Thursday 26 January 2012

Mr Dio M and I have a philosophical debate

this was the video that I sent to Dio of which I started off this debate with.

if you think through that way, yes you have a point.

Correction if I think it through, any single way that Darkmatter2525 has a point,

However, whatever gods do has a purpose.

Hang on a second but isn’t it in your bible that forgiveness is a better tool than murder? Or is that just your new son of god guy, who was acting against his own father technically, and in doing that defying another commandment?

God wants us to look up to him, to believe on him and knowing that he exist.

I’m sorry to tell you this, I’m not really it’s just one of those things that you have to say, that no self-respecting god would put his name to this fictional event and just so you know I don’t feel at all like worshiping your vain, arrogant, homicidal, pitiless, monster of a god but I am thinking that if your god is real, and then in turn the Devil/Satan I am going to visit Satan as that is the more moral of the two.

If he gave everyone heart attack and kills them in an istant, noone would know that it was god that done it.

But as it was who supposedly wrote about the flood? But if he selected a group of people to survive as he may have done with Noah and then why is there absolutely no evidence that the world was ever submerged under such a torrent of water? If your god truly had any intelligence then he would have left at least some clues instead of leaving it alone for all this time?

God was trying to imply how powerful he is, he can do whatever he likes and he can do anything.

Or not in the case of the flood, as you should take up a course in history, ancient history.

He makes everything possible.

Or not as it turns out to be.

he dont hesitate to kill all the sinners.

Well if “he don’t” then why am I still here?

However, by the coming of jesus christ, which we celebrate every year, absolve all our sins and gives us chance to repent and to be in the right way.

So your saying that he son was cursed upon the human race, just to die as your god apparently knew before sending him down here as isn’t he omniscient (all knowing)? and no not everyone celebrate the day for your selfish religions means do you even know the origins of Christmas, I’ll send you a link to it at another time via facebook.

for example, why does god allows all this calamities on all these countries like tsunamies, earthquake, floods that kills a lot of innocent ppl and destroying building, business and much more.

Ok now there are logical scientific explanations for all of these natural phenomena than you saying that it was your all merciful good guy, whom is seeming more like the terrorist Saddam Hussein but according to your scriptures he was great a lot like Saddam Hussein was to his followers.

The reasion why is that, god is calling us. Its a calling for us, its a test on how we respond to it.

Please allow me to reiterate (translate) what you have typed into more tangible (understandable) English “well it’s a test, you see,” which leaves me with the question why is he calling to us, and how does he expect us condemned people to respond to it, as if what you are chirping on about has any impact on how I concave the world and your honestly ludicrous religion.

He wants us to share our wealth and to care to our brothers and sisters. It may look cruel because a lot of innoccent ppl have been affected, but deeply its not.

Does he, really? Is it/he really not cruel? Deeply do you even know the meaning of the word deeply, within the context that you are on about? If so then please enlighten me as it must be a definition that I have never heard of before. But I do not even once remember me referring to the natural occurrences of the earth as cruel.

Happy are the good once that has been taken bcos they go straight to the kingdom of god and bad for those who are bad cos they go straight to hell.

So in which one’s would you class me as, I hope it’d be hell,

Ok I wish you have a great time with your amoral (not moral) giver of your morals who still has in his bloody book that you have to burn witches and he was a monster and a pirate as well, if you’re unsure of what I mean by this, then I mean that your bloody book of fairy tales (the bible) how many other religions from before of it did your religion steal it’s talks from.

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