Thursday 28 February 2013

When does life start? & Engage the Freak Part 1

I have decided to make this topic another one of my more sincere posts. not that I'm not sincere when I'm usually writing but now I'm not writing a story. for the length of this post; and I'm saving my plans for the Great British monarchy for later another time or date (I haven't decided yet), but I believe that this can be a controversial topic of discussion with some people saying that life starts at conception so if you or I killed a pregnant woman you or I should be sentence to have killed one plus how ever many babies that were in her uterus, but then others believe that it starts at birth, which I think is more plausible.
Now I know what you could think about this half theory conspiracy theory but it's with my mission to be more open minded to all possibilities irrespective of how slim or vast they could be, so here goes.

Engage the Freak Part 1: :how do you know that yesterday happened? Memories, the additional couple of bits of wear and tear, the decreasing storage space on your computing devices, and finally your progression throughout other things like games.
There's actually no reason for yesterday even happening it could have just been put in my head by some other freak (my definition of the word freak please read the final paragraph), this very moment may be unreal but the only thing that I am certain of is that I am conscious at the moment but I could be mistaken I just won't ever know, unless this is an elaborate dream state that I am in.

Discounting that freaky little discourse and getting back onto the initial question of when does life start I guess that you are going to decided for yourselves but me being the freak that I am going to have to say that my lufe didn'tmay have started at my birth but that was just the chemicals that formed me.

Freak is what I am and what everyone is even if your not a real persons conciseness how are we to know any difference, which leads onto the question of what's real? then you may state anything that can be touched or felt then by that definition the internet is defined as unreal, so is everything that is stored on your computer, so then my life is basically unreal.

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