third again,
Kayleigh was curious, she could hear herself saying “what have you decided to make me? The acting CEO?” in her head.
“Into a train,”
All of the excitement/anticipation rushed out of her face,
“Not literally” the third clarified, “as that would include murder.”
“So what we would like you to do is simple,” said the first.
Kayleigh spoke 3 words, “what is it”.
“Well next door there is a machine that you are required to lay down in,” said the first “The machine will isolate your body from your head and it shall pour a solution of plaster of Paris over your body so then they’ll have a replica of your body to build the main train component around.”
“Do you mean the engine?” Kayleigh chipped in.
“Yes, yes” he admitted sounding stupid,
“But we’d like your pretty little face to be the face of the train,” said the second attempting to flatter Kayleigh “for this we’ll need to take a photograph of your pretty face.”
Kayleigh wondered why they had picked her out loud.
The third man answered you have been our most successful employee since we opened 50 years ago, having sold the most holidays to people in your 5 years of employment so we’d like to commemorate this fact by building a train.”
“Thank you,” Kayleigh stated in bemusement “I would like to accept that proposal.”
“Good good,” spoke the first “you can leave now,”
He added the last bit onto the end as Kayleigh was already at the door just waiting for permission to leave, so she left.

Mean while Nicky and William were discussing filling out the form,
They had completed the form and were waiting until Kayleigh would return so they could give the form back.
William got his Playstation Vita out of his rucksack and started playing a version of GTA on it then Nicky decided to get her Nintendo DS and Nintendogs which she retrieved out of the same rucksack
Suddenly Kayleigh appeared,
“You look excited” Nicky said to Kayleigh,
“Oh do I,” said William “I’m just about to have completed GTA for the 5th time,”
“No not you I mean Kayleigh” Nicky corrected,
“Oh does she now?” William looked up to see an ecstatic Kayleigh, grinning from ear to ear.
“Soon,” spoke Kayleigh, “you will be able to ride on me from this station.”
“What?!” Nicky exclaimed in a questioning manner.
“They are going to make a train which looks like me” replied Kayleigh,
“Ok” said Nicky slightly disturbed at the thought of riding her sister.
“Good bye, Kay,” spoke William “we better be off now; it was good catching up with you.”
“Ok bye, Nicky, William,”
“Bye” said Nicky walking slowly backwards away from Kayleigh,
The two of them turned around a walked away towards the main entrance of the station the door to the station car park was off to the left from the entrance.
But when the two of them reached the entrance they both turned around and looked up as they knew that the directions to the car park was sign posted just above the check in desks which they were walking away from, they looked and saw that they would have to go left so they turned that way and walked.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

My idea for a 3DS streetpass event

Well this is an idea for a European 3DS street pass event It shall take place on the 25th of October on the day of the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony.
It shall take place in London around the HMV Hammersmith Apollo,
Click here to find out more click London if you want to order seats
Or you could go Here to Book tickets.
So if you are planning on going to this celebration and you have got a 3DS please bring it along with you.